Matching family tree profiles for Col. Andrew Hampton
Immediate Family
About Col. Andrew Hampton
Colonel Andrew Hampton
- Born about 1730 in Kent, Maryland
- Son of Noah Hampton and [mother unknown]
- Brother of Mary (Hampton) Armstrong [half], Martha (Hampton) Williams, Ann (Hampton) Purcell and Adam Hampton
- Husband of Catherine (Hyder) Hampton — married 1751 in Indian Old Fields, West Virginia
- Father of Adam Hampton, Jonathan Hampton Sr., John Hampton, Susannah (Hampton) Eaves, Nancy (Hampton) Bradley, Alcie (Hampton) Scott, Andrew Hampton Jr, Michael Hampton, Catherine Hampton, Elizabeth (Hampton) Price, Benjamin Hampton, Washington Hampton, Rachel (Hampton) Thomas and Mary (Hampton) Bradley
- Died about 8 Oct 1805 at about age 75 in Rutherford, North Carolina
1776 Project
Colonel Andrew Hampton served with North Carolina Militia during the American Revolution.
Daughters of the American Revolution
Andrew Hampton is a DAR Patriot Ancestor, A050706.
Col. Andrew Hampton was the son of Noah Hampton and his first wife Sarah (maiden name unknown). Andrew is estimated to have been born about 1730, probably in Kent County, Maryland.
Noah Hampton (Andrew’s father) was born about 1694 in Freehold, Monmouth County, New Jersey, the son of John Hampton of Scotland (1683 immigrant) and his second wife Martha Brown. On 9th of September 1715, Noah Hampton, son of John Hampton and Martha Brown, sold the 100 acres in Freehold, New Jersey [1]he had inherited from his father to Thomas Combs, (allegedly the husband of his sister Elizabeth?). Subsequently Noah moved to Kent County, Maryland - presumably with his wife Sarah “Surname Unknown.” The maiden name of Sarah was not recorded and remains unknown, although many guesstimates have been made. Some have said Sarah Marie Wright, but no source or documentation for that allegation has been cited. Noah died in 1775 and named his son Andrew in his Will.[2]
Year Born
The birth year of Col. Andrew is estimated (based upon circumstantial evidence) as circa 1730. The known birth year of eldest child Jonathan (born in 1754), gives a clue. We can also speculate based upon the land records of Andrew’s father (Noah), that he was born in either Kent County, Maryland circa 1730-31 (where Noah lived after leaving NJ) or born in Orange County, Virginia circa 1732 (where Noah lived from 1732/3 until 1740-43). Some circumstantial evidence seems to indicate it was Maryland, but we don’t know with certainty. A grandson, JONATHAN HAMPTON, JR. wrote on May 29, 1880 to Lyman Draper (Kings Mountain and Its Heroes) - “I don’t recollect my grandfather’s place or time of birth as the record is not now at hand; he came to this county from Lincoln Co., N.C. about 1760. I think he was born in Pennsylvania.”
The totality of the best available evidence suggests Col Andrew was born circa 1730 in Kent County Maryland, and likely in Chestertown, MD - where Noah lived until 1731. Alternatively, Andrew could have been born while Noah was moving from MD to VA circa 1732-33 - in that case it would likely have been in Pennsylvania.
Two Andrew’s Hampton in N.C.
The 1713 Birthdate? There were two Andrew’s Hampton in N.C. circa 1750-1765. Early on, people thought they were the same person. The elder Andrew of Granville, NC bought land in Frederick County, VA 3 October 1734, [3] therefore he had to be born by 1713 (1734 - age 21), so they estimated that birthdate. Actually he was probably born before that date, but the 1713 birthdate stuck. The other Andrew of Rutherford, NC was younger and born much later, probably circa 1730. Truth is, we don’t know exactly when either was born, but we know they were two separate Andrew’s Hampton living 200 miles apart in N.C. (Granville County vs Rutherford County). They both operated grist mills, they both served is their respective county militia, they are both DOCUMENTED concurrently living separately.
The erroneous birth year of 1713 engraved on Col. Andrew Hampton's tombstone (reportedly placed circa 1998) apparently came from these early researchers combining these two different Andrew Hamptons into one composite Andrew. We unfortunately don’t have conclusive documentation for either birthdate. Some have speculated this 1713 date is based upon a DAR application? ((More research and citation needed))
In 1731 Noah Hampton was in court in Kent County Maryland. [4] Circa 1732-34, Noah Hampton had moved to Opequon Creek, a tributary of the Potomac River, in then Orange County, Virginia. Noah’s land (a 100 acre tract and a 600 acre tract) on Opequon Creek were near present day inwood / Bunker Hill, West Virginia. ….” By reason of a survey by James Wood in December 1734, Noah HAMPTON claimed a tract of land containing 100 acres on both sides of Opequon Creek….”[5]
By 1743, Noah Hampton had acquired additional property approximately 50 miles away on a tributary called South Branch of the Potomac River (then in Hampshire County, Virginia), at a place still called “Old Fields.” [6] The present community of Old Fields is situated in the northwest corner of what is now “Hardy County, WV” on Highway 220/28. A creek runs through the community by the name of Anderson Run (on current maps), that was originally named Hampton’s Run on older maps and that was the location of Noah’s grist mill (HAMPTONs Mill Run was the middle branch (unnamed) of Anderson Run north of Walnut Bottom Run) [7]
Also residing in Old Fields at that time was the family of Hans Michael Hyder (Hider) and wife Catherine Chasteen. The Hyders, were the parents of Col. Andrew’s wife, Catherine Hyder [8] and a neighbor of Noah Hampton. As noted herein, Andrew Hampton and Katherine Hider apparently married circa 1751-1753 and had their eldest known child (Jonathan) in 1754. Hans Michael’s estate was probated in 1756 [9] (he was obviously deceased by then) and the estate was settled in 1758 (valued at over 133£). Noah Hampton is documented as owning to the estate of Michael Hider (Noah Hampton to Cash …1£ 12shillings). [10]
Y-DNA supports a connection to John Hampton of Scotland (the 1683 immigrant), for both Andrew’s. They are possibly cousins and descended from John Hampton. These two Andrews were often combined (into a single composite Andrew) by early Hampton researchers. Records show that both men were a Captain in the local militia at the same time in two different counties in N.C. Granville Andrew owned a “ordinary” (tavern B&B) in Granville Co., NC - then sold it and opened a larger one, while land records show that Col. Andrew was concurrently living in Rutherford County. Granville County is in the northeastern part of the state, roughly 200 miles from Rutherford County. Obviously, it is improbable that the same man would have been buying land, owning a tavern, serving in the local militia, operating grist mills and living in two places 200 miles away at the same time.
NONE of Col. Andrew’s children were named David, Ezekiel or Ephraim. Ezekiel, Ephraim, Zachariah, John and Joseph are documented as being sons of Granville Andrew. Those names and those individuals WERE NOT named in Col. Andrew’s 1805 WILL in Rutherford County, NC. [11] Children as named in Colonel Andrew’s 1805 Rutherford County Will: …”Jonathan, Susanah, Andrew, John, Elizabeth, Nancy, Benjamin, Alice, Rachel, & Mary, living - Adam, Michel, & Catherine, Dead Whose part is to be Recd. by their heirs”… A well documented son, “Noah” died 1781 in the revolutionary war with no heirs.
”Granville” Andrew Hampton (born BEFORE 1713) moved to Georgia 1765/66, and was recorded living in GA IN 1766. …25th day of March 1766, the Granville Deed Book shows a deed for 200 acres to “George Boyer of Granville, NC” from “Andrew Hampton in the Province of Georgia…” [12] We later find record as follows: “Andrew Hampton to Amos Whitehead both of St. George Parish” deed dated “March 26, 1768.” Witt: David Lewis, George Walker, probated by Walker before John Thomas J.P. said Parish. Lastly the following record: .......Hampton, Andrew -- “300 acres, St. David Parish,” Granted “the second day of April 1771.” [13] He died there sometime after 1771.
Colonel Andrew first acquired property in N.C. on 4 March, 1754: (Anson County, North Carolina Deeds) …… Mathew Kuykendall and Mary his wife to Andrew Hampton all of Anson Co., for L28 VA money….land on S. side of Catawba, S. side Leapers Creek (a.k.a. Dutchman’s Creek - KH), 150 A granted to sd. Kuykendall 1 Apr 1750. Mathew Kuykendall ) (seal) Mary Kuykendall (x) seal, Wit: John Kuykendall, Peter Kuykendall and Charles Dunlap. [14] Although he was evidently in N.C. in 1753 as he signed as a witness to deeds for other people. Colonel Andrew owned property and lived in only two locations, Dutchman’s Creek (1754-1766) and Mountain Creek (circa 1766 until he died). The counties kept changing boundaries (names) and subdividing as populations grew. Thus we find records for Colonel Andrew in Anson, Mecklenburg, Lincoln, Tryon and Rutherford counties - although he only moved once - Dutchman’s Creek to Mountain Creek (circa 1766). Granville Andrew Hampton was exclusively found in Granville County records from 1753 until 1765 when he is documented in the Provence of Georgia.
Circa 1766 Andrew bought land for a new home in the Mt Creek location: …“200 Acres on both sides and in the forks of Mountain Creek, including the shoals and Mill seat (upper left hand corner of the map - KH), beginning at a hickory on the west side of the creek, a little above the shoals and..runs thence 180 poles”.... Andrew Hampton, Issue Date 25 Sep 1766 Mecklenburg, North Carolina, USA, Issued: 25 Sep 1766 Grant no.: 73 Entered: 04 Aug 1765. Hampton, Andrew. Mountain Creek. [15]
Circa 1766 Col. Andrew started accumulating 'land grants' on Mountain Creek totaling in excess of 1000 acres. 25 Sep 1766 Mecklenburg 200A. on both sides and in the forks of Mt Creek. 15 May 1772 Tryon 300A. Both sides of Mountain Creek ?? May 19 1772 200 A..Both sides of North fork of Mt Creek. ... nearly joining his own land.... 28 Oct 1782 Tryon 200A. Joining his own land above on both forks of Mt Creek 28 Sep 1785 Rutherford 200A. On both sides of his own Mill Creek. 1788 Proctor to Andrew 40£ 200 A. both sides West Br Mt Crk 18 Dec 1797 100 A... on Mt Creek joining his own and William Prices land 18 Dec 1797 - 100 acres Both sides the north fork of Mountain Creek 18 Dec 1797 - transferred from Thomas Wheeler, 50 acres Waters of Mountain Creek.
6 July 1772, ANDREW HAMPTON of Tryon Co., “yeoman” sold to HUGH JENKINS of same, yeoman, for “L 200 proc. money of north Carolina..” 300 A, which ADAM HAMPTON, dec’d... “died seized and possessed of,”... ...ANDREW HAMPTON as heir at law, his brother became entitled to the aforesaid land… . Although both Andrew and Jenkins are noted as being of Anson County, the deed was apparently recorded in Mecklenburg County? We therefore now know that Andrew’s brother, “Adam Hampton,” was deceased by July 1772. [16]
Hampshire County VA (now Old Fields WV) - October 10, 1752 Survey and deed: …is a Draught of VanMeter Run… Stephen Leech, Adam Hampton Chain Carriers. ….Pursuant to a Warrant dated October the 15 1752 Granted to William Tucker of Frederick County for about One Hundred Acres of waste and ungranted Land in the said County on a Draught of Elk lick above where Moses Tompsons Entry is Begining at…. Patterson Mountain…. Adam was likely the same as the Adam HAMPTON found later in NC, documented as brother of Col. Andrew HAMPTON).
