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Kaine Genealogy and Kaine Family History Information

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  • Jaiden Kaine
    Jaiden Kaine is a Cuban-American actor. He is known for his breakout role as Oswall Swann in Ridley Scott's Killing Lincoln and Beau on The Vampire Diaries.[1][2] He has Cuban, Irish, and Antiguan ance...
  • Margaret Stoodley (1836 - 1903)
    Margaret Stoodley formerly Kain epassed claim on her land derived through Ngati kahungunu at Wairarapa and East Coast to Crown 14th Feb 1855 Stoodley and Studeley have been suggested. Margaret Stoodle...
  • Te Maia (deceased)
    Margaret was born in Cloudy Bay, Queen Charlotte Sounds in 1836. Her father was Thomas Kaine who had a shore whaling station in a bay which bears his name today – Tom Kaines Bay. He is listed in the fi...
  • Thomas Kaine (deceased)
    Thomas Kaine and two other sailors (John Smith and Henry Rummidge) were drowned off Banks Peninsula on 7 July 1839. The men were working for George Hempleman out of Peraki Bay on the south of the penin...
  • Tim Kaine, Governor, U.S. Senator
    2016 Democratic Nominee for Vice President (CNN) Hillary Clinton has chosen Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine to be her running mate, turning to a steady and seasoned hand in government to fill out the Democrati...

About the Kaine surname

Olin 13 aastane, kui kooliülesandeks oli uurida oma perekonnanime päritolu kohta. Vanaema Vaike käest küsisin siis, kust tuleb mulle perenimeks "Kaine". Tema mõtles natuke, naeratas ja ütles, et kui meie esivanematele nimesid jagati, siis meie esivanemad olid tuntud just selle poolest, et tilkagi alkoholi ei tarbinud. Kas see tegelikult nii ikkagi oli?