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  • Adam Hepburn, 2nd Earl of Bothwell (c.1492 - 1513)
    form of the 1st Earl and his second wife Lady Margaret GORDON, daughter of George GORDON 2nd Earl of Huntley.He was made Lord High Admiral of Scotland, but was one of those who fell at Floddon Field.Th...
  • Sir Adam Hepburn, Master of Hailes, Sheriff of Bertwickswhire (1382 - 1448)
    SIR ADAM HEPBURN OF HAILES======Marriage=== Sir Adam Hepburn of Hailes was granted a papal dispensation for his marriage to Janet Borthwick on 2 November 1411. Genealogical Notes: 23 According to Stirn...
  • Sir Adam Hepburn of Craggis (1450 - 1513)
    Attached to the royal household of James IV, he became Master of the Royal Stables on March 30, 1497. He was killed at the Battle of Flodden in 1513, as were his brother George and nephew Adam, the sec...
  • Adam Hepburn (b. - bef.1371)
    ADAM HEPBURN=== The Scots Peerage account of this family begins with Adam Hepburn, here treated. The Scots Peerage II: pp. 135-6 'Adam Hepburn had in the reign of David II, King of Scots, a charter of ...
  • Sir Adam Hepburn of Smeaton Hepburn (deceased)
    ADAM HEPBURN OF SMEATON HEPBURN=== Adam Hepburn of Smeaton Hepburn, here treated is not the same person as Adam Hepburn, Master of Hailes Adam Hepburn, here treated, is the son of Sir Patrick Hepburn...

About the Hepburn surname
