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Eisenberg Genealogy and Eisenberg Family History Information

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  • Aharon Eliyahu Eisenberg (1863 - 1931)
    אנציקלופדית תדהר ויקיפדיה עברית
  • Daisy Charlotte Schlitter (1913 - 2010)
  • Elsbeth Eisenberg (1875 - 1943)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Eisenberg, Elsbeth geb. Speyer geboren am 22. Februar 1875 in Berlin/Stadt Berlin wohnhaft in Berlin (Wilmersdorf) DEPORTATION ab Berlin 08....
  • Erna Kalter (1907 - 1995)
    im November 1938 Flucht in die Schweiz cf.: &:
  • Ethel Fishoff (1899 - 2000)
    Born to Annie Ginsburg Eisenberg and Harris Eisenberg. Adopted by Annie's sister, Kate Ginsburg Lubell and husband, Julius Lubell.Rosenstein says she was born March 3, 1901. Her gravestone says March 4...

About the Eisenberg surname

ISO of birth mother. I was born on April 23, 1961 as Jo-Ann Eisenberg, born in Freeport, Nassau County NY (Long Island). I was adopted by Leonard R. & Leona Levine, who were both deceased by the time I was 17 years old. My name was changed to Holly Ann Levine & I lived in Brooklyn NY. Im on AncestryDNA in Also on Recently I received some unidentifying information from the ISRR that noted I may have a sibling as well. I am now married & my name has changed again to Holly Glasofer. Not being able to conceive children, we adopted two boys (Alec & Justin) who were born as blood brothers not knowing each other. They are now adults. This is another reason why I find it important to locate my birth mother. Please feel free to go to my Facebook profile at: Thank you so much for your time & I look forward to hearing from you. Holly