1933 - LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL - HOUSE - PAGE 5759 RESOLUTION No. 75 Mr. WITKIN, Mr. Speaker, I desire at this time to call up Resolution No. 75, Printer's No. 1034. The Resolution was read by the Clerk as follows: In the House of Representatives, April 17, 1933. Many sons and daughters of that proud and handsome race which inspired the architecture of Northern Africa and carried into Spain the influence of its artistic temperaments have become citizens of this Nation. In the City of Philadelphia there exists a Moorish-American Society made up of Moors who have found here the end of their quest for a home and of the children of those who journeyed here from the plains of Morocco. This Society has done much to bring about a thorough absorption by these people of those principles which are necessary to make them good American citizens. These Moorish-Americans have since being here missed the use of the titles and name annexations that were so familiar at home and which are used in accordance with the doctrines of the religious faith to which they are adherents therefore be it, Resolved That this House commends the Moorish- American Society of Philadelphia for the efficient service it has rendered the Nation in bringing about a speedy and thorough Americanization of these former Moors and that in accordance with the fullest right of religious independence guaranteed every citizen we recognize also the right of these people to use the name affixes El or Ali or Bey or any other prefix or suffix to which they have heretofore been accustomed to use or which they may hereafter acquire the right to use. On the question, Will the House Adopt the resolution? It was Adopted May 4,1933