Immediate Family
About Arne Arnesson
Arne Arnesson Giske
- Son of Arne Arnmodsson på Giske & Tora Torstein Galgesdatter
- Arne Arnesson (ca 1000 -) Born about 1000, lived in 1030
- Arne Arneson Was from Arnungætta on Sundmøre. Arneson was one of Olav the saints' friends, and he attended Stikklestad on Olav's side. He was severely wounded, but recovered, and was still a powerful man in Norway
- The bear bear descended from Arne Arnessøn , who was King Olav Haraldssøn's faithful follower, although he was also married to a daughter of Erling Skjalgsson. Their son, Jon, married Rannveig, Thore Dog, and inherited the Bjarkog estate. By Jon's Sons, Vidkun participated in Magnus Barfot's North Sea train. Vidkun's Son's Son Vidkun Erling's son was King Magnus Erlingsson's Trailer and was killed 1183, and with him extinct Arne Arnessøn's male Descendants. The Bjarkog estate now went to Vidkun's sister Ragna, who later married the layman Bjarne Maardssons in Haalogaland; from them descended the younger Bjarkø family. ( Litt . : "Ann. F. North. Oldk. 1846": "Arnmødlings Plate" by PA Munch ; "Norsk Tidsskr." 1850. ed. By Chr. Lange ). (OA Ø.). C. Br. - http://runeberg.org/salmonsen/2/2/0141.html
- Married: Gjertrud Erlingsdatter på Sola, daughter of Erling Skjalgsson & Astrid Tryggvadatter av Viken, Siblings Aslak Erlingsson ,Skjalg Erlingsson, Ragnhild Erlingsdatter.
- Jon Arnesson Giske, Jon inherited the Bjarkog estate. Married: Rannveig Sigurdsdatter (Tore Dog) daughter of Sigurd Toresson Hund, of Bjarkøy and Audur Unn Snorresdotter
- Arne Lagi (The Short), Giske, born circa 1035 in Giske Møre og Romsdal, Norway & died in 1050 (14-15) in Blindheim, Sunnmøre, Norway. Married NN Sæbjørnsdatter.
Project MedLands, Norway Nobility
ARNE . married ---. The name of Arne´s wife is not known.
Arne & his wife had four children:
- a) THORBERG Arnesson, Snorre names "Thorberg, Fin and Arne" as the sons of Arne married RAGNHILD Erlingsdatter, daughter of ERLING Skjalgsson & his wife Astrid Trygvesdatter. Snorre names "Aslak, Skialg, Sigurd, Lodin, Thorer and Ragnhild" as the children of Erling & his wife, specifying that Ragnhild married Thorberg Arnason.
- b) FIN Arnesson, (-1062). Snorre names "Thorberg, Fin and Arne" as the sons of Arne[27]. Of Yriar in Austratt Lendermann Norway. Morkinskinna records that “Finnr Árnason” left Norway for Denmark where “King Sveinn gave him a jarldom and a great fief”, dated to the early 1050s from the context[28]. Jarl of Halland in Denmark [1051]. married THORBERG [Bergliot] Halfdansdatter, daughter of HALFDAN Sigurdsson & his wife --- ([1018/20]-). Snorre names "Bergliot, a daughter of Halfdan…son of Sigurd Syr" as the wife of "Fin Arnason"[29]. Her birth date is estimated from the marriage date of her paternal grandparents, but bearing in mind the tight chronology for the birth of her daughter Ingebjörg.
