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Kruse Genealogy and Kruse Family History Information

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  • Anne Iversdatter Vind (c.1550 - bef.1622)
  • Max Kruse (1854 - 1942)
    Carl Max Kruse (14 April 1854, Berlin - 26 October 1942, Berlin) was a German sculptor and member of the Berlin Secession. His wife was the doll-maker and designer Käthe Kruse.From 1874 to 1877, he att...
  • Christoffer Enevoldsen Kruse, til Balle og Vingegaard (1460 - 1546)
    Enevoldsen Kruse , til Balle og Vingegaard
  • Carl D Kruse (1829 - 1905)
    Dietrich Kruse was born in Germany in 1829. As a single man he arrived in Lyttelton in January 1856 on the second voyage of the „Isabella Hercus‟. A blacksmith by trade, he set up a business in Papanui...

About the Kruse surname


Kruse ist eine niederdeutsche Form des Namens Krause und kommt häufiger im Norden, besonders in Ostfriesland vor.

Der Familienname Krause ist ein Übername, der sich ursprünglich auf das krause Haar des Namensträgers bezog