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Boyd of Kilmarnock Genealogy and Boyd of Kilmarnock Family History Information

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  • Alice Gifford of Yester, Lady Kilmarnock (aft.1346 - 1384)
    Alicia Giffard was the second oldest of the daughters of Hugh Giffard of Yester. She married Thomas Boyd, who was the Lord of Kilmarnock in Ayrshire. Thomas Boyd was living in 1409 (Wood's Peerage), an...
  • Joanna Montgomerie of Ardrossan, Lady Kilmarnock (c.1380 - 1469)
    Joan, daughter of Sir John Montgomerie of Ardrossan. [Burke's Peerage] by his wife Margaret MaxwellMarried# Janet, married Sir Thomas Boyd of Kilmarnock, (his second wife,) ancestor of the Earl of Kilm...
  • Sir Thomas Boyd of Kilmarnock (c.1355 - aft.1409)
    Thomas Boyd* Birth: Circa 1335 - Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland* Parents: Thomas Boyd, Margaret Douglas* Marriage: Circa 1384 - Yester, Peebles* Death: aft 1409 - Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland* Wife: ...
  • Thomas Boyd of Kilmarnock (c.1375 - 1432)
    Thomas Boyd , 4th feudal Baron of Kilmarnock; Dnus de Kylmornowe was born about 1385 in Dean Castle, Kilmarnock, county Ayr, Scotland, and died there on 7 Jul 1432 Scotland. Parents: Robert Boyd, 3rd B...
  • Johanna Charlotta Boyd van Kilmarnock (1694 - 1781)
    Zijn haar zonen Nicolaas en Jacob een TWEELING? * Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy : Aug 22 2020, 21:00:46 UTC

About the Boyd of Kilmarnock surname

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