Military Record Summary
He rose in military rank rapidly. In 1775, he was made captain in the militia. In 1776, he served against the Tories. He was appointed major April 26, 1776, by an act of the North Carolina General Assembly. He was promoted to lieutenant-colonel later in 1776 and colonel in 1779. Early in 1780, he went with relief forces to Charleston, South Carolina, then under attack by the British. He later served in battles at Earle's Ford, Thicketty Fort, Cane Creek, and notably King's Mountain, where he commanded the Rutherford County troops in that famous battle. [17]
Prior to the war Andrew built a fort - “Fort Hampton” - Historical Marker @ 2388 US 64 , Rutherfordton, NC 28139. “Near this site stood Fort Hampton, named for Col Andrew Hampton, commander of the Rutherford County soldiers in the Battle of Kings Mountain (Oct. 7, 1780).” Fort Hampton was named for Colonel Andrew Hampton, and located midway between Fort McFadden and Montford's Fort. The Revolutionary War pension application of John Bradley tells about his helping to build Fort Hampton. [18]According to court records, Bradley also died there in 1778. John Bradley, Sr. was reportedly at Fort Hampton and …”was at the fort’s door loft when entire darkness came as a result of an eclipse, he fell out of the loft and died…” [19]
After the conclusion of the War, 1781 through 1784, the Justices of the Court appointed Andrew Hampton Sheriff of Rutherford, three one years terms in succession. [20]
?? DIED October 8, 1805 ??
Died October 8, 1805 - this is often cited for Andrew’s death date. Is this the correct date? We know for certain that on JULY 20, 1805 Andrew Hampton wrote his will (the Will says so). [21] That date is sometimes stated as the date for the death of Colonel Andrew with burial allegedly on his property on Mountain Creek Road. We know his WILL was Probated - “The October Court 1805,” and that date is sometimes cited. Actually, the date is available: “RECORDS OF THE OCTOBER COURT 1805” ….“Thursday seventeenth the court met according to adjournment”…. “….The last Will & Testament of Andrew Hampton Sr was proved in open court by the oaths of, etc…, …Jonathan Hampton the executor therein named was duly qualified.” So we know that the Will was probated (was filled) and recorded October 17, 1805. [22]
We also know that a grandson, Adam Hampton (son of Johnathan), wrote to Lyman Draper on Sept 12th 1873, “…grandfather died in 1807 or 8; when grandmother died I have no recollection….” however, that date is rarely cited as the death date.
Some evidently have cited: Find a Grave, database and images memorial page for Col Andrew Hampton (1713–1805), the associated headstone photo only says 1805. However, that caption under the photo says, BIRTH 1713 England - DEATH 8 Oct 1805 (aged 91–92) Rutherford County, North Carolina, USA BURIAL Hampton Cemetery Rutherfordton, Rutherford County, North Carolina, USA. We don’t know why that date is selected (8 Oct 1805) - or what it is based upon - or who selected it? It possibly is the correct date, but I can’t find any primary cited source for it? Literally, it is just someone’s opinion absent a documentable primary source. [23]
Others have cited sources such as United States Rosters of Revolutionary War Soldiers, etc. [24] Once again, we don’t know why that date is selected - or what it is based upon - or who selected it? It possibly is the correct date, but I can’t find any cited source for it. Occasionally someone cites a DAR application record, but the DAR records I have seen had no documentable source for birth or death dates?
Until a documented “primary source” is found and cited, it appears these second hand sources are an option - and most often with the date of October 8, 1805 is the date cited? Unfortunately, we only have TWO DOCUMENTED PRIMARY SOURCE DATES at the present: (1) JULY 20, 1805 Will date and (2) Probate date October 17, 1805.
Research Note
(Recent research of Karl Hampton, Roberta Rose, James W. Foster, Dr. Robert W. Ramsey (Carolina Cradle), George Purcell, and of Cox in The Hampton Family - Early in the Shenandoah Valley, compiled by Robert B. Cox, submitted to the Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County, Volume IV, Number 2: May, 1976, pgs. 72-78; & August, 1976, p. 144-146. Also Noah Hampton, T.K. Cartmell, Shenandoah Valley Pioneers and Their Descendants, 1909)
If this is the same Andrew Hampton who signed his own will 20 Jul 1805 in Rutherford, North Carolina, then this profile could have information from different Andrews intermixed. The will names his children: Washington (youngest son), Jonathan, Andrew, John, Benjamin, Alcie, Adam, Michel, Elizabeth Price, Nancy Bradly, Susanah, Rachel, Mary, and Catharine Dead. It mentions no wife, so he was likely widowed. It does not mention currently linked children: Ezekiel (was still living), Ephraim (was still living), Zachariah (died abt 1781) , or Joseph (died abt 1803). These missing children all have Sarah Kuykendall linked as their mother.[25]
Birth Date: About 1730
Place: possibly Kent County, Maryland.<
Husband Andrew Hampton. Wife Catharine Hyder. Child: Andrew Hampton Jr. Marriage: About 1752. Old Fields, Hardy County, West Virginia.
Death Date: 8 Oct 1805
Place: Gilbert Town, Rutherford, North Carolina, USA
A prosperous farmer and miller and devoted father of 15 children, Hampton settled in Mountain Creek, NC in 1770, in what was then called Tryon County, and was a captain in the frontier militia.
In 1775, he resigned his royal commission when he signed with the Tryon Resolves, which declared the area’s support for the struggle against British tyranny.
A year later Hampton was a major in General Griffith Rutherford’s expedition against the Cherokee Indians.
When Rutherford County was created in 1779, he was promoted to Colonel and given command of the new county’s Patriot militia.
Later during the Battle of Blackstock plantation near Spartanburg, Hampton led the Rutherford riflemen as they inflicted heavy casualties upon Banastre Tarleton’s Legion.
Hampton resigned his military commission in 1781 and then served three years as sheriff of Rutherford County.
He died in 1805 and is buried near Mountain Creek.
Colonel Andrew Hampton, 1713-1805, of Rutherford County, North Carolina
Commander of the Rutherford troops at the Battle of Kings Mountain, member of the Tryon Committee of Safety, a signer of the Tryon Resolves and Sheriff of Rutherford County, North Carolina. Prior to 1751 he settled on Dutchman's Creek on the Catawba River in South Carolina before emigrating before 1766 to that portion of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, which later became Tryon County (documented by a series of land grants on both sides of Mountain Creek of Broad River).
Many family trees have merged this Colonel Andrew Hampton, Revolutionary War leader, husband of Catherine Hyder, with a cousin Andrew Hampton of similar age. Please keep them distinct and separate.
from http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=pv&GRid=25237945&PIpi...
Portrait: The first known portrait of Colonel Andrew Hampton, commander of the Rutherford County Liberty Men during the defense of Charleston and in the battle of Kings Mountain, was unveiled June 19, 2013 at the Rutherfordton Town Hall. See more at: http://www.tryondailybulletin.com/2013/07/02/portrait-of-revolution...
Col Andrew Hampton
Birth: 1713
Death: 1805
North Carolina, USA
A Patriot of the American Revolution for NORTH CAROLINA with the rank of COLONEL. DAR Ancestor # A050706 b (about)1713 - d 1805
A son of Col. Andrew Hampton was thought to be Ezekiel Hampton Sr. Now evidence, such as Col. Andrew Hampton's 1805 will suggest Ezekiel's father may have been a cousin, also named Andrew, of Granville Co. (far north/central NC) who moved to Georgia.
The Gravesite Marker Stone inscription of Col. Andrew Hampton reads as the following:
Children as stated in his will: Washington, "my children or there Heirs as afoursaid namely Jonathan, Susanah, Andrew, John, Elizabeth, Nancy, Benjamin Alcie, Rachel, & Mary, Adam, Michel & Catharine Dead" (Notice: no Ezekiel)
Will of Col. Andrew Hampton - 1805
I am retyping this typed copy of his will with spelling, capitalizations and punctuation the same. Hyphens representing end of line or page with split word have been removed. See originals in two parts at:
and: http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/23688719/person/26106684883/photox/c...
Roger Porter (5 Aug. 2014)
In the name of God Amen I Andrew Hampton of the County of Rutherford and State of North Carolina Being at present in a low State of health but of perfect mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God, for his mercies Calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make constitute and ordain this as my last Will and Testament (to wit) First and principally I resign my Soul to the care of Almighty God to be Dealt with according to his Devine Goodness, my body I recommend to the Earth to be Buried in a Decent Christain like manner at the discretion of my Executors I also will that all my just Debts be paid of whatsoever nature they be and with respect to such Worldly goods as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give bequeath demise and Dispose of in the following (to wit)
I give unto my youngest son Washington the land on which I now live Including the hole that appertain thereto being a part of Several Tracts to be by him and his heirs fully possessed and enjoyed forever I further Devise and bequeath unto him a negroe boy named Jack also the one fourth part of all my crop that is growing or made this present year in full of his part, or proportion of my estate I also leave to the care for the use of my Daughter Elizabeth Price my old negroe woman Dinah, I further leave to the care for the use of my Daughter Nancy Bradly, my old negroe man Will, the Remainder or Residue of my Estate both real and Personal after my Just Debts is paid will that they be Disposed of in the following manner that my negroes Tom Eve Ben Patt Sall & Mirea Be Valued by three Respecttable freeholders and a Division of them so to be made that all my children have a Just and equal Distribution of there value Washington only excepted, my Stock and all other my Property both real and personal Including the Land I sold to Bowman that does come within the reach of my Just Demands I will to be sold or so Disposed of that will tend to the best advantage and to be applied to the use of paying my Debts and the overplus if any to be equally Devided among my children or there Heirs as afoursaid namely Jonathan, Susanah, Andrew, John, Elizabeth, Nancy, Benjamin Alcie, Rachel, & Mary, Adam, Michel & Catharine Dead whose part is to be Rece,d by their heirs or representatives in Law within two years after my Deceas.d if Demanded and in order that my will be carried into Execution according to the contents thereof I do hereby nominate and appoint my son Jonathan Hampton to be my sole Executor of this my last will and testament to have and use such Discretional power as he in his judgment may conceive the nature of the business does require for the due and full Execution of this my last will according to the intent and meaning thereof Disanulling and revoking all former wills and Testament ratifying and confirming this only to be my last will & testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and seal this 20t day of July 1805.
Signed Sealed and Published by Andrew Hampton as his last will and Testament in the presence of
- Charles Lewis
- Thomas Rowland
Andrew Hampton (seal)
- Thank you to Gene Atkins for visiting the gravesite of Revolutionary War Patriot, Col. Andrew Hampton and for providing the great photo of the marker stone for this page that I have contributed to Findagrave, in memory of Soldier Col Andrew Hampton. (submitted by Autumn, who has since passed away)
-Hampton Cemetery-
Roy Huskey Rd., Rutherfordton, NC 28139
Family links:
- Catherine Hyder Hampton (1730 - 1829)*
* Jonathan Hampton (1751 - 1843)*
- Noah Hampton (1757 - 1780)*
- Andrew Hampton (1767 - 1837)*
- Elizabeth Hampton Price (1767 - 1855)*
- Calculated relationship
- Hampton Cemetery
- Rutherfordton
- Rutherford County
- North Carolina, USA
Maintained by: Roger Sarel Porter Originally Created by: Autumn Record added: Mar 13, 2008 Find A Grave Memorial# 25237945
Some Discussion on the “Two” Andrew Hamptons of Revolutionary War Fame
Bulo Briggs' mother is Anna Melissa Garland, dau of John Wm. T. Garland, son of Bridget Hampton, dau of Ezekiel Hampton, son of Andrew Hampton.
