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Fabyan Genealogy and Fabyan Family History Information

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  • Agnes Sharpe (1425 - 1484)
    Not the daughter of John Tyrrell & Elizabeth Tyrrell . From "Sharp Practice" by Rosie Bevan (citation details below): In recent years the identity of Agnes, mother of John and Robert Fabyan, the no...
  • Anne Fabyan (c.1467 - d.)
    -Anne Waldegrave, who married John Fabyan, nephew of the chronicler, Robert Fabyan (d.1513), by whom she had a son, Thomas Fabyan, parson of Polstead, Suffolk, and a daughter, Mary Fabyan, who marrie...
  • George Francis Fabyan (1837 - 1907)
    Head of textile company the Bliss Fabyan Corporation, then the largest cotton goods organization in the world.Obituaries:* Lamb's Textile Industries of the United States: Embracing Biographical Sketche...
  • Jean Fabyan (1657 - 1705)
    GEDCOM Note ===Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby, Walter Goodwin Davis, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire. (CD) Page 170-171The Plantagenet Organization
  • John Fabyan (c.1681 - 1756)
    GEDCOM Note ===Misc. Notes ? Fabyan's Point. This point of land, originally called Starbuck's Pt., is on the Newington shore of Great Bay, at the upper side of Herod's Cove, otherwise Laighton's. It is...

About the Fabyan surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Fabyan surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Fabyan surname.

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