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  • Acheson Gosford Irvine (1837 - 1916)
    ACHESON GOSFORD IRVINE Commissioner of the North-West Mounted Police,1880-86 Acheson Gosford Irvine was gazetted a Lieutenant in the militia in 1864 and later served as Major in the 2nd Battalion of th...
  • Agnes Irvine of Drum (c.1405 - 1450)
  • Alexander Irvine, 14th Laird of Drum (c.1695 - 1737)
    joined the rising of 1715, and was severely wounded, but escaped to the continent; he was afterwards pardoned. He had the misfortune some time after his succession to become insane. He was cognosced in...
  • Alexander Forbes Irvine, 19th Laird of Drum (1777 - 1861)
    Burke, Bernard, Sir. A genealogical and heraldic history of the landed gentry of Great Britain & Ireland 6th ed . London : Harrison 1879. Vol I. page 854was born 1777; was a member of the Scotch bar, a...
  • Alexander Irvine, 12th Laird of Drum (deceased)
    ALEXANDER IRVINE OF DRUM Alexander Irvine of Drum, here treated, is the son of Sir Alexander Irvine, 11th Laird of Drum NRS: GD45/16/1546 Evidence from the National Records of Scotland

About the Irvine surname

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