There are already 516 users and over 13,866 genealogy profiles with the Hampton surname on Geni. Explore Hampton genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
From the research of Karl Hampton HAMPTON, b. Aft. 1780, Rutherford Co., North Carolina; d. February 09, 1837, White Co, TN; m. LATITIA SHARP, Bef. 1818, Probably NC; b. Bet. 1790 - 1800, Union Co, SC;...
Andrew Hampton
Born 30 Jun 1713 in Freehold, Monmouth County, East Jerseymap
Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]
[sibling%28s%29 unknown]
Husband of Sarah (Van Kuykendall) Hampton ...
Colonel Andrew Hampton
Born about 1730 in Kent, Maryland
Son of Noah Hampton and [mother unknown]
Brother of Mary (Hampton) Armstrong [half], Martha (Hampton) Williams, Ann (Hampton) Purcell ...
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