Not the daughter of John Tyrrell & Elizabeth Tyrrell.
From "Sharp Practice" by Rosie Bevan (citation details below):
In recent years the identity of Agnes, mother of John and Robert Fabyan, the noted chronicler, and thus the mother of Joan Sharpe, has been revealed by Matthew Payne to be a daughter of a Colchester merchant.143 The evidence comes from a 1498 enrolment of a deed of sale and quitclaim at the Court of Husting of properties in Milk Street in the parish of St Mary Magdalen in London and in Wood Street, by John Fabyan in which he describes himself as “John Fabian, gentleman, son and heir of John Fabyan, lately deceased and Agnes his wife similarly deceased, one of the daughters and heirs of Walter Bonefey formerly of Colchester”. 144
144. LMA CLA/023/DW/01/225 no. 54. In this case ‘son’ is meant as grandson.
... Nicholas Sharpe had died by 1473, when his widow Agnes and brothers Thomas, Christopher and Robert acted as his executors. Agnes is said to be daughter of John Tyrell in Hervey's pedigree, but this is false [...]
His heir was his daughter Joan, second wife of Thomas Cotton of Landwade and Exning, the son of his predecessor as Receiver General, William Cotton. The couple's tomb lies on the south side of the chancel in Landwade church. It once held brass inlays which have now disappeared, but the outline in the stone shows a man with two wives. The first wife, Margaret, has two daughters and the second, Joan, has several children surrounding her.

Source: Sharp Practice: An Expose of The Sharpe Pedigree from the 1588 Visitation of Essex. (page 74) (document attached).
- cites
- Beaumont, G.F. "History of Coggeshall in Essex", 1890
- Metcalfe, Walter C.(ed.) "The Visitations of Essex", Harleian Soc. vols 13 & 14, 1878
- Metcalfe, Walter C.(ed.) "The Visitations of Northampton", 1887
- Palmer, W.M.(ed.) "Monumental Inscriptions and Coats of Arms from Cambridgeshire", 1932
- Public Record Office "Calendar of Inquisitions post mortem, Henry VII", 3 vols, 1898-1955
- Somerville, Robert "The History of the Duchy of Lancaster", 1953
- Sharp Practice: An Exposé of the Sharpe Pedigree from the 1558 Visitation of Essex. Note: A copy of this paper is posted in Sources.
- Metcalfe, Walter C. (Walter Charles), The visitations of Essex by Hawley, 1552; Hervey, 1558; Cooke, 1570; Raven, 1612; and Owen and Lilly, 1634 : to which are added miscellaneous Essex pedigrees from various Harleian manuscripts, and an appendix containing Berry's Essex pedigrees v.13. p. 100-101.
- Sharp Practice: An Exposé of the Sharpe Pedigree from the 1558 Visitation of Essex. Note: A copy of this paper is posted in Sources.
- Metcalfe, Walter C. (Walter Charles), The visitations of Essex by Hawley, 1552; Hervey, 1558; Cooke, 1570; Raven, 1612; and Owen and Lilly, 1634 : to which are added miscellaneous Essex pedigrees from various Harleian manuscripts, and an appendix containing Berry's Essex pedigrees v.13. p. 100-101.
- Fabyans cronycle : newly prynted : wyth the cronycle, actes, and dedes done in the tyme of the reygne of the moste excellent prynce Kynge Henry the vii, father vnto our most drad souerayne lord Kynge Henry the viii by Fabyan, Robert, -1513; Rastell, William, 1508?-1565, printer; Broxbourne Library, former owner. MB (Publication date 1533). < Archive.Org >