Catherine Borthwick is the daughter of William, third Lord Borthwick.
The Scots Peerage, ii, p. 107
She and her sister Cristyne are mentioned on 21 May 1502, in a gift of ward, marriage, relief and nonentry, for Alexander, son and heir of Alexander, Lord Home, that was given to her father by James IV, King of Scots. Register of the Privy Seal of Scotland, document number 832 on p. 124
Some researchers have suggested that Catherine is the daughter of the fourth Lord Borthwick. However, her father was alive on 21 May 1502 Register of the Privy Seal of Scotland, document number 832 on p. 124 and it seems quite likely, therefore, probable even, that it was him who succeeded his own father before 2 October 1502. Records of the Sheriff Court of Aberdeenshire, i, p. 5 If as seems likely this is actually the case then it seems safe enough to identify him with the third lord, rather than the fourth.
Catherine Borthwick is reported to have died after 17 January 1527. Cunninghams of Southwest Nova Scotia
Catherine Borthwick married William, Earl of Glencairn. The Scots Peerage, ii, p. 107
21 May 1502: A lettre to Williame Lorde Borthuik and his assiginais, ane or maa, - of the gift of warde, mariage, releif and nonentres of Alexander Hume, son and apperand are to Alexander lorde Hume, or of the said lordis are quhatsumevir, succedand til his heretage, gif it happinys him to deceis in his passage in Denmark, or onytyme before the said Alexander his son, or the are that sall happin to succeid till the lordis heretage be lauchfully marrit and completit with ane of the said William lord Borthuikis dochteris, that is to say, Cristyne Borthuik or Katherine Borthuik; with a promyit in the sammyn to the said William, that our said soverane lorde, geif it sall happin the said lorde Hume to deceis, as said is, sall thaireftir renew and mak new gift to the said William, his airs or assignais .......... of the said warde, releif, mariage and nonentres, withoute ony new coist or expens .......... and that he sall nevir cum in contrare hereof in tyme tocum etc. Per subscriptionem Regis solut. ii. 82. Register of the Privy Seal of Scotland, document number 832 on p. 124
Before 3 October 1503: Special Service. William Borthuyk son of William Lord Borthuyk. Lands and Barony of Aberdour. Records of the Sheriff Court of Aberdeenshire, i, p. 5
Parentage to Helen (Ellen) Dunlop not confirmed.
Information source: http://www.clandunlop.com
Alexander DUNLOP, 10th. of that Ilk. Born in about 1491, Alexander died in 1564; he was about 73 years of age.
Occupation: 10th. of that Ilk
In 1536, when Alexander was about 45, he married Ellen (Helen) CUNYNGHAME of Glencairn, who was possibly a daughter of William CUNYNGHAME, 4th. Earl of Glencairn & Lady Katherine BORTHWICK. She was born in about 1511 in Glencairn, Dumfriesshire, Scotland.
They had the following children:
10 i. John (-~1548)
11 ii. James (~1528-1596)
12 iii. William
13 iv. Constantine (~1536-~1550)
14 v. Alexander (~1536-)
15 vi. Robert (1541-)
16 vii. Andrew (-1558)
Father*: William Borthwick , 3rd Lord Borthwick2
Katherine Borthwick was the daughter of William Borthwick , 3rd Lord Borthwick.
Married Name: Her married name was Cunningham.
Anecdote*: Source 384 states that they had sons, who all died young, plus son Alexander who lived to inherit his father's title. Source 385 states that they had no children, and gives Alexander as the son of William's second wife. The birthdate would, however, seem to preclude this conclusion. More research is required.
Marriage*: Katherine Borthwick married Sir William Cunningham , 4th Earl of Glencairn, Lord Kilmaurs, son of Cuthbert Cunningham , 3rd Earl of Glencairn, Lord Kilmaurs and Lady Marion Douglas, before 10 July 1509 ; 1st m. for William, her her widower.
Death*: Katherine Borthwick died after 17 January 1527.
1483 |
Borthwick Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1498 |
Crichton, Scotland
1510 |
Dumfries, Dumfriesshire, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1513 |
Kilmaurs, Ayrshire , Scotland
1517 |
1527 |
January 17, 1527
Age 44
Scotland (United Kingdom)
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