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HaCohen Katz Genealogy and HaCohen Katz Family History Information

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  • HaGaon Rabbi Akiva HaCohen Katz, of Ofen (deceased)
    Akiva Ha-COHEN There was a man here in Prague that was great in Torah, wealth and Yichus that came to Prague from those that were exiled from the holy congregation of Uban (Budapest) because of a lib...
  • Bella Katz (c.1605 - 1677)
    176 harabbanit Bila e’ haGaon Chaim Katz (k”Ts) bk”k Posna v’Frankfurt, bt harosh Shmuel r’ Bezalels 1676/77 (Footnote: Her father and her husband were grandsons of the Maharal, as written in the megil...
  • Rabbi Chaim HaCohen Katz (b. - 1509)
    179 haGaon Chaim bn Isaac Katz (k”Ts) z”l No Year (but Gal-Ed #62 adds “haKadosh haCohen hGadol” and says he was slain at Zwitau in 1510) Moving into chronological order. ID: I65806 Name: Hayyim (Rabb...
  • HaGaon Chaim HaCohen-Katz, ABD Posen and Frankfurt (c.1582 - 1635)
    Die Familie Wolf - by Ernst Wolf 1924see chart of family LatzkoRabbi of Frankfurt am Main Rabbi Haim KATZ from Poznan (in polish) = Posen (in german) (descendant of MAHARAL) married his relative Daught...
  • Chaya Katz (c.1615 - 1706)
    177 Chaje bt Jechiel Lurie 1706 [Notes: e’ Chaim bn haGaon Naftali Katz (k”Ts) AB”D Lublin, and Jechiel Lurie is bn Shlemo Rofe m’Lublin] Chaje is Gal-Ed #60.

About the HaCohen Katz surname

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