Thomas Boyd
Thomas Boyd; 3rd feudal Baron of Kilmarnock; pardoned for killing a personal enemy 1409; married Alice, daughter and heir of Hugo Gifford of Yester. [Burke's Peerage]
SIR THOMAS BOYD, designated Dominus de Kilmarnock, had been guilty of the slaughter of Neilson of Dalrymple in feud, for which he obtained a remission from Robert, Duke of Albany, who was Governor of Scotland A.D. 1409. He married the daughter and co-heiress of Sir William Gifford, Lord of Yester, and by her had a great accession of fortune, and was a man of distinguished abilities, who made a great figure during the reign of James I, and who was one of his sureties, when he came to Scotland to concert measures for obtaining his liberty in 1421.
From Curt Hofemann
Thomas BOYD , 3rd Lord of Kilmarnock
Thomas Boyd of Kilmarnock, the eldest son, had a remission from Robert, Duke of Albany, Governor of Scotland, in 1409, for the slaughter of Neilson of Dalrymple.(4) He married Alice, second daughter and co-heir of Hugh Gifford of Yester,(5) by whom he had a son, Thomas Boyd of Kilmarnock...
Thomas Boyd was living in 1409 (Wood's Peerage), and was the only one of the four husbands of the heiresses present at the endowing of the collegiate church of St. Bothans in 1420/21. He makes the endowment with the consent and approval of Thomas Boyd the younger, his eldest son and heir (Yester writs 53 & 55). It is possible that the two Thomas Boyds in the 1420 charter were the son and grandson of Alicia Giffard, but the nature and purpose of the endowment strongly suggests it indeed was her aged husband and her son Thomas.
Thomas Boyd the younger is the only identified child of Alicia Giffard and Thomas Boyd of Kilmarnock. He married Joanna Montgomery circa 1400, and died at Kilmarnock on July 7, 1432. On Jan. 10, 1452, Robert Boyd, the great-grandson of Thomas Boyd and Alicia Giffard, gave his 1/4 inheritance of Yester, Morham, and Duncanlaw to Sir David de Hay of Yester in exchange for the Barony of Tealing. Robert Boyd retained the advowson of the collegiate church of Bothans. (Yester writ #97).
Robert Boyd; 3rd feudal Baron of Kilmarnock; pardoned for killing a personal enemy 1409; married Alice, daughter and heir of Hugo Gifford of Yester. [Burke's Peerage]
Sir Thomas Boyd; 2nd feudal Baron of Kilmarnock; captured along with David II at Battle of Neville's Cross 1346. [Burke's Peerage]
Notes from Sally Walmsley [Geniedash@bigpond.com]:
We know little about the first Sir Thomas Boyd, who succeeded to the Boyd estates. He evidently followed the Family' s war-like traits, as he accompanied King David II to Durham, and was captured by the English at the battle of Neville's Cross in 1346. Either he or his son built Dean Castle, replacing the wooden fort atop the motte. Dean Castle was to be centre of the Kilmarnock Estates until the 1700's.
1355 |
Kimarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1375 |
Dean Castle, Kilmarnock, County Ayr, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1409 |
Age 54
Kilmarnock, Ayrshire , Scotland
???? |
Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland