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Hamilton of Allanshaw Genealogy and Hamilton of Allanshaw Family History Information

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  • James Hamilton in Allanshaw (b. - 1653)
    JAMES HAMILTON OF ALLANSHAW The ancestry of James Hamilton of Allanshaw, here treated, has not been satisfactorily established. It is supposed that he may have been a descendant of Robert Hamilton of...
  • James Hamilton of Allanshaw (b. - 1666)
    JAMES HAMILTON OF ALLANSHAW James Hamiltone in Allanschaw (1653) James Hamiltoun (1660) James Hamiltone of Allanshaw (1666) Umqll James Hamiltone in Allanshaw (1666) The Question of Identity Jam...
  • John Hamilton of Allanshaw (1666 - d.)
    Not a known father of John Hamilton JOHN HAMILTON OF ALLANSHAW John Hamiltone (1666) Jon Hamilton (1687) John Hamilton of Allanshaw (1693) John Hamilton of Allanshaw (1695) John Hamilton (1700) Jo...
  • Name Not Known (deceased)
    NAME NOT KNOWN The mother of James Hamilton of Allanshaw has not been satisfactorily identified. Presently, her name is not known. He was the son of James Hamilton in Allanshaw , and when his father di...
  • Robert Hamilton of Allanshaw (deceased)
    ROBERT HAMILTON OF ALLANSHAW The existence of Robert Hamilton of Allanshaw, here treated, has not been satisfactorily established. Certainly, no evidence of his existence has been found. According to J...

About the Hamilton of Allanshaw surname

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