There are already 74 users and 2,885 genealogy profiles with the Flora surname on Geni. Explore Flora genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Hentet fra Albert Joleik si Soga om Flora fram til 1801, Soga om Gloppen og Breim av Per Sandal og Bygde bok om Glappen av Vitrup-ætta er ei dansk skrivar- og futeætt i Nordfjord Skifte (1749): Sogn og...
Unknown when he removed to Kansas however is listed among the earliest of settlers following Civil War in what later became Liberty township, Montgomery county, Kansas, while still Osage Indian territo...
w/o Wolney Pulaski "V P", 1st married Christmas 1856, divorced about 1896, remarried 1901. d/o Willam HOLLINGSWORTH & Martha Ann COONEY, older sister to Mary FLORA. Appointed Postmistress at Capital Ci...
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