(Summary: I discovered, I think, that Col. Andrew Hampton is not our ancestor, but the "other" Andrew of Granville NC. Lots of confusion in family researchers here, but this seems the best information yet and a very interesting discussion and history of Revolutionary War times through our ancestors! I rearranged the web article to put our Granville Andrew's material first. Roger)
See: http://people.we.mediaone.net/khampton/colandr.htm
Another Andrew Hampton: (probably our direct ancestor)
Granville Andrew Hampton
Captain Andrew Hampton
Born About 1710: (older than Col. Andrew Hampton)
Died About 1771
The following is the information I have about another (not Col.) Andrew Hampton. As stated earlier, many have combined the two Andrews into a “Composite Andrew Hampton.” I strongly feel that the evidence and facts of record demonstrate two separate Andrews – not one.
I believe the two Andrews are related, both descended from the Hamptons of New Jersey and more specifically of the Scottish immigrant, John Hampton (born 1645) and immigrated to Freehold, NJ. It seems very likely that this Andrew (Granville) may be the son of John Hampton (d. 1748 in VA). The truth is, that we haven’t yet been able to conclusively document the father of either Andrew. This Andrew would likely be a brother to the John Hampton (d. 1751, VA). - the proof is not conclusive that John, Jr., and Andrew were the sons of John Hampton, Sr (2).
"OCTOBER, 1734: This is the earliest valid record date found relating to this Andrew Hampton. Andrew Hampton shows on Virginia land records for October 3, 1734, as a joint patentee with Benjamin Borden and David Griffith for a grant of 1122 acres west of the Sherrando (Shenandoah) River, in the area to become part of Orange County. The land patented to the three parties was theirs "to hold or co-hold, yielding and paying rents as provided." The tract was adjacent to the land of Edward Maloy, was on the south side of Bullskin Run and Bullskin Marsh, (would show today to the north of Berryville, Virginia) north of Winchester near Summit Point, West Virginia.... Benjamin Borden, an early land speculator in the Valley was probably the senior partner to this patent. He was born in Monmouth County, New Jersey in 1675, and left a will in Frederick County, Virginia in 1743. On October 7, 1696 an older Benjamin Borden had bought 500 acres from the immigrant John Hampton, in Freehold, Monmouth County, New Jersey.
1734 - Orange County formed form Spotslyvania.
In the earliest records of what later became Frederick County, VA, John (Sr) (2), John, Jr.(2), and Andrew Hampton lived on adjacent properties along Opequon Creek adjoining Noah Hampton's mill property on the south. Although conclusive proof has not been found, evidence supports John (Sr) as the father of John, Jr., and Andrew. They all lived next ot each other, next to Noah in VA along the Opequon River. Property transactions indicate John, Jr., was Andrew's brother. Early Frederick County deeds, VA Archives in Richmond, VA - Andrew sells land, which had been the property of John Jr (2). No deed has been found transferring the land to Andrew, which could be an indication that they were brothers as it was not uncommon for relatives to transfer land without deed at the time. SOURCE:JWF
In 1746 and 1747, John Hampton Sr. sold most of what he still owned and deeded the rest to his sons George and Thomas, reportedly in order to protect those holdings against lawsuit. After that he disappeared from the records. Since he was into his upper sixties by then, it is believed he died about 1748.
This Andrew's reported children were: Ezekeil (named in deed book D page 42), Ephraim (named in deed book D page 43), John (named with this Andrew on the 1764 Tax List also identified as Ehpraim's brother by Menucan Hunt, NC Secretary of State, NC Archives Micro film #Z.5.147N), a Duaughter married to Joseph King (Joesph King was listed on the 1765 tax list with this Andrew), Zacharia (proven to be Ephriams brother by NC land entries for title), David - no documentation found and Joseph (found in family of GA descendants).
A 1715 will of George Cumming, probably Margaret Cumming Hampton's brother, mentions George and Isabel, children of John Hampton (2) - John (2) was executor of the will. The John Hampton born Scotland 1681, is by good evidence the same as found in the Shenandoah Valley land records as John Hampton Sr., with sons George, Thomas, John Jr. and daughter Isabel Johnson Jump. SOURCE: R,B, COX NOTES
Executor of John Jr.'s (3), 1751 will was his brother Thomas. SOURCE:JWF
Thursday, March 27, 1737, Orange County, Virginia Court Order Book shows that Andrew Hampton was made Constable at Opeckon in the room of Thomas Low. Opeckon at the time was about where Winchester, Virginia is today. Orange County included the area at that date. Most records estimate the birth date of Granville - Andrew Hampton to have been about 1710-15.
Ezekiel (son of Andrew) sold a tract of land August 4, 1760. Lee Albright and Helen F. M. Leary point out in the first chapter of "North Carolina Research," a man could own land in colonial N.C. before he was twenty-one, but he couldn't sell it until he came of age. From the early tax lists and Ezekiel's first land sale it is logical to conclude Ephraim was born about 1737 and Ezekiel about 1739.
On July 27, 1738 George Thurston appointed Constable in the room of Andrew Hampton, Orange County Court Order Book. Thus there was a one-year term for the appointment of Andrew Hampton as Constable.
1738, Orange County Court Orders cite Andrew Hampton and some sixty other settlers in a suit brought by one William William, an early dissenting minister in the area. 1743, Andrew Hampton, "of Brunswick County" deeds 200 acres in Frederick County, Virginia to Benjamin Borden of Frederick.
Augusta and Frederick Counties were formed in 1738 from Orange County.
Andrew left Frederick County at about the time Noah moved his mill westward to the Cacapon River. On the deed selling his last Frederick lands, he is described as being of Brunswick County.
By 1740, Andrew shows on land records in Brunswick County, Virginia south of the Roanoke River. In 1743, Andrew Hampton of Brunswick sells land in Frederick County, formerly Orange County. By 1746, Brunswick County had been divided to form the new County of Lunenburg. Lunenburg Deed Book shows for March 3, 1746, Andrew Hampton and his wife Sarah selling for 40 pounds Virginia money to Field Jefferson, tract of 150 acres next to Ephraim Parham land. This tract is the same as bought from George King in 1740 by Andrew Hampton, the tract then in Brunswick.
In 1741, Andrew bought land in Brunswick County from George and Susannah King. The King family was much involved with the Hamptons, but the extent is not yet known. A John Hampton sold Northern VA land to Robert King in 1717. Joseph King operated a mill on Andrew Hampton's NC land about 1750. Joseph King is listed as Andrew Hampton's son (son-in-law) on Granville County tax lists. Joseph King and Andrew Hampton later (1765) migrated together to Georgia.
JANUARY 17, 1743: 200 acres to Borden was to be divided from land David Griffith had bought from John Hampton "Juner"; and marked as the division between Andrew Hampton and David Griffith; along Worthington line to Borden line. The possession of 500 acres by Borden is, "by virtue of a bargain to him thereof made by the said Andrew Hampton for one whole year of indenture," quitrents payable to the King. This John Hampton, Jr. would be the same as with the 1751 with will which named wife Lydia, brother Thomas and sons John, David, Andrew and William (a minor).
Research done by Dr. J.L. Miller also notes the relationship of this Andrew to John and Thomas. ....There lived in Brunswick County prior to 1750 three brothers named Andrew, John and Thomas Hampton, as is shown by the records of Frederick County.. January 16, 1743, Andrew Hampton, of Brunswick County, sold to Benjamin Borden 200 acres of land in Frederick County. Deed mentions brother John Hampton, who owned adjoining land. John Hampton mentioned as brother of Andrew, was living in Frederick, May 6, 1747, when he sold cattle to Ralph Humphries. SOURCE: Hampton Family of Virginia, North & South Carolina & Kentucky by Dr. J.L. Miller - 1916.
The land Andrew bought from the Kings was on the Roanoke River where the Great Occaneechee Trading Path crossed the river. It is possible he operated a ferry, because the next owner, Thomas Jefferson's uncle, had a ferry on the property. The land was in the part of Brunswick, which later became Lunenburg, then Mecklenburg. Andrew sold the Roanoke River property to Field Jefferson (Thomas's uncle) in 1746.
Andrew's first land in Granville Co, NC was near where the Trading path crossed the Tar River. In total, Andrew bought about two thousand acres of Granville land, mostly for speculation. He gave property each to his sons Ephraim and Ezekiel, but sold most of the rest. There was a mill on the land he kept for his home. He operated a tavern, and seems to have supplied other tavern keepers. At one point he had enough food on hand to feed 146 Indians for a week, not an insignificant amount.
The 1761 tax list includes son Ephraim as a head of household, son Ezekiel as a head of household. plus Andrew Hampton and son John in a separate household with two tithables. Apparently the Hampton boys became heads of household when they turned twenty-one. Ezekiel was also Constable, responsible for a part of the 1761 list. John is shown as head of household for the first time on the 1766 tax list. It seems safe to assume John was born about 1745.
MARCH 3, 1746: Andrew Hampton and wife Sarah show in Luenburg County, Virginia Deed Book as transferring land by sale to Field Jefferson, land next to Ephraim Parham. Lunenburg formed in 1746 from Brunswick County, Virginia. The Lunenburg Court ordered two Justices to go to Sarah Hampton to get her acknowledgement to the sale because, "Sarah the wife of said Andrew Hampton, cannot conveniently travel to our county court of Lunenburg to make acknowledgement of the said conveyance."
I have searched for Sarah, the wife of Andrew Hampton for a long while and came up with nothing, other than speculation. Robert B. Cox, in "Notes on Andrew Hampton" written August 1981, submitted to the Garland Family Research Association, article 16F, was the first to allege that Sarah's maiden name was KUYKENDALL. He based this on some circumstantial evidence (several Kuykendall's lived near Andrew Hampton in Virginia, served with him in the Revolution, and lived near him in North Carolina).
There is only one reference so far found to Sarah, the wife of Andrew Hampton. This reference: "Lunenburg Deed Book shows for March 3, 1746, Andrew Hampton and his wife Sarah selling for 40 pounds Virginia money to Field Jefferson, tract of 150 acres next to Ephraim Parham land. This tract is the same as bought from George King in 1740 by Andrew Hampton, the tract then in Brunswick. On March 3, 1746, the court ordered two justices to go to Sarah Hampton, to get her acknowledgement of the sale, because, "Sarah the wife of the said Andrew Hampton, cannot conveniently travel to our county court of Lunenburg to make acknowledgement of the said conveyance." This is the first and only entry found to show the wife Sarah." Its source was Robert Cox - "The Hampton Family - Early in the Shenandoah Valley" compiled by Robert B. Cox, submitted to the "Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County", Volume IV, Number 2: May, 1976 (pages 72-78) & August, 1976 (p. 144-146).
George Kuykendall wrote a book and it is an excellent source on the Kuykendall family. It was written in 1919 and is about 1000 pages. I've found several Sarah Kuykendall's, but none of them could have been the wife of Andrew Hampton in my opinion. Other researchers have also not been able to find a candidate in the Kuykendall family for Andrews's wife Sarah. At this point, I simply list her as Sarah, with no last name. Mr. Cox did some remarkable research on the Hampton family, but his theory that Sarah was a Kuykendall has achieved general acceptance. If anyone has any basis for this assertion (other that Cox’s speculation), I would gladly welcome it, so far I have not found it – nor have the Kuykendall researchers and I dare say there are as many of them as there are Hampton researchers.
