There are already 25 users and 1,004 genealogy profiles with the Alloway surname on Geni. Explore Alloway genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Some researchers theorize that he was the father of John Alloway-Strange , whose parents are otherwise unknown, but who is thought by many researchers to have been a grandson of Edmund Strange .== Sour...
Many researchers believe Edmund Strange was grandfather of the John Alloway-Strange , who later appeared, also at Fluvanna County. However, there is no contemporary evidence of a relationship and there...
According to the RI MM register of births, a daughter Elizabeth was born to Christopher and Mary in 11 mo. 1664/5, at or close to the time of Mary’s death. Elizabeth (d.c.1715) marr. John Alloway in En...
Alloway-Bateman was my mother's maiden name and my grandfather's second middle name R M Alloway Bateman This is where I get stuck
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