These particular Gordons were Scots men. My step father, my brother Roland Gordons father used to tell us the story of how the Gordon name was given. It seems that there was a wild bore who was ravaging the country side in this area in Scotland and the Lord of the area put up a reward for the person who would kill the boar and bring his head and present it to the lord. This young man killed the boar and instead of carrying the heavy head of the boar, he cut out its toungue and went of f to the home of the Lord. In the meantime another man found the dead boar and cut it's head off and presented it to the Lord. but just before the Lord gave the man the reward the young man arrived with the boars toungue. The Lord asked, "how do I know that this is the tongue of the boar?" "Look inside the head said the young man." Sure enough the boar had no tongue. "How did you kill this boar asked the lord?" "I goared him down," he replied The young man was presenjted with the reward and the lord said, "From now on and henceforth you shall be known as Gordon." Now, my step father was a great story teller, so you be the judge.