It should be noted that one Joseph Hampton (who will referenced later in this file) was born about 1746. Perhaps the reason Sarah could not come to court? [Joseph Hampton (Andrew 1) was born 1746, and died about 1803 in Jefferson County, Georgia. He is reported as moving to Georgia about 1769, and later appears in the 1801 Tax Digest of Jefferson County, Georgia with one slave, and 200 acres, according to Hines-Hampton and Allied Families of Georgia and Florida, Frances Hines Kolner, 1997, Anundsen Publishing Co., Decorah, Iowa, p. 51.]
One Robert Jones left will in Lunenburg on September 9, 1748 naming five sons: Robert, William, Thomas, Samuel and Charles; and daughters: Betty Girth, Mary Foot, Margaret, Nanny, and Leanna Jones. The Hampton name appears in North Carolina and Virginia with the Jones family name, specific relationship isn't evident. The son of Andrew Hampton, Ephraim Hampton, left his will in Rowan in 1814 and named executors, his wife Lemander, sons David, Thomas and Robert, and friend Samuel Jones.
In the Granville “Miscellaneous” box there is a slip of paper dated 1747, or 1749, which says Joseph King is granted permission to operate a mill on Indian Fields Creek. The only land on Indian Fields Creek suitable for a mill was Andrew Hampton's land. You'll have to take my word for it, but I have a license on the wall from the State of NC which says I'm qualified to make judgments like that. Joseph King was Andrew Hampton's son-in-law. Indian Fields Creek, about 1750, became Hampton's Mill Creek. A few years later, Ephraim Hampton went into the mill business with a neighbor named Addcock. SOURCE: James Foster
The Andrew Hampton home place in Granville was along the old Trading Path (by then a road) about a mile and a half west of where the Trading Path crossed the Tarr River a short distance upstream from the present crossing of Interstate 85. A short time before the Revolution the area became part of the Oxford District of Granville County. Andrew bought the property, 400 acres on both sides of Indian Fields Creek, from John Addcock 4 March 1752.
The Granville Militia Regiment under Colonel William Eaton in 1754 shows eight companies, with Captain Hampton commanding Company #8, with 60 men. John Adcock shows as the Lieutenant in the company, with Ephraim Hampton as Ensign. Ephraim was a son of the Captain Andrew Hampton. A map of the area for this period shows Hampton Creek and Adcock's Creek, at the head of the Tar River.
In 1756 a license was granted to Andrew Hampton to keep an "ordinary on his plantation bought from John Addock.... wherein Andrew promised, "to provide good, wholesome and cleanly lodging & diet for travelers"...In 1764 when he moved to Ledge of Rocks he again was granted a license for an "ordinary".... Reverend McAden, a Baptist minister traveling across Granville, wrote in his diary that, "he had spent the night of 21 April 1756 at Captain Hampton's."
...Andrew lived on the original track until almost 1764. A bond he gave in 1764 refers to his plantation, which had formerly belonged to John Addcock. In 1764 he move to land he bought a short distance farther out the Trading Path at Ledge of Rocks....
......Tax Lists for Granville give good clues about the ages of Andrew's children. According to N.C. law white males 16 years of age or over, and black males and females 12 old or older were subject to an annual head tax. ...... Andrew's name first appears on the 1753 list, written separately at the side of the page, perhaps as if he had been a latecomer to Granville, arriving after the list was made but before the books were closed. The 1753 tax list does offer some indication that none of Andrew's male children were 16 or over in 1753, since only Andrew, one tithable, was listed in that year. The next year, 1754, "Hampton Andrew and son Ephraim" are named, two tithables. In 1758, the next surviving list with Hamptons on it, Ephraim is listed as head of a separate household, one tithable, next to Andrew Hampton and Ezekiel Hampton in the same household, two tithables. .....The 1761 tax list includes Ephraim as a head of household, Ezekiel as a head of household, plus Andrew Hampton and son John in a separate household with two tithables. .... Joseph King, Andrew's son-in-law, is a part of Andrew's household on the 1762, 1764 and 1765 lists. From the fairly regular schedule of births in the family, one might guess Andrew's daughter, Mrs. Joseph King, was born after Ezekiel and before John. After 1765, neither Andrew Hampton nor Joseph King show up by name on the Granville lists. Taxables for Granville Co, NC. Provide by Roberta Rose & James Foster.
It should be noted that the term "son-in-law" is ambiguous during these times - It could mean a stepson also, as in a second family for Andrew. While no record has been found for the death of Sarah, many have speculated that she died around 1746-1748. Thus Andrew could have taken a new bride and she may have had children and/or they may have had additional children. As noted in Andrew's 1769 application for a land grant in GA, "he had been living in GA for 4 years with his wife and 2 minor children."
In 1758 this Andrew was selected, along with Robert Harris, as one of twelve vestrymen for the new Parish of Granville, which included all of the present Granville and Vance counties. Before the Revolution, when the Church of England was the state church, vestrymen were the authority for many of what today are considered civil matters, such as marriage, disputes and divorce.
MARCH 1760: Andrew Hampton got 1119 acres in two grants located on Tarr River and Mill Creek, Oxford vicinity of Granville County, North Carolina.
In a 1760 Granville County gift deed, "For and in consideration of the natural love and affection which he beareth unto his son Ezekiel Hampton and for the better support and maintenance of him," Andrew Hampton gave Ezekiel 200 acres of land. The land was part of a larger tract on the north side of Indian Field Creek that had been granted to John Adcock on April 29, 1754. On the same date and by the same style gift deed, the son Ephraim got 400 acres, on the south side of the Tarr River, at the Griggs corner, part of a larger tract granted to Andrew Hampton March 11, 1760. The necessary consideration in the deed to Ephraim was the same as that for Ezekiel except the word "support" was missing. Zachariah Hampton (c.1745 - 9/8/1781) was another son of Andrew Hampton, brother to Ezekiel and Ephraim. These dates from the DAR Patriot Index, show him deceased just before the surrender at Yorktown by the British on October 19, 1781. Descendants of Zachariah show him married to Mary Knowland, daughter of Edward Knowland, who left his will in Granville County on September 22, 1794.
Some have noted that another son in the family of this Andrew Hampton may have been one of the numerous David Hamptons, but I have seen no documentation of a son named David for either of these Andrew Hamptons.
The Granville will of Minus Griggs (October 1760) bears the signatures and witnesses of Andw Hampton-Jurat; Ephraim Hampton and William Berry-Jurat. Note the style signature for And(w) Hampton on the Griggs will. The same style shows on the deeds to Ezekiel and Ephraim and in numerous later documents, including the 1805 will in Rutherford. Earlier Orange County Virginia records show the presence there of Minus and John Griggs around 1741. A son of Ezekiel and grandson of Andrew Hampton, by name of Andrew Hampton (1765-1861), came to the New River area of Virginia around 1785; the area became Grayson County, Virginia in 1793. This younger Andrew had married Sarah Griggs, the widow of John Grigs, who was one of the sons mentioned in the 1760 Griggs will.................
Andrew Hampton and 36 other settlers from Granville, with 19 settlers from Edgecomb, petition for the repeal of the tax on free Negroes in1763.
Andrew had been a militia Captain at least since 1754, which is the date of the earliest militia muster roll showing his name, but he had resigned his commission before the 1763 muster roll was drawn up. If this Andrew were born as early as 1710, he would have been 53 years old.
Joseph King (Andrew's son-in-law) signed a deed selling his Granville land at Nap of Reeds (near the present Durham County line north of Butner) to Ephraim, the deed reading "Joseph King of the parish of St. George in the province of Georgia." A part of St. George's parish became Jefferson County. NC, Granville Deed book H 416, Nov 17, 1767.
TAX LISTS FROM 1766 chronicle the migration of Ephraim, Ezekiel and John from Granville to Rowan County. Tax lists from 1766 through 1775 only the head of household is named, followed by the number of tithables in the household, but in 1768 and 1769 the lists name all tithables and whether each is white, black male or black female. After 1775, the lists concentrate on the name of the taxpayer and his or her wealth.
Ephraim reported two males 16-21 in his household on the 1772 Granville tax list. He had been married only 9 years, so they probably were not his sons. On the next Granville tax list (1774), the two males are gone from Ephaim's house, but Zachariah shows up as an adult for the first time.
Ezekiel and Jane probably moved to the forks of the Yadkin River north of Salisbury just before the Revolution started in the northern colonies. Ezekiel and Jane sold their last property in Granville 22 February 1773. He is listed on the 1778 tax list in Rowan County, N.C.
John Hampton was constable for the 1767 tax listing. He is on the 1778 Rowan County tax list along with Ezekiel. His signature last shows up on the Granville records on a road petition filed in 1777, but several months could have elapsed between signing and filing that petition. He and his wife, Kiturah ("Catte", probably pronounced "Katie") sold their last Granville property 27 July 1776, to Robert Reid, an official of the Granville County Court. John and Kiturah are shown in the deed as being "of Rowan county." The deed was not brought to the County Court until February 1780.
In 1771 John's name was the first on the list of signers of a petition protesting taxes on top of taxes, the final straw being a tax to build more churches in Granville County. About 1771 he and Sherwood Harris filed a record of processioning all the "patented and deeded land" between Oxford and the ford where the Old Trading Path crossed the Tar River.
John is last on the Granville tax list of 1772, along with Ephraim and Ezekiel. On the next list, 1774, John is gone but Zachariah appears by name for the first time, as head of household, along with Ephraim and Ezekiel. It is Ezekiel's last appearance on the Granville list.
Andrew's son, John, was a singular man. He was a Loyalist Lt. Col. during the Revolution who trained the only southern Loyalist regiment accepted by the British as part of the regular British army. After his capture, the patriotic citizens of Granville wrote a letter telling what an outstanding young man John was, even if he was in the wrong army. The Governor of NC wrote that John was a truly honorable man and delegated an American Major to be personally responsible for John's safety in case "some of the more intemperate citizens of Salisbury should seek to do him harm".
JANUARY 10, 1767: This is the latest date for a land entry found in Granville for Andrew Hampton, he deeded 200 acres to son Ezekiel having obtained the same land on the same date by deed from Henry McCullock, Esq.
The deed of sale for his last Granville land, Andrew is noted as "being in the Province of Georgia." Other deeds indicate that Joseph King, Andrew's son-in-law and Ezekiel went to Georgia at the same time (1765), although Ezekiel returned shortly thereafter. Granville, NC Deeds H-279 and H-476 (1765) show both Andrew Hampton and Joseph King "in the Province of GA."
In 1769, an Andrew Hampton applied for a land grant in Georgia along the Altamaha River, stating he had lived in Georgia for four years along with his wife and two minor children (Georgia Headright Grants Book F.5, pages 470, 473) Source:JW Foster.
One of these minors could have been Zachariah. The other one could well have been the son Joseph mention, born about 1746. An Andrew Hampton owned land along the Altamaha around 1810. That Andrew Hampton was the son of Joseph Hampton (most likely the son of this Andrew). It is probable this Andrew (Granville Andrew) died in Georgia, but no record of his death has been located. The connection between NC - Andrew Hampton and the GA - Andrew Hampton has not conclusively been proven and further research is needed.
