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Hoo Genealogy and Hoo Family History Information

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  • Agnes Lockwood (c.1506 - 1586)
    GEDCOM Note ===This person was created on 14 September 2010 through the import of 124-DeCoursey.ged. This person was created on 19 October 2010 through the import of Ancestors of Lois Greene.ged.
  • Alice de St. Omer (c.1343 - bef.1376)
    Alice de St. Omer1,2,3,4,5,6* F, #16072, b. circa 1343, d. between 6 October 1373 and 20 October 1376*Father Sir Thomas de St. Omer, Sheriff of Norfolk & Suffolk, Keeper of Norwich Castle2,3,4,5,6 d. 1...
  • Anne Hoo (c.1446 - c.1535)
    Given name has also been reported to be Ann and Jane .Date of birth might be 1448. Jane Ann Copley (Hoo) Birth: circa 1448 England Death: circa 1535 (87) England Immediate Family: Hide Show Daughter of...
  • Anne Hoo, of Hastings (c.1425 - 1484)
    Anne Hastings1,2,3,4 F, #15411, b. circa 1420, d. 1484 Father Sir Thomas Hoo, Lord Hoo & Hastings, Sheriff of Bedfordshire & Buckinghamshire, Chancellor in France & Normandy2,3,5 b. b 1398, d. 13 F...
  • Anne Reade (c.1499 - bef.1575)
    From page 7 of A Record of the Redes of Barton Court, Berks: With a Short Precis of Other ...By Compton Reade, R. Reade MacmullenTHOMAS REDE, or Reade*, stands first in the Harleian and other MSS. as f...

About the Hoo surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Hoo surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Hoo surname.

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