My great, great grandfather is John Oscar Harlin born in Stockholm, Sweden about 1852. He worked at Tiffany's in NY. He was a goldsmith/silversmith/engraver. John Oscar Harlin married Louisa Anderson from Uppsala, Sweden. Together they had the following children. Christina Harlin; Lillian Harlin-Gessner; Desideria Eve Harlin-Christ born 1888; Helen Harlin who died at age 18 from TB.
Oscar John Harlin Jr. (at his wife's request changed his name to John Oscar Harlin).
John Oscar Harlin Sr. was naturalized in Kings County, Brooklyn, NY on October 1, 1888. Court document numbers are: H645; Volume 170; Copy of Record No. 211; 1888>H>3925. Witnessed by Gustave ERICSON. The back of the document is signed: King of Sweden and Norway.
John Oscar Harlin Sr. worked in drafting above Thomas Edison's workshop on the 2nd floor for a few months, most likely before working at Tiffany's.
John Oscar Harlin Jr. b. 1891 d. 1949 Date of service July 4, 1918- PVT US Marine Corp. WWI. Interment: Long Island National Cemetery. He may have been married twice with children from both marriages.
If I knew how to submit the Naturalization document to your documents site, I would do so. Anyone know how to do this?
Linda Lea Christ