LOCATION: Locates this Andrew still in GA (or at least his land). Colonial Wills in GA. Nov. 1768. P: 6 Mar. 1769. R: 5 Aug. 1769. pp. 302-304 WBA. -- -- John Emmanuel, St. George's Parish. Brothers: Levi, tract of land, containing 100 acres adjoining land of Andrew Hampton on Brier Creek; my cloak. Amos, tract of 150 acres on Rocky Comfort. David, one suit of clothes, saddle, and a yearling heifer to his little son. Asa, my watch. Sisters: Elizabeth Nowland and Rebecca Walker, five shillings each. Martha Duehart, all the money her husband, John, owes me, my silver shoe buckles, and a yearling heifer to her dau Ruth and a black pacing horse to herself, branded "IE." Ruth, her choice of my cows and her calf, a sorrel filly of two years old branded with a B crossways. Remainder of estate to be equally divided between my father and my brother, Levi and my sister, Ruth. Exor: father, David Emmanuel. Wit: David Lewis, Jacob Lewis, Evan Davis, his mark.
LOCATION: English Crown Grants in the Parishes St David, St Patrick, St Thomas and St Mary in Georgia 1755-1775 - - - - Williams, William -- 300 acres, St. David Parish, Granted July 2, 1771 - Grant Book I, page 376. Bounded on the southwest by Andrew Hampton, southeast by a marsh.
English Crown Grants in the Parishes St David, St Patrick, St Thomas and St Mary in Georgia 1755-1775 - - - - -Hampton, Andrew -- 300 acres, St. David Parish, Granted April 2, 1771 - Grant Book I, page 284. Bounded on the southeast by salt marsh. This is the last known record for this Andrew at the moment.
A part of St. George's parish became Jefferson County, GA. Andrew Hampton of Granville NC moved to St. George's Parish, GA as noted above in about 1765-69. "......For the next three generations, his descendants pushed up the Altamahaw River. When Laurens County, GA was established about 1830, Andrew Hampton (son of Andrew Y. Hampton) was already running a mill on a tributary of the Altamahaw."
We are working to tie the NC and GA Hampton families together as is illustrated by the following...............thanks for your reply yes I am from the Burke Co. Ga. ………… according to my gr-gr-granfathers civil war records he was born in Burke GA. around 1815-20 his name was Simeon H Hampton - - - GA. E 61st Ga. Regt. Montgomery Go. Ga. Sharpshooters a Thomas, Simeon and James were listed in the 1820 census for Burke Go. Ga. I don't know which one was his father. His wife was Emily Tennison. .......................Andrew, Joseph and John are listed in the early St. George Parrish Ga. Records (mid 1760s) Joseph and John ask for land adjoining Hall Hudson, Asa, Emanuel and David Lewis - each receiving land next to each. That's about as for as I have been able to go.........Anyone else having information about this Hampton family can help prove or disprove the connection.
I believe we will find a link that ties the following documented family in GA to Andrew Hampton of Granville. We haven't conclusively linked the NC and GA Andrews together. We know Andrew moved from NC to GA 1765-1769. We know the following Joseph Hampton shows up in GA in 1769 with a father named Andrew Hampton - - - So far we don't have the date of death for Andrew of Granville or any estate settlement records.
While it is not conclusive, many of us that have spent a great deal of time investigating this Andrew Hampton from NC and have come to a conclusion in regard to Andrew moving from NC to GA. The conclusion and the opinion of this compiler/family researcher is, that based upon the available evidence:
1. Andrew Hampton of Granville, NC - moved to St George's Parish, GA in 1765 as noted and documented above.
2. Joseph Hampton (son of Andrew 1) was born about 1746 in SC/NC, and died about 1803 in Jefferson County, Georgia. He married Elizabeth ? . He moved to Georgia about 1765-1769 (with his father, Andrew) and later appears in the 1801 Tax Digest of Jefferson County, Georgia with one slave, and 200 acres, according to Hines-Hampton and Allied Families of Georgia and Florida, Frances Hines Kolner, 1997, Anundsen Publishing Co., Decorah, Iowa, p. 51.
3. Andrew Hampton (son of Joseph 2, Andrew 1) born about 1769-1770, possibly in St. George's Parish, Georgia, according to Memoirs of Florida, by Rowland H. Rerick, v. 1, 1902, p. 558. He died January 26, 1840, in Laurens County, Georgia. He married (1) Mary Jane "Polly" Darsey, daughter of Benjamin Darsey and Leodicey ?. He married (2) Mary Fulliwood in May of 1829. It has been reported that there was no issue of this second marriage.
4. Andrew Young Hampton (Andrew 3, Joseph 2, Andrew 1) was born October 29, 1806, in Jefferson County, Georgia, and died January 6, 1870, in Greenville, Madison County, Florida. He married Eliza B. Coats on December 18, 1828, in Dublin, Laurens County, Georgia, daughter of Robert Coats. She was born in 1808 in Scotland.
This family history (Hamptons in GA) is complete for several more generations, but I have stopped at this point, as this is not a direct family line for my family. Further research is needed to conclusively link the NC and GA Hampton lines together and any assistance in that regard would be most welcome. Until the conclusive link between the two families is found, I can only say it is my opinion that they are the same. Any facts to prove anything, one way or the other, are most welcome.
As mentioned earlier, I offer special acknowledgement and appreciation to Roberta Rose and James W. Foster for their research, assistance and significant contributions. Both have done significant research into this family and have very graciously assisted me, as has Sanna Gaffney. I acknowledge the significant contributions made by others, but must take full responsibility for any conclusions in this compilation in order not to attribute incorrectly to any one else. Please do not use my compilation for attribution to anyone unless I have specifically so stated. I do not wish to burden in any way, any person who has helped me so immensely with the above compilation and involve them in the defense of any part of it.
Any invormation, suggestions, etc. may be sent to:
Major sources for information on Col. Andrew Hampton: "Notes on Andrew Hampton" compiled by Robert B. Cox. The Hampton Family - Early in the Shenandoah Valley" compiled by Robert B. Cox, submitted to the "Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Old Tryon County", Volume IV, Number 2: May, 1976 (pages 72-78) & August, 1976 (p. 144-146). Various Internet resources and descendant family records. Dr. Robert W. Ramsay, a professional historian, in various articles and writings.
"Colonel" Andrew Hampton: Rev. War Colonel, Battle of Kings Hill: (Probably not our direct ancestor, but probably a cousin of our Andrew Hampton: Roger)
Tryon & Rutherford, NC
Born About 1725
Died October 8, 1805
Colonel Andrew HAMPTON, who signed the TRYON DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE in August 1775, was an early-day patriot, who served in the North Carolina Militia. He was a hero in America’s Revolutionary War.
The life of my ancestor, Col. Andrew Hampton, has been somewhat difficult to compile. A starting point might be with the work of Lyman Draper...........One grandson of Colonel Andrew Hampton, Jonathan Hampton, Jr., in response to a query from Lyman C. Draper, wrote on May 20, 1880 from Rutherford County, North Carolina, "I don't recollect my grandfather's place or time of birth as the record is not at hand now. He came to this county from Lincoln County, North Carolina about 1760. I think he was born in Pennsylvania." In an earlier letter, Jonathan, Jr. had written Draper that his grandfather had left many valuable records, since lost or destroyed by brothers.
Many early researchers and family historians over the past one hundred plus years have proposed that there was one and only one Col. Andrew Hampton (b.1713 - d.1805). Extensive research by many people, including Roberta Rose, J.W. Foster and others, has proven to a high degree of probability, that there were indeed two separate Andrew Hampton's in NC circa 1734-1765, rather than the single "Composite Col. Andrew" as often proposed.
I am referencing the elder of the two (born about 1710-1713) as Granville Andrew Hampton (although some reference him as Captain Andrew) and the younger as Anson or Col. Andrew Hampton.
Most early researchers were looking to give Andrew Hampton the age of 21 when he first appears in VA land records. He would have needed a birth year of about 1713 (which is the date most often seen and referenced). Granville Andrew was probably born in that 1710-1713 time frame. Anson Andrew (Col. Andrew) was probably born closer to 1825.
While we do not know the correct birth date of either Andrew, research and analysis by J. W. Foster gives us a point to expect to find Col. Andrew's birth date. Analysis of the age of marriage and first child's birth (for this period of time) produces a bell curve that points to around 1725 for Col. Andrew Hampton of Anson/Rutherford.
Having stated that I firmly believe the evidence documents two Andrew Hamptons in NC circa 1734-1765 and given the aforementioned estimated birth dates, the discussion must for a moment turn to how many of us have arrived at that conclusion.
Before entering into that discussion I offer special acknowledgement and appreciation to Roberta Rose and James W. Foster for their research, assistance and significant contributions. Both have done significant research into this family and have very graciously assisted me as has Sanna Gaffney. I acknowledge the significant contributions made by others, but must take full responsibility for any conclusions in this compilation in order not to attribute incorrectly to any one else. Please do not use my compilation for attribution to anyone unless I have specifically so stated. I do not wish to burden in any way, any person who has helped so immensely with this compilation and involve them in the defense of any part of it.
When I first read about Col. Andrew Hampton, I was amazed. It was truly exciting to read about him. He came from a prominent family in New Jersey. Removed to NC and seemed to be everywhere in the state, he also seemed to own much of it. He was Sheriff of Granville. He was in Granville, Brunswick, Tryon, Mecklenburg, Orange, Frederick and many other counties (I didn't realize until later that they kept renaming and changing counties, so he wasn't in quite as many places as I thought).
Anyway, Andrew built, owned and ran a mill in Granville while he built, owned and operated another in Tryon. He had a home and children on the Tarr River (Granville Co.) and a home and children on Dutchman's Creek - Anson, Co. (15 kids in 30 years, so he must have spent some time on Dutchman's Creek). Not content with all heretofore, he built and operated an "ordinary" (meals, libations, lodging) and did so well with the first, he sold it and he built a second larger one (both in Granville). He was a Captain in the Militia in Granville, but not to be idle while in Tryon, he was also a Captain in the Militia in Tryon.
He was active in the church in Granville - appointed "Vestryman," this would encompass a large geographic area and handled matters that would be similar to what a judge might do today, divorces, disputes, etc. Being a Vestryman required one to be available and required a reasonable investment of time and energy. It was not the type of position that would normally be given to someone that was on the road/traveling to another county at least half the time. While doing all of the above, as well as traveling back and forth between Anson County and Granville County - - he bought, sold, subdivided and developed land by the tract and/or land grant.
One day I was recounting my amazement about our ancestor to cousin Roberta Rose and she said something like -- "well, you know there were two Andrews." I certainly didn’t know there were two Andrews. In fact, I had been looking up family trees, reading everything I could find and had never seen anything except good old “Composite Andrew” Hampton (b.1713-d.1805). Every once in a while some one would change the birth date to 1710 or 1715, but that was pretty much the extent of what I had seen and found.
Col. Andrew Hampton (b. 1713 - d. 1805). This "Composite Andrew" was said to have married first Sarah around 1730 and second Catherine Hyder, about 1749. He was reported as having 4 children (records indicate it was 5 or more) in the first marriage and 15 in the second marriage for a total of 19. The death date for Col. Andrew was known - 1805. A birth date of 1713 was estimated to accommodate the early records, ... land purchased in 1734 and appointment to sheriff/constable in 1737. Thus he was proposed as being 21 when first acquiring land.
I will address what I believe are a few of the key points in the one Andrew or two question.
It is documented that in Granville, NC – 1756, a license was granted to Andrew Hampton to keep an "ordinary" on his plantation bought from John Adcock.... wherein Andrew promised "to provide good, wholesome and cleanly lodging & diet for travelers"...In 1764 when he moved to Ledge of Rocks, he again was granted a license for an "ordinary".... There are deeds for both properties (and many others) for "Andrew of Granville." Both of these locations were on the Tarr River in Granville Co, NC.
LOCATION: 2000 NC, Tarr River rises in West Central Person Co. and flows SE through Granville, Franklin, Nash, Edgecombe and Pitt Counties to Beaufort Co. where it becomes the Pamlico River.
