Margaret Stoodley

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Margaret Stoodley (Kaine)

Birthplace: Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand
Death: June 25, 1903 (66-67)
Christchurch, Christchurch City, Canterbury, New Zealand
Place of Burial: Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Thomas Kaine and Te Maia
Ex-wife of James John Rainer Stoodley
Mother of Sarah Elizabeth Benge; Matilda Benge and Stoodley Stoodley

Managed by: Private User
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Immediate Family

About Margaret Stoodley

Margaret Stoodley formerly Kain epassed claim on her land derived through Ngati kahungunu at Wairarapa and East Coast to Crown 14th Feb 1855 Stoodley and Studeley have been suggested.

Margaret Stoodley's Claims in Wairarapa District:

Margaret was born in Cloudy Bay, Queen Charlotte Sounds in 1836. Her father was Thomas Kaine who had a shore whaling station in a bay which bears his name today – Tom Kaines Bay. He is listed in the file in Christchurch Public Library as a Pre-Adamite. Her mother was Te Maia a member of the Ngati Kahungunu Iwi from the Wairarapa. He died in a whaling accident on the 7th of July 1839.

She had two daughters Sarah Elisabeth and Matilda, both married Benge's and died young in childbirth. She also had two young babies die. One in 1856 that lived for 20hrs and one in 1857 that lived for 23 days.

Margaret left her husband James and there are some detailed reports of this in the months and years that followed. She died in the Queens Jubilee Memorial Home in Woolston, Christchurch 25/06/1903, aged 67 and is buried in the Linwood Cemetery in an unmarked grave.

You can find multiple items about her divorce...

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Margaret Stoodley's Timeline

Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand
February 17, 1854
Carterton, Wellington, New Zealand
August 2, 1855
Karori, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand
June 25, 1903
Age 67
Christchurch, Christchurch City, Canterbury, New Zealand
June 27, 1903
Age 67
Block 6, Plot 60, Linwood Cemetery, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand