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  • Grand Rabbi Dovid Tzvi Shlomo Biderman of Lelov (1844 - 1918)
    Grand Rabbi Dovid Tzvi Shlomo Biderman of Lelov (1843-1918) Rabbi David Tzvi Shlomo was born on Erev Sukkot, 5603 or 5604, which comes out to 1842 or 1843PA IV---------------------------- Reference: My...
  • Grand Rabbi Dovid Biderman, The Lelover Rebbe (1746 - 1814)
    Rav Dovid Biderman, the first Lelover Rebbe (1746-1814), son of Rav Shlomo Biderman. A close follower of the Chozeh of Lublin, he was known for his extraordinary compassion for, and inability to see fa...
  • Grand Rabbi Eleazar Mendel Biderman of Lelov (c.1827 - 1883)
    From – 1883). The Lelever Rebbe. He became the head of the Chassidic community in Jerusalem when he and his father, the Admor, came to Jerusalem in 1850, and his father suddenly pas...
  • Elka Przysucha (deceased)
  • Rabbi Moshe Biderman, Admor of Lelov (1776 - 1851)
    The Lelover dynasty grew in Jerusalem, when Rabbi Dovid's son, Rabbi Moshe Biderman (1776-1851) moved there. Rabbi Moshe Biderman of Lelov was the son-in-law of Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok, the Holy Jew of P...

About the Biderman surname

What I know is that my family left the port of Hamburg, coming from Poland or Bielorus, on 1980, headed to the United States, where they settled in Dallas, Texas. My greatgrandfather, Asher Biderman was the one who immigrated. Probably german origin. As far as I understand, the word 'bider' means honest, radically honest.