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Alloway Genealogy and Alloway Family History Information

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  • (Unknown) Alloway (deceased)
  • Abner Alloway-Strange (c.1700 - d.)
    Some researchers theorize that he was the father of John Alloway-Strange , whose parents are otherwise unknown, but who is thought by many researchers to have been a grandson of Edmund Strange .== Sour...
  • Edmund Alloway-Strange (aft.1635 - d.)
    Many researchers believe Edmund Strange was grandfather of the John Alloway-Strange , who later appeared, also at Fluvanna County. However, there is no contemporary evidence of a relationship and there...
  • Elizabeth Alloway (1665 - 1715)
    According to the RI MM register of births, a daughter Elizabeth was born to Christopher and Mary in 11 mo. 1664/5, at or close to the time of Mary’s death. Elizabeth (d.c.1715) marr. John Alloway in En...
  • Elizabeth Alloway (1811 - 1874)
    Residence : Duke Street, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England - aged 30 - 1841* Immigration : Index to Assisted British Immigration 1838-1871, Book 10, Page 346 - Sep 28 1854 - arrived Geelong, Victori...

About the Alloway surname

Alloway-Bateman was my mother's maiden name and my grandfather's second middle name R M Alloway Bateman This is where I get stuck