There are already 19 users and 820 genealogy profiles with the Arnesson surname on Geni. Explore Arnesson genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Arne Arnesson Giske
Son of Arne Arnmodsson på Giske & Tora Torstein Galgesdatter
Arne Arnesson (ca 1000 -) Born about 1000, lived in 1030
Arne Arneson Was from Arnungætta on Sundmøre. Arneson was...
Arne Arnesson Lagi “The Short”, Giske Could Arne Arnesson Lagi “The Short”, Giske be the same person as Arne Arnesson Giske, shown here as his father?
Son of Arne Arnesson Giske and Gjertrud Erlingsd...
Bergljot Thorbjórg Halfdansdóttir, born ab. 1010. Harald Hardrådes saga sier dette om kona til Finn Arnesson (avsnitt 45):Den gangen bodde Finn Arnesson på Austrått på Ørlandet; han var nå lendmann til...
Hafslo sokneprestembete, SAB/A-80301/H/Haa/Haaa/L0002: Ministerialbok nr. A 2, 1755-1806, s. 257-258
Brukslenke for sidevisning:
Hafslo sokneprestembete, SAB/A-80301/H/Haa/Haaa/L...
Finn Arnesson (died c. 1065), Norwegian nobleman== Basics ==* Father: Arne Armodsson* Mother: Tora Torsteinsdatter* Wife: Bergljot Halvdansdatter, daughter of Halvdan Sigurdsson** Daughter: Ingebjørg F...
Arnesson is a Nordic patronymic meaning "son of Arne".
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