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Chaya Katz (Luria) (1615 - 1706)

Birthplace: Safed, Israel
Death: 1706 (86-95)
Prague, Czech Republic
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Rabbi Yehiel Luria of Lublin, Maharshal's son and Simcha Luria
Wife of Chaim HaKohen HaCohen Katz
Mother of Feigale Bumsla and Rabbi Naftali Katz, ABD Glogau
Sister of Esther Heller; wife, Avraham haLevy Epstein and Rabbi Israel Isser Luria, (of Lublin)
Half sister of wife, Jacob Wahl-Katzenellenbogen; Rabbi Abraham Luria; Bella, and Uk Posen

Managed by: Prof. Yigal Burstein
Last Updated:

About Chaya Katz

177 Chaje bt Jechiel Lurie 1706 [Notes: e’ Chaim bn haGaon Naftali Katz (k”Ts) AB”D Lublin, and Jechiel Lurie is bn Shlemo Rofe m’Lublin] Chaje is Gal-Ed #60.

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Chaya Katz's Timeline

Safed, Israel
Age 91
Prague, Czech Republic
Lublin, Lubelskie, Poland