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Estey Genealogy and Estey Family History Information

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  • Aaron Estey (1746 - 1844)
    Aaron Easty, son of Aaron and Hester, was born in Topsfield, Massachusetts, on 18 January 1745/6. He was the second son of these parents to be named Aaron.[1]Aaron Estey Jr. was married to Molly Hooper...
  • Aaron Estey (1699 - 1783)
    Copied from "Aaron Estey was born on February 16, 1698/99 in Topsfield, Essex County, Massachusetts. His parents were Isaac Estey, Jr. and Abigail Kimball. "He married Esther Richards in 1723. T...
  • Abigail Baldwin (1797 - 1888)
    Abigail Estey, dau. of John Estey and Betsey Littlefield, was born Sudbury, Mass. in 1807.; m. in 1832* at Winchendon, Mass. with WILLIAM BALDWIN7, of Winchendon, Mass. This was her 2nd marriage, the 1...
  • Abigail Poole (1667 - 1760)
    Not to be confused with Abigail Morrison , daughter of John Kimball, of Amesbury & Mary Kimball , who married Daniel Morrison. Not the same as Abigail Estey Abigail Kimball AKA Poole formerly K...
  • Abigail Estey (c.1680 - d.)
    Not the same as Abigail Poole Not the same as Abigail Towne Seen as wife of William Poole, of Topsfield Joshua Estey married Abigail (unknown) about 1701 in Topsfield. Their children were Mary E...

About the Estey surname

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