There are already 11 users and 470 genealogy profiles with the Angers surname on Geni. Explore Angers genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Matilda was born AdelaideThere is confusion about who Adelaide de Angers was. It is possible that it was Mathilda. From Medlands According to Weir[144], she (Matilda) was christened Adelaide but adopte...
dit Beaupré Gender: F Occupation: Born: 07 October 1673 Parish / City: Quebec Country: Canada Death: 08 February 1757 - Age: 84 Parish / City: Country: Veuve de Louis Lefebvre (CT 18 Charles Rageot) av...
Drouin Institute (Archived birth and baptismal record - see attached in Media tab)
Drouin Institute (Archived marriage to Simon Lefebve record - see attached in Media tab)
Got back to 1801 all in Liverpool.then .Preston Lancs or Somerset.
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