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Bolling Genealogy and Bolling Family History Information

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  • Abigail Bolling (c.1759 - 1832)
    Abigail Choice was the daughter of Tully Choice. She was born c.1759 in Virginia. She married Samuel Bolling, son of William Bolling of Orange, VA and wife Anne Sims. Abigail died July 12, 1832 in Laur...
  • Agnes Muncy (c.1812 - c.1850)
  • Agnes Bolling (c.1646 - 1709)
    GEDCOM Source ===Michael K Family is Family (23andMe) MyHeritage family tree Family site: Family is Family (23andMe) Family tree: 272798971-7 Discovery 272798971-7 MH:S500126 === GEDCOM Source ===Agnes...
  • Agnes Kennon (1700 - 1762)
    Biography Agnes (Bolling) Kennon lived in Virginia. Agnes Bolling (sometimes called " Mary Agnes" for unknown reasons, source unknown), was born on 30 November 1700, a daughter of Robert Bolling and...
  • Lt. General Alexander R. Bolling (1895 - 1964)
    Russell Bolling was a general in the United States Army during World War II and the Cold War.Early careerHe was a student at the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis from 1915 to 1916, but he left the USNA ...

About the Bolling surname



From a nickname for someone with close-cropped hair or a large head, Middle English bolling "pollard", or for a heavy drinker, from Middle English bolling "excessive drinking".


(Bölling): from a pet form of a personal name formed with Germanic bald "bold", "brave" (see Baldwin). Swedish: either an ornamental name composed of Boll + the suffix -ing "belonging to", or possibly a habitational name from a place named Bolling(e)

other possible versions of this surname