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  • Agnes Borthwick (c.1465 - bef.1509)
    AGNES BORTHWICK===Agnes Borwick seems likely to be the daughter of William, third Lord Borthwick. This is certainly what was proposed by the late Sir James Balfour Paul, Lord Lyon King of Arms in Scotl...
  • Allan Borthwick (1849 - d.)
    BIRTH BROOMFIELD ALLAN F 1874 739/ 17 Eyemouth===Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950* Name: Allan Broomfield* Gender: Male* Birth Date: 30 Aug 1849* Baptism Date: 23 Sep 1849* Baptism Place...
  • Allan Borthwick (c.1883 - d.)
  • Angela Maria C Hartnett, MBE
    Angela Hartnett= From Wikipedia: Angela Hartnett, MBE (born September 1968) is an English chef. A protégée of Gordon Ramsay who was made famous by her appearances on British television, she was Chef-Pa...
  • Catherine Borthwick (c.1483 - aft.1527)
    CATHERINE BORTHWICK (aka KATHERINE BORTHWICK)=== Catherine Borthwick is the daughter of William, third Lord Borthwick. The Scots Peerage, ii, p. 107 'She and her sister Cristyne are mentioned on 21 May...

About the Borthwick surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Borthwick surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Borthwick surname.

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