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Fincke Genealogy and Fincke Family History Information

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  • Anna Margarethe Fincke (1721 - 1776)
  • Clarence Mann Fincke (1874 - 1959)
    Mann Fincke (c. 1875 – June 19, 1959) was an All-American football player and a banker. He played football for Yale University from 1894 to 1896, mostly at quarterback and some at fullback, and was sel...
  • Elin Gödekesdotter Fincke (c.1430 - 1464)
    Linnaläänin päällikkö Kastelholmin linnassa Filpus Ivarssonin vaimo. Kastelholm, Ahvenanmaa. Hövitsman på Kastelholm slott Filpus Ivarssons hustru, Kastelholm, Åland, Finland. 'Captain at Kastelholm Ca...
  • Gödeke (den gamble) Fincke (deceased)
    Kartanonherra. Helgå, Pernaja. Gårdsherre. Helgå, Pernå, Finland. 'Mansion lord. Helgå, Pernaja, Finland. Fincke- suku polveutuu äidin puolelta eräästä Finckestä, joka mainitaan Suomessa 1370-1385. Dro...
  • Gödeke Henriksson Fincke (c.1390 - bef.1467)
    Maanomistaja. Omisti Poikon ja Viljaisten tilat Rymättylässä. Jordägare. Ägde Poikko och Villiais i Rimito socken, Finland. 'Landowner. Owned Poikko and Viljainen in Rymättylä, Finland. Fincke- suku po...

About the Fincke surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Fincke surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Fincke surname.

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