Fin & his wife had two children:
- i) INGIBJÖRG Finnsdatter, ([1030/35]-). Orkneyinga Saga names Earl Thorfinn´s wife as “Ingibjorg, the Earls´-Mother, daughter of Earl Finn Arnason” and niece of Kalf Arnason[30]. Snorre names "Ingebjorg, the earl-mother…a daughter of Fin Arnason" as wife of Earl Thorfin[31]. Morkinskinna records that “Thorfinn jarl [of] Orkney” was married to “Kálfr´s sister Ingibjorg Árnasdóttir” at the time Kalf Arnesson fled Norway[32]. The chronology is certainly tight for Ingibjörg to have been Kalf´s niece, if it is correct that she was already married when Kalf fled Norway, which must be dated to [1040/42] from the context in Morkinskinna. Her birth date is estimated on the basis of the estimated birth dates of her mother and her older son, both of which are restricted. Orkneyinga Saga records that “Ingibjorg the Earls´-Mother” (widow of Thorfinn) married “Malcolm King of Scots, known as Long-neck” and that “their son was Duncan, King of Scots, father of William”[33]. There must be considerable doubt about whether this can be correct. Ingibjörg's [first] husband died in [1060/65]. King Malcolm's marriage to Queen Margaret is dated to 1070, three years after her arrival at the Scottish court. Although this provides sufficient time for the king to have married Ingebjörg, and for Ingebjörg to have died, the chronology for the birth of two sons would be tight. In addition, it is unlikely that either of these sons was born after [1065], as explained in the document SCOTLAND. If the king had really married Ingibjörg during this time, and if she had given birth to two sons, the absence of any reference to her in either Scottish or English sources is all the more surprising. It is possible that King Malcolm's marriage to Ingibjörg (if it did take place) was more Danico, implying concubinage rather than regular marriage, but this does not change the chronological difficulties. The one puzzle which remains, if the Saga is not correct, is why the author would have fabricated this detail. married [firstly] ([1045/50]%29 THORFINN "the Black" Jarl of Orkney, son of SIGURD "Digri" Jarl of Orkney and Caithness & his wife --- of Scotland ([1009]-[1060/65]]). [m secondly ([1066]) as his first wife, MALCOLM III "Caennmor/Bighead" King of Scotland, son of DUNCAN I King of Scotland & his wife Sibylla of Northumbria (1031-killed in battle near Alnwick, Northumberland 13 Nov 1093, bur Tynemouth, later transferred to Dunfermline Abbey, Fife, and later still to Escorial, Madrid).]
- ii) SIGRID Finnsdatter, Snorre records that "Sigrid, Fin [Arnason]'s daughter" was married to "Earl Orm"[34]. m ORM Eilivsson, son of EILIV & his wife Ragnhild Haakonsdatter (-[1055]).
- c) ARNE Arnesson, Snorre names "Thorberg, Fin and Arne" as the sons of Arne[35].
- d) KALF Arnesson (-1050) . Snorre names Kalf as brother of Fin Arnason[36]. Morkinskinna records that “Kálfr Árnason” had been promised “a jarldom by King Knútr if he would topple King Óláfr”, but adding in a later passage that he made peace with Olav´s son Magnus when he returned to Norway[37]. Orkneyinga Saga records that “Kalf Arnason” fled Magnus King of Norway and found refuge with his niece´s husband Thorfinn Jarl of Orkney[38]. Morkinskinna records that “Kálfr Árnason” disputed with King Magnus and fled to Orkney[39]. Snorre records that Kalf was killed in battle in 1050[40].
The Saga library : done into English out of the Icelandic, by Snorri Sturluson, 1179?-1241; Burne-Jones, Edward Coley, Sir, 1833-1898, former owner
ARNI, son of Arni Arnmodson, il. 198, refuses to aid his brother Thorberg in holding Stein Skaptison in King Olaf Haraldson's despite, 283123 changes his mind and together with his other brothers aids Thorberg to come to terms with the King, 284-286 swears oath of faith and fealty to the King, 285120 2861-13-with King Olaf at Eidwood on his way to Holmgarth, 369, his son Joan's family relations, ii.
Project Runeberg
2) The Bjarkö family. Like the Torberg brothers, Arne Arnesson was a faithful follower of Olof the Holy, despite the fact that he was also married to a daughter of Erling Skjalgsson. When Olof returned to Norway, A. joined him and was severely wounded in the battle of Stiklastad. His son Jon married a daughter of Tore Hund and thereby inherited his ancestral estate Bjarkö. Jon's son was the well-known Vidkunn Jonsson from Magnus Barfot's last Irish train (1103) , whose son Erling during the mutual the wars belonged to Magnus Erlingsson's party. His son Vidkunn Erlingsson was killed at the age of 18 (1183) by Sverre's followers. With him the family died out and Bjarkö went through to his sister Ragnar's marriage to the lawyer in Hålogaland Bjarne Mardsson . From them descended the "
younger Bjarkö family", who later also inherited Giske.
- Family: Giskeætten paa Søndmør, s 2, Ålesund 1883, by Peder Fylling
- Tønsber Blad 13 / 10-1982, Over mountains and valley, by Finn Wang
- King Hereafter, By Dorothy Dunnett - https://books.google.com/books?id=-hmrHumrk44C&pg=PT180&lpg=PT180&d...