Tax Lists for Granville Co give good clues about the ages of Granville Andrew's children and Andrew. According to N.C. law, at the time, white males 16 years of age or over were subject to an annual head tax. ...... Granville Andrew's name first appears on the 1753 list, written separately at the side of the page, perhaps as if he had been a latecomer to Granville, arriving after the list was made but before the books were closed. The 1753 tax list does offer some indication that none of Andrew's male children were 16 or over in 1753, since only Andrew, one tithable, was listed in that year. The next year, 1754, "Hampton Andrew and son Ephraim" are named, two tithables. In 1758, the next surviving list, Ephraim is listed as head of a separate household, one tithable, next to Andrew Hampton and Ezekiel Hampton in the same household, two tithables. ..... The 1761 tax list includes Ephraim as a head of household, Ezekiel as a head of household, plus Andrew Hampton and son John in a separate household with two tithables [one should note the presence of son "John"]. .... Joseph King, Andrew's son-in-law, is a part of Andrew's household on the 1762, 1764 and 1765 lists. From the fairly regular schedule of births in the family, one might guess Andrew's daughter, Mrs. Joseph King, was born after Ezekiel and before John. After 1765, neither Andrew Hampton nor Joseph King show up by name on the Granville lists. ... SOURCE J.W Foster research and Roberta Rose research. Foster's research goes on to show this Andrew removing to Georgia shortly after 1765. In 1769, an Andrew Hampton applied for a land grant in Georgia along the Altamaha River, stating he had lived in Georgia for four years along with his wife and two minor children (Georgia Headright Grants Book F.5, pages 470,473). The deed of sale for his last Granville land, Granville Andrew is noted as "being in the Province of Georgia." Granville, NC Deeds H-279 and H-476 (1765) show both Andrew Hampton and Joseph King "in the Province of GA."
The Granville Militia Regiment under Colonel William Eaton in 1754 shows eight companies, with Captain Andrew Hampton commanding Company #8. John Adcock shows as the Lieutenant in the company, with Ephraim Hampton as Ensign. Ephraim was a son of the Captain Andrew Hampton. A map of the area for this period shows Hampton Creek and Adcock's Creek, at the head of the Tarr River - Granville County. As noted in the previous paragraph and here, Granville Andrew was on the Tarr River from 1753 until 1765. His home was there, his business was there, his family was there and he is noted on official documents as Andrew Hampton "of Granville County." These official documents (including deeds) were sworn or affirmed by fellow citizens as signed by "Andrew Hampton of Granville Co, NC" and some proved in court.
When referenced to the above, this is an example, of the many, where Andrew is said to be in two places at once ---- --- --- MARCH, 1754 - Anson County, North Carolina Deeds show Mathew Kuykendall and wife Mary sell 150 acres for 28 Pounds Virginia money to Andrew Hampton. The land is located on the south side of the Catawba River and south side of Leapers Creek. Witnesses were John and Peter Kuykendall and Charles Dunlap and the Register shows all parties "to be of Anson County." Relating to this same time frame, Dr. Robert W. Ramsay in his 1967 article by map locates Andrew Hampton on Dutchman's Creek below the Kuykendall Creek. The were other deeds and documents during this time frame executed by "Andrew Hampton of Anson County."
Thus we have Andrew in two places at once in 1754.
Col. Andrew Hampton had his home, business and family on Dutchman's Creek during this period and was referenced in documents as being "Andrew Hampton of Anson County." Indeed during the entire period 1753-1765 we have documented proof that there were two separate Andrew Hamptons - - - one is documented on deeds and records as "Andrew Hampton of Granville County" and the other is documented on deeds and records as "Andrew Hampton of Anson County." People who knew each of them swore or affirmed the identity of these two Andrews. Many of these records were proven in court. In my opinion, this is conclusive proof of the separate identities of these two individuals.
It must be noted that from 1750-1765, the two men were documented in continuous residence on opposite sides of the NC Piedmont and approximately two hundreds miles apart. Both individuals have continuous recorded documents for the period 1750-1765 proving their respective locations. One must also bear in mind that these various locations (counties) are several days travel by horse, longer travel time by wagon or even longer on foot. One must consider the hazards and conditions of traveling at this time. Governor Dobbs of NC wrote in 1761, "for the prior seven years, the Indian troubles were so serious that a total stop was put to the western migration in NC, with early settlers having been driven from their lands." On February 27, 1760, Colonel Waddell and his command at Fort Dobbs on Fourth Creek, North West of Salisbury, NC - were attacked by two assaults of Indians. In 1762, Governor Dobbs wrote that early settlers, having been previously driven off of their land during the Cherokee War, were starting to return. I find it very hard to believe that any man would have been frequently traveling back and forth between Anson and Granville counties under these perilous conditions (and have lived to tell about it).
Andrew joined the Public Safety Committee, which was a group of citizens banding together to mutually assist each other in defense against the Indians. Any one who has studied this era is well aware of the legion of stories about massacres, abductions and attacks. Think about this for a moment. Given the ever present danger, would you abandon one family or the other (Anson or Granville), leave your wife and infant children and travel half way across the state for days on end to check on business and your second family, then leave that family and head back across the state. If there were only one Andrew Hampton, this man did that for years during one the countries most dangerous periods. It is almost inconceivable to me, that anyone would have been able to do this, given the documented danger and conditions. Additionally, the time required to travel this distance by horse or wagon would have consumed half of his life, scarcely allowing for the many other activities and accomplishments reported for the two individuals. The maps below are illustrative of the relative locations for the two Andrews.
The Granville will of Minus Griggs (October 1760) bears the signatures and witnesses of Andw Hampton - Jurat; Ephraim Hampton and William Berry - Jurat. "Note the style signature for And(w) Hampton on the Griggs will. The same style shows on the deeds to Ezekiel and Ephraim and in numerous later documents, including the 1805 will in Rutherford." Earlier Orange County Virginia records show the presence there of Minus and John Griggs around 1741. A son of Ezekiel and grandson of Andrew Hampton, by name of Andrew Hampton (1765-1861), came to the New River area of Virginia around 1785; the area became Grayson County, Virginia in 1793. This younger Andrew had married Sarah Griggs, the widow of John Griggs, who was one of the sons mentioned in the 1760 Griggs will.................
.........Draper papers identified as Draper MSS 12 DD 13 show a petition by Andrew Hampton to the Court of Rutherford County (1782) seeking reimbursement for 160 Pounds of Specie taken by "a banditry of Tories" marched into Rutherford by Major Fergusen in 1780. Specie had been "forcibly and feloniously taken by Mark Powel, James Upton Calishaw and many others." The signature style of And(w) Hampton on this document appears to be the same as found in Granville County, North Carolina on October 7, 1760 when he and son Ephraim witnessed the will of Minus Griggs.
In regard to the two items above: Others, who have seen the signatures, have said, ..."they are similar, but not the same or identical" or "their signatures were different, similar in form, but different in execution." ... ... "signatures perhaps from two individuals who went to the same school or were raised in the same family, etc...." One should also note the above quote referenced ......... "the same style shows"...... it was not stated that they are the same or identical signatures. I suppose we will have to get this sent to the FBI or some equally qualified handwriting expert for final resolution. This is probably the most difficult item to resolve in the debate about one Andrew or two.
In reference to the 1805 Will of Col. Andrew Hampton (excerpt contained later in these notes), it should be noted that there is no mention of the four children from Granville - Zachariah, Ephraim, Ezekiel and David - the 4 most commonly attributed children of "Composite Andrew" and the so called "first family." It should also be pointed out that records indicate that Grandville Andrew had a daughter and another son John (that would make 6 children if David is included, bringing Andrew's combined total of children to 21 - - - if there were only one Andrew).
It is almost inconceivable that a will (Col. Andrew's below), naming other deceased and living children, would not mention living children from Granville (the 4 or 6 above) - thus inviting dispute, revocation, etc. In my opinion, further proof that the four (or six) Granville children were not those of Col. Andrew Hampton.
NOTE: This researcher has seen no documentation or evidence for David Hampton being a son of Granville or Col. Andrew Hampton. It may be possible, but I have not seen anything that would lead one to that conclusion. I would welcome any evidence substantiating that relationship.
Will Excerpt: Col Andrew Hampton - Found in Rutherford County North Carolina Abstracts of Wills 1779 - 1822........... " Youngest son Washington, land on which I now live being part of several tracts, one Negro boy Jack, 1/4 all crops growing or made this year. Daughter. Elizabeth Price, old Negro woman Dinah. Daughter. Nancy Bradley, old Negro man Will. All Negroes and other property real, and personal to be sold and over plus after debts are paid to be equally divided between my children; Jonathan, Susannah, Andrew, John, Elizabeth, Nancy, Benjamin, Alice, Rachel, Mary, Adam, Michel, and "Catharine", dead, whose part is to be received by their heirs or representatives in Law within two years after my decease." I appoint my son JONATHAN HAMPTON executor. Wit: Charley Lewis, Thomas Rowland. Signed; ANDREW HAMPTON.
Another point to consider in regard to birth dates is as follows: Noah Hampton, son of Col. Andrew, was killed in the revolutionary war in 1780. Col. Andrew was a rather active officer in that war ...... Kings Mountain, various battles and chasing the Tories down to Charlestown, etc. If we do the math on these events:
Andrew active in Revolutionary War 1780-1781
Andrew born 1713
Therefore his age in 1781 was 68 years old
Do we really believe Col. Andrew was 65-68 years old when fighting in these historic battles? The oldest documented officer in the Revolutionary War, that I am aware of, was 54 years old. I find it highly improbable that a 68-year man was actively involved as a battlefield commander in the war as Col. Andrew reportedly was. If you read the accounts of his war time travels and excursions, e.g., Kings Mountain, Sycamore Shoals and Thickety Fort, etc., there was an eight year period of battle, travel, encampment, charging, retreating, chasing ........ he wasn't an armchair Colonel, he didn't retire to the comforts of his headquarters every evening..... it is almost incomprehensible that a man 68 years of age could have been the Col. Andrew described in various Revolutionary War accounts.
We must also consider that he was appointed sheriff in Rutherford three successive years after the war ended in 1781. A 70+ year old sheriff?
Conversely - - - -
Andrew active in Revolutionary War 1780
Andrew born Abt. 1725
Therefore his age in 1780 was 55 years old
Possible, but even this is stretching it, age wise, for an active battlefield officer.
Using this 1725 birth date ............. the first Virginia records for Andrew's first land deal are in 1734, which would make him 9 years old? This further illustrates the problem with the one Andrew chronology. It makes it highly improbable that one individual fits the total documented profile and virtually mandates two separate Andrews to account for the geography, records and dates involved.
Full documentation of the two Andrews consumes pages of notes plus side-by-side comparison, notation and differentiation. Any one wishing to do so, may simply combine the two separate files. Suffice it to say, it is this compiler's opinion that the volume of evidence, in total, weighs heavily in favor of two Andrew Hamptons. It is almost impossible, in my opinion, to make the often proposed - "Composite Col. Andrew Hampton" logically and realistically fit the known facts.
Colonel Andrew fought for a very precious concept - FREEDOM. I also believe very firmly in that concept. I know we are each free to choose how we see and interpret the facts. I also welcome any additional facts that anyone has that will prove something one way or the other. I have sought and still seek any information available. I did not and do not have a predestined outcome for this family file.
