Daniel Rice Boon Flora

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Daniel Rice Boon Flora (1838 - 1908)

Birthplace: Harrison County, Indiana, USA
Death: September 16, 1908 (69)
Ouray, Ouray, Colorado, United States
Place of Burial: Ouray, Ouray County, CO, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Rev. John Flora and Amanda Gibb Flora
Husband of Mary Flora
Brother of Wolney Pulaski "VP" Flora; Sarah Catherine Muth; Josephine Beauchamp; Maryette Isabell Flora; John Andrew Flora and 1 other
Half brother of Phillip Beecher Flora; William Sherman Flora; Loretta Genevieve "Jenny" Chitty and Lewis Herschel Flora

Managed by: Sonya Kay Morley
Last Updated:

About Daniel Rice Boon Flora

Unknown when he removed to Kansas however is listed among the earliest of settlers following Civil War in what later became Liberty township, Montgomery county, Kansas, while still Osage Indian territory, then in 1875 was pioneering onto the high grounds of the Territory of Colorado with family.

20 February 1864, he joined Company C, 7th Regiment Kansas Cavalry "Veterans" Volunteers (18 y/o William (Buffalo Bill) CODY (1846IA-1917CO) joined Company H). To St Louis aboard river boat "Isabelle" where a delay for lack of horses and arms occurred. October 1864, engaged, same time as both brothers, in Linn county, Kansas, defeating General Sterling PRICE and his some 12,000 troopers with but only around 2,500 troops, where five future governors battled plus twice past-governor PRICE with two Confederate Generals captured (later CODY tried to take credit, incorrectly, of capturing one). View capture of Gen Cabell. Daniel served faithfully until his honorable discharge at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 29 September 1865.

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Daniel Rice Boon Flora's Timeline

October 5, 1838
Harrison County, Indiana, USA
September 16, 1908
Age 69
Ouray, Ouray, Colorado, United States
Cedar Hill Cemetery, Ouray, Ouray County, CO, United States