- Olav den helliges saga, kpt 110
- Giskeætten paa Søndmør, s 2, Ålesund 1883, av Peder Fylling
- Tønsber Blad 13/10-1982, Over fjell og gj dal, av Finn Wang
- The Ancestry and Descendants of Marit Andersdatter Christopherson (Qual) (4 December 1856-22 September 1932) page 117 - https://www.academia.edu/39877468/The_Ancestry_and_Descendants_of_M...
- Olav the saga of the saint, cpt 110 Giskeætten på Søndmør, s 2, Ålesund 1883, by Peder Fylling Tønsber Blad 13 / 10-1982, Over mountains and valley, by Finn Wang
- Gjertrud Erlingsdatter: Parents Erling Skjalgsson Astrid Tryggvadatter of Viken Marriages and children Married to Arne Arnesson, with Jon Siblings Aslak Erlingsson Skjalg Erlingsson Sigurd Erlingsson Tore Erlingsson Ragnhild Erlingsdatter Gjert Erlingsdaughter Lodin Erlingsson Sources: - family: Giskeætten paa Søndmør, s 2, Ålesund 1883, by Peder Fylling Tønsber Blad 13 / 10-1982, Over mountains and valley, by Finn Wang
- Snorre Sturlassöns historieskrivning, By Gustav Storm - https://books.google.com/books?id=sgYYAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA280&lpg=PA280&d...
- Snorre, Saga of Olaf Haraldson Part VII, 190.
- Mogens Bugge: Our ancestors, no. 696. Bent and Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslekten's ancestors, page 17.
- In the balance point: Sunnmøre's oldest history - Edited by Stein Ugelvik Larsen and Jarle Sulebust (1994), Sunnmørsposten Forlag, Ålesund.
- Snorri Sturlasson: Olav the saint's saga, section 110.
- Wikipedia.
Om Arne Arnesson (Norsk)
Arne Arneson Var av Arnungætta på Sundmøre. Arneson var en av Olav den helligs venner, og han deltok på Stikklestad på Olavs side. Han ble hardt såret, men kom seg igjen, og var fortsatt en mektig mann i Norge
Arne Arnesson
- Arne Arnmodsson på Giske
- Tora Torstein Galgesdatter Marriages and children
- Married to Gjertrud Erlingsdatter, with
- Jon Siblings
- Torberg Arnesson
- Ragnhild Arnesdatter
- Kalv Arnesson
- Finn Arnesson på Austråt
- Åmunde Arnesson
- Kolbjørn Arnesson
- Arnbjørn Arnesson
- Olav den helliges saga, kpt 110
- Giskeætten paa Søndmør, s 2, Ålesund 1883, av Peder Fylling
- Tønsber Blad 13/10-1982, Over fjell og gj dal, av Finn Wang
Gjertrud Erlingsdatter
Parents Erling Skjalgsson Astrid Tryggvadatter av Viken Marriages and children Married to Arne Arnesson, with Jon Siblings Aslak Erlingsson Skjalg Erlingsson Sigurd Erlingsson Tore Erlingsson Ragnhild Erlingsdatter Gjertrud Erlingsdatter Sigrid Erlingsdatter Lodin Erlingsson Sources: - family: Giskeætten paa Søndmør, s 2, Ålesund 1883, av Peder Fylling Tønsber Blad 13/10-1982, Over fjell og gj dal, av Finn Wang
Arne giftet seg med Gjertrud Erlingsdatter, datter av Erling Skjalgson og Astrid Trygvesdatter.
or d. 1024.
Om Arne Arnesson (Norsk)
Arne Arnesson Giske
- f. ca 990 på Giske, foreldrene var Arne Arnmodsson og Tora Thorsteinsdatter Galge
- Han var gift med Gjertrud Erlingsdatter, De barna Jon.og Vigleik
- 1030 Brødrene Arne, Finn og Torberg deltok på kong Olavs side i slaget på Stiklestad.
- Broren Kalv, som bodde på Egge var blant dem som gikk mot kong Olav og ga han banesår.
- Etter slaget ville Finn ogTorberg reise hjem til gårdene sine. Kalv ga dem et godt langskip med alt redskap, utrustning og godt følge og de dro hjem.
- Arne Arnesson lå såret lenge. Han ble frisk og var uten legemeskade og dro senere om vinteren sørover til gården sin.
http://heimskringla.no/wiki/Olav_den_helliges_saga - 110,138, 242
Arne Arnesson's Timeline
1000 |
Giske, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
1033 |
Giske, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
1035 |
Giske Møre og Romsdal, Norway
1040 |
Age 40
Giske, Møre og Romsdal, Norway
???? | |||
???? |