The two family histories included herein for Orange, Brunswick & Granville Andrew Hampton and Col. Andrew Hampton of Anson/Tryon/Rutherford are derived by separating the known events to the respective and correct (in my opinion) Andrew Hampton file/history. Thus, to see the full "Composite Andrew," one would need to merge the Andrew Hampton (Abt. 1710 - ??) file with the Andrew Hampton (Abt. 1725 - 1805) file and you would have the "Composite Andrew Hampton" file, which is often presented in family histories. I will present the Col. Andrew Hampton (Andrew of Anson/Tryon/Rutherford) information first and then the Frederick/Brunswick/Granville Andrew information.
The earliest record I have found so far for Col. Andrew Hampton is as follows: 18 Apr 1748 - NC, Anson Co. Survey - Andrew Hampton one of sworn chain carriers Granville Grant to Samuel Davis 579 acres N. E, side of Yadkin River supposed to be 30 miles above the Catawba Path joining sd river [from Granville District of N.C. Abstracts of Land Grants: 1748-1763 by Margaret Hoffman].
Anson County was the most westerly county and stretched from SC to VA. [This may have been about the time Col. Andrew decided to move to the Anson area.] Noah Hampton was the Frederick County Surveyor in 1747. My speculation is that he possibly put Andrew to work on this survey or had connections with other surveyors that enabled Andrew to work in this capacity. We cannot conclusively prove that the chain carrier was Col Andrew. It is only my speculation that this Andrew was Col. Andrew and that this may have been how Col Andrew discovered this neck of the woods, shortly thereafter taking a new bride, then deciding to move to this area to establish his new home and family.
Traditional and undocumented accounts have Andrew Hampton married to one Catherine Hyder about 1749. She is shown as born in Pennsylvania, before April 25, 1736. These dates accommodate the reported 1751 birth year for son Jonathan, most often shown as the eldest son of the family.
The Hyders (wife Catherine's family) and the Kuykendalls, all of whom immigrated to the Catawba Valley about the same time as Andrew and later to the Broad River Valley, lived within shouting distance of Noah Hampton's mill in VA, prior to migrating to NC.
Hyder family researchers have the family coming from Germany to America about 1729, entering at Philadelphia, then moving southwest. Andrew and Catherine had a son Michael who was probably named after Catherine’s father. The Hyder family was found in Rutherford County, North Carolina during and prior to the period of the Revolutionary War.
NC, Anson Co. - Andrew Hampton bought 640 acres of land on the lower Pee Dee River in Anson County, North Carolina in the fall of 1749 - - 26 Sept 1749 James Jones of Craven Co., SC, planter, to ANDREW HAMPTON of Anson Co., Planter, for L500 proc. money 640 A granted to said Jones 22nd May 1741...on S side of PeeDee...Beach Creek... James Jones (seal) Wit: Wm. Bedingfield Wm. Kemp X Jo Stafford.
This is Andrew's first known land purchase in North Carolina. He sold that same land in the fall of 1751. We are not sure of the reason for the quick turn around. Maybe he didn't like the Pee Dee location, maybe he got an offer he couldn't refuse, and maybe the site didn't work as a Mill site.
Sept 1751 - ANDREW HAMPTON of Anson Co., to Ambrose Stille of same, trader, for L150 Ve currency 640 A on SW side of PeeDee above Buch Creek granted to James Jones 22 May 1741. Andrew Hampton (seal) Wit: M. Brown - John Hamer - Jacob Fortenburg .
The presence of the Hampton and Kuykendall families in the northern end of the Shenandoah Valley was shown early. Thus, it appears that Samuel Cobrin, Andrew Hampton and other Hampton's, as well as the Kuykendalls may have known each other before their migrations south led them into North Carolina.
Andrew Hampton and the members of the Kuykendall family by names of Peter, James, Abraham and John show up as members of the Cobrin Company, North Carolina Militia of Captain Samuel Corbin. In the fall issue of Johnson's NC Genealogy Magazine for 1967, an article was submitted by the late Dr. Robert W. Ramsey dealing with the Cobrin Company. Dr. Ramsey's book on page 1932 of the Johnson NC Genealogy Magazine, listed 56 members of Captain Cobrin's Militia that are known to have settled in present-day Lincoln and Gaston Counties, of North Carolina. On the following page 1933, by a map of the area, Ramsey locates the 56 members. Hampton and the Kuykendalls are shown on the branches of Dutchman's Creek, above the Tuckasege Ford of the Catawba River. The article by Ramsey identifies Samuel Cobrin as one of the five sons of James Cobrin, a flourishing Indian Trader, in the Susquehanna Valley of Pennsylvania in 1724. By 1734, the father James Cobron was in the Cumberland Valley of Pennsylvania and by 1748 he was shown as having died in the northern end of the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.
During this period, as a point of reference in time and context; Thomas Jefferson was a student at the College of William and Mary. The long rifle had been developed in Pennsylvania only twenty years earlier and in 1763 a British proclamation forbids settlement west of the Alleghenies. In 1764 the French founded St. Louis. In this period, Daniel Boone visits the new lands in Kentucky. In 1769-84 Junipero Serra founds nine Franciscan missions on the Pacific in California and George Washington was a relatively young man and surveyor.
NOVEMBER 12, 1752: The Diary of Moravian Bishop Spangenburg mentions the Andrew Hampton Shoals on the Catawba River, identified by editorial footnote as probably then the Horseford Shoals 3 miles from Hickory, North Carolina. Bishop Spangenburg had passed through Granville County Court House on the 25th and 26th of September, 1752, when he was preparing to survey the frontier for the 100,000 acres of land to be bought of the Earl Granville tract.
March, 1754: Anson County, North Carolina Deeds show Mathew Kuykendall and wife Mary sell 150 acres for 28 Pounds Virginia money to Andrew Hampton. The land is located on the south side of the Catawba River and south side of Leapers Creek. Witnesses were John and Peter Kuykendall and Charles Dunlap and the Register shows all parties to be of Anson County. Dr. Robert W. Ramsay in his 1967 article by map locates Andrew Hampton on Dutchman's Creek below the Kuykendall Creek. Today Leepers Creek... NE of Lincoln Co. flows SE into Gaston Co. then joins Killians Creek to form Dutchman's Creek. *See notes on Kuykendall family.
One David Hampton with wife Hannah had sold land in Cecil County in October 1754. David and Hannah, with one John Hampton and allied families of Van Pool and Cozine are found soon thereafter in North Carolina records. This David appears to be the son of David Hampton the son of John Hampton the immigrant and Katherine Cloudsley.
May 1, 1758. Benjamine Hardin and wf Catherine of Anson, to David Stanley, for L28s10 proc. money.....part of land on N side of Catawba granted to William Watson 29 Feb 1754,400 A....200 A sold to Hardin 10 July 1754....Benjamin Hardin (seal) Catherine Hardin (seal) Wit: Peter Kuykendall, Andrew Hampton, Benjamin Brown.
25 Nov 1763 Martin Armstrong and wf Mary (who formerly was known as Mary Kuykendall) of Meck... to Andrew Hampton for L40.. land on N Side of Dutchmans Creek, 280 A granted to sd Mary Kuykendall 26 Mar 1755. Martin Armstrong (seal) Mary Armstrong (seal) Wit: Robert Walker, William Cleghorn, John Wilson
1763-64 Robert Waller (Walter or Walker?) to Andrew Hampton for Ls3 d45 sale of Dec 1763 on 3 Aug 1764 cattle, etc Robert Waller (seal) Wit: William Cleghorn, Jeremiah Harrison
12 Apr 1764 Peter Kuykendall of Meck (formerly Anson) to Andrew Hampton of same for L25 proc. money....land on S side Cataba and Leepers Creek, 150 A granted to Matthew Kuykendall 1 Apr 1750, conveyed to sd. Peter 1&2 Mar1754. Peter Kuykendall (seal) Mary Kuykendall (seal) Witness Robert McDowell, William Ader, John Thomas
15 and 16 May 1764 James Kuykendall and wf Sary of Anson to ADAM HAMPTON of same for L50 Va. money... land S. side of Catabo R. on Kuykendalls dr., part of survey of 300 A to sd Kuykendall...Granted 1 Apr 1751. James Kuykendall (seal)Sarah Kuykendall (I) (seal_)
Witness: John Kuykendall, Benjamin Hardin, Charles Cunlap.
1&2 March 1765 John Baumgartner of Meck...planter..to Geo Reese of same, planter,(lease s5, release L7 s15) ...150 A on a branch of Leepers Creek, adj. sd. Baumgartn, including George Reese's improvement....granted to said Baumgartner 16 Nov 1764. John Baumgartner (seal) Witness: William Moor, ANDW. HAMPTON, Robert Alesander
1766 James Armstrong and wf Elizabeth of Meck.... to Samuel Rankin for L50.... land on W. sideCautaba on Cookindols Creek....225 A granted to sd Armstrong 2 Oct 1751 James Armstrong (A) (seal) Elizabeth Armstrong (seal) Wit: ANDREW HAMPTON, Hace McWhorter. Proven Jan term 1768.
6 August 1768. Benjamin Hyder (s/o Hans Michael Heider/Hider: 16 Oct 1745 -16 Dec 1826) married 15 Feb 1768 to "Katy" or Catherine Heslep (10 Nov 1747 - 15 Jan 1830) in either Mecklenburg County, NC or Lincoln County. They first appear in Rutherford County with the purchase of a 200-acre tract of land for L20 on Mountain Creek of Broad River from Andrew Hampton and his wife Catherine (land which had been granted to Andrew Hampton on 20 March 1766), recorded in Mecklenburg County, 6 August 1768. Here they lived and raised their family. (Catherine Hampton, Andrew's wife, was a daughter of Hans Michael Heider of Moorefield, WV and thus a brother of Benjamin Hyder).
1768: Records of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina show Andrew Hampton of Dutchman's Creek as Administrator of the John Wilson estate; a name shown earlier in Hampshire County with land adjacent to Phipps land. Whether related to the above entry or not, Rowan County, North Carolina records show one David Hampton getting 50 acres on the Dutchman's Creek on October 10, 1783, selling to James Wilson on September 15, 1785, about the same time that one David Hampton shows up in Kentucky married to Sarah Willison, said to be from South Carolina. Joseph Bryan was witness to the land transfers.
1770: George Rutledge, (I believe the one that was in Augusta Co, VA & 'removed' to Carolina Abt 1745) who died Abt 1770 (will dated 21 Mar 1770 in Tyron Co., NC., wife Jean - - leaves to son James tract of land called the Nickson Ieve containing 150 acres; son John the place on Dutchman's Creek containing 200 acres below Andrew Hampton's; son George place on Turkey Creek Cont 255 ac; son Charles, the place I now live on reserving same to wife for her life. Dau Mary, mare and 20 pounds in money; Dau Jean 25 lbs also tract of land on Broad River I got from James Ceisot.
21 Feb 1770, ANDREW HESLIP, of Tryon Co., planter to JOHN HESLIP of Tryon Co., for natural love & affection...land adj. S. side Catawba Riber opposite to Chusicks land...60 A granted to Tos. Robertson 4 Ar 1752, and also granted to Edward Givins & wf. Agness unto James ugggins by L & R, 19 & 20 Ar 1759, then to sd. ANDREW HESLIP 22 Oct 1761...ANDREW HESLIP (SEAL), Witness: ANDREW HAMPTON, BENJAMIN HIDER. Rec. Apr term
APRIL, 1770: Andrew Hampton, Abraham Kuykendall, Henry Clark and Joseph Green presented their commissions as captains in the Tryon militia to the April Court. Tryon formed in 1769, from Mecklenburg County, North Carolina in its initial scope had boundaries almost indefinable. See, "The History of Old Tryon and Rutherford Counties," 1730-1936, by Clarance W. Griffin. The first Tryon Sheriff reported 1226 taxables in 1769. Erent Holcomb in his, "Deed Abstracts of Tryon, Lincoln and Rutherford Counties, North Carolina 1769-1786," shows that at the time of its formation, Tryon County, North Carolina included all of the South Carolina Counties of York, Chester, Union, Cherokee, Spartanburg, Greenville, Laurens and Newberry; and also included all or parts of the North Carolina Counties of Lincoln, Gaston, Cleveland, Rutherford, Henderson, Polk, Burke and McDowell.
6 Dec 1770 Andrew Hampton Esquire appointed Captain of Tryon County Regiment of Militia by Governor William Tryon, at Newbern, NC
30 November 1771 - Andrew Hampton appointment (above) extended by Governor Josiah Martin
JULY 4, 1771: Lincoln County Deed Book shows Andrew Hampton and Katherine his wife of Tryon County, North Carolina releases a tract to Samuel Johnston of Tryon, now in his possession on north side of Dutchman's Creek adjoining Abraham Kuykendall, James Kuykendall; 280 acres granted to Mary Kuykendall, now the wife of Martin Armstrong, patent bearing date of March 26, 1755, and conveyed afterwards by Martin Armstrong and wife Mary, to Andrew Hampton by single deed bearing date of November 25, 1763. Quitrents payable to "our Sovereign Lord the King." Signed by Andrew Hampton and Katharine (X) Hampton. Witnesses to the above land transfer were Patrick McDavid, James (X) Millekon and John McElroy, proved January session 1773. Tryon County record books were adopted in 1779, when Tryon was discontinued after the formation of Rutherford and Lincoln Counties, by the new administration of Lincoln County.
JULY 6, 1772: The Lincoln County Deed Book lists Andrew Hampton of Tryon County, Yeoman, sells 300 acres to Hugh Jenkins, Yeoman. The tract is the same, as that Adam Hampton died seized and possessed of, the said Andrew Hampton as heir at law to the said Adam, his brother. This is one of the few references seen relating to a brother Adam for Andrew Hampton.
A researcher named Purcell in 1997 found the 1772 will of Noah Hampton. It was found at the West Virginia University under the Early Records of Hampshire Co., now WV A. The will mentions wife Alse, indicating a second wife. The NJ land records of 1717 show the then wife as Sarah. In addition to the wife the will mentions a son Andrew, oldest daughter Mathy, and a daughter Ann, whose Purcell sons lived on the property until moving west. Source: Letter from researcher, Col. Robert B. Cox and the Purcell Family Web Site.
Some researchers feel that the Andrew mentioned in the will was Col. Andrew Hampton and others feel that it was not Col. Andrew. Those that believe it wasn't Col. Andrew, feel that it was another Andrew that moved to Indiana circa 1750-1775. Needless to say, we are trying to find the Indiana Andrew Hampton - leads and/or information, are welcome. Based primarily on this will, many have noted and referenced "Old Noah" Hampton as the father of Col. Andrew.
Last Will of William Twitty - Pronounced 27 March 1775. Proved July 1775. William Twitty's nuncupartive Will made in presence and proved by the Oath of Thomas Johnson to have been made and pronounced a few Hours before his Death on the River Kentucke in the Indian Lands on the twenty seventh Day of March Anno Dom. 1775. To wit, That it was his Will that his Wife Susannah Twitty should keep the Children and what there was together to give them Good Education, and do well by them. Thomas Johnson (his mark) - - - pp132 C. R. 060.5408 : "An inventory of the Effects of William Twitty Decest & Appraised by John Walker & Andrew Hampton" returned Octr Ct. 1775, signed Susannah Twitty
Effects appraised by Andrew Hampton Jas Mcfaddin 1776
1778- June 24: "John Bradley's death was caused by a fall from a loft owned by Andrew Hampton on a day that there was a complete eclipse of the sun, "from the book 'Gudbrodt means Goodbread' pg 384.
WILL, Old Tryon Co., NC -- Brent Holcomb. Will of John BRADLEY of the county of Tryon...to my daughter Sarah MORGAN, 5 shillings sterling...to my daughter Anna JONES 5 shillings...to my son by 1st wife, John BRADLEY 5 shillings ……. to my son Richard...to my son John, son by my second wife 5 shillings...to my son George Warton BRADLEY, 5 shillings...to my daughter Mary BRADLEY, son Edward BRADLEY my son Isaac, my son James Terry BRADLEY, my son John W. BRADLEY, 5 shillings sterling paid to each of them...to my loving wife Mary BRADLEY, 100 A. being part of the tract belonging to Jones Williams, likewise 400 A lying near ??? in Burke Co., my Negro winch Nan & her children, 2 mares, one colt & horse, 17 head of cattle......... Witnesses by: Jonathan Hampton, Andrew Hampton, and Jones Williams Oct. 1778 filed in Lincolnton NC.
John Bradley, son of the above deceased, married Nancy Hampton - Col. Andrew's daughter.
1779 NC Rutherford Co. formed from Tryon. Rest of Tryon renamed Lincoln.
15 September 1779 Andrew Hampton appointed Colonel of a Regiment of Militia in Rutherford Co., NC by Governor Richard Caswell, done at Newington, NC.
Records in the National Archives show an index of the volunteer soldiers from North Carolina in the American Revolution. Andrew Hampton shows as a Captain and Lt. Colonel in Graham's Regiment of Tryon County, North Carolina and Andrew Hampton shows in Porter's Company as well as one Michael Hampton and Adam Hampton as Ensign.
In Tryon County, North Carolina - there were many loyal subjects of the king and likewise a gallant band of patriots who as early as August, 1775, adopted and signed the following bold declaration:
"The unprecedented, barbarous and bloody actions committed by British troops on our American brethren near Boston, on 19th April and 20th of May last, together with the hostile operations and treacherous designs now carrying on, by the tools of ministerial vengeance, for the subjugation of all British America, suggest to us the painful necessity of having recourse to arms in defense of our National freedom and constitutional rights, against all invasions; and at the same time do solemnly engage to take up arms and risk our lives and our fortunes in maintaining the freedom of our country whenever the wisdom and counsel of the Continental Congress or our Provincial Convention shall declare it necessary; and this engagement we will continue in for the preservation of those rights and liberties which the principals of our Constitution and the laws of God, nature and nations have made it our duty to defend. We therefore, the subscribers, freeholders and inhabitants of Tryon County, do here by faithfully unite ourselves under the most solemn ties of religion, honor and love to our county, firmly to resist force by force, and hold sacred till a reconciliation shall take place between Great Brittain and America on Constitutional principals, which we most ardently desire and do firmly agree to hold all such persons as inimical to the liberties of America who shall refuse to sign this association."
(Signed) John Walker, Charles McLean, Andrew Neel, Thomas Beatty, James Coburn, Frederick Hambright, Andrew Hampton, Benjamin Hardin, George Paris, William Graham, Robt. Alexander, David Jenkins, Thomas Espey, Perrygreen Mackness, James McAfee, William Thompson, Jacob Forney, Davis Whiteside, John Beeman, John Morris, Joseph Harden, John Robison, James McIntyre, Valentine Mauney, George Black, Jas. Logan, Jas. Baird, Christian Carpenter, Abel Beatty, Joab Turner, Jonathan Price, Jas. Miller, John Dellinger, Peter Sides, William Whiteside, Geo. Dellinger, Samuel Carpenter, Jacob Mauney, Jun., John Wells, Jacob Costner, Robert Hulclip, James Buchanan, Moses Moore, Joseph Kuykendall, Adam Simms, Richard Waffer, Samuel Smith, Joseph Neel,
Samuel Loftin.
The earliest settlers in what is now Rutherford County probably started to come around 1730. These settlers were becoming educated and could read their own bibles, which had been translated by authority of King James I of England, who was also King James the VI of Scotland. One other thing that set these settlers apart was the fact that they elected their own church elders.
If one studies the chronology of the events leading up to hostilities between the American Colonies and England, starting in 1764 there was ever increasingly punitive laws and taxes - eventually leading to open fighting, then the Declaration of Independence. Early in the Revolutionary War it was not going well for the Americans, very few of the early battles were victories for the Americans.
In 1780, the war in the north was stalemated - - - General George Washington with less than 5000 troops in New Jersey against superior numbers under Lord Clinton in New York. The British decided to move the war south. They believed that they could recruit Tories to join the British Army and fight against the American rebels. The Americans were known as Whigs, a political name which denoted support for separation from England. The British moved by sea to the south and attacked Charleston, S.C. in March, and forced its surrender along with 5400 troops on May 11th. On May 29th, Colonel Banastre Tarleton slaughtered patriot forces at the Waxhaws, butchering many after they had surrendered.
In June, Lord Clinton, supremely confident, returned to New York, leaving General Cornwallis in charge of the British and Tory forces in the south. As Cornwallis moved his forces west and north into the up country, patriot forces of local militia were able to defeat Tory forces at Ramseur's Mill, Fort Thickety, and Musgroves Mill.
A brief account of the battle at Fort Thickety .............The Tories became troublesome in the area, raiding at night and retreating to Fort Thickety during the day. Col. Hampton's company joined Colonel Clark of Georgia and others in taking the fort and paroling about 60 prisoners.......... Arriving at the Cherokee Ford, Hampton and Clark met Colonel McDowell, Colonel Shelby and Major Charles Robertson. Approximately 600 men joined together to surprise Thickety Fort, some twenty miles distant.
They took up the line of march at sunset, and surrounded the post at day-break the next morning. William Cocke, a volunteer, was sent in to make a peremptory demand for the surrender of the garrison; to which Moore replied that he would defend the place to the last extremity. The Patriots then drew in their lines to within musket shot of the enemy all around, with a full determination to make an assault.
This gallant "six hundred" made so formidable an appearance, that on a second message, accompanied, we may well suppose, with words of intimidation, Moore, perhaps fearing another Ramsour's Mill onslaught, relented, and proposed to surrender, on condition that the garrison be paroled not to serve again during the war, unless exchanged. This proposal was acceded to, as the Americans did not care to be encumbered with prisoners. Thus ninety-three Loyalists, with one British Sergeant-Major, stationed there to discipline them, surrendered themselves without firing a gun; and among the trophies of victory were two hundred and fifty stand of arms, all loaded with ball and buck-shot. The capture of Thickety Fort occurred on Sunday, the thirtieth of July.
On August 16th, Cornwallis routed and destroyed the continental army under General Gates at Camden, S.C. This appeared to leave the entire south open to him. Cornwallis sent Major Patrick Ferguson to invade North Carolina. Ferguson was to recruit and train additional Tory troops and to suppress the Backwater Men whom he thought of as barbarians. Recruitment had been successful throughout South Carolina.
Now all that remained was to secure the left flank along the mountainous frontier, rejoin Cornwallis for a march through North Carolina on to the Chesapeake, then finally to meet General Washington and end
Col. Andrew Hampton's Timeline
1730 |
Freehold Township, Monmouth County, Province of East Jersey, Colonial America
1738 |
Bedford, Bedford, Virginia, United States
1751 |
Dutchman's Creek near the Catawba River, near present Mt. Holly, Anson (later Lincoln) County, North Carolina, Colonial America
1754 |
Lincoln County, North Carolina, United States
1755 |
Lincoln County, North Carolina
1756 |
Rutherford County, North Carolina, United States
1759 |
Rutherford County, North Carolina
Rutherford County, North Carolina, United States