Aloitettu 5.8.2018 Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikille Joutsaan liittyviä Pöyryjä tutkiville. Ryhmän jäsenenä voit lisätä tänne esim. rippi- ja lastenkirjoista löytämiäsi Joutsaan liittyviä Pöyryjä, mielellään toki lähteineen. Onko kyseessä yksi ja sama Pöyryn suku, mistä se - tai eri Pöyry-suvut - ovat lähtöisin, vaikkapa tällaisiin kysymyksiin yritämme löytää vastauksia. Ainakin joiltakin näy...
The Native Americans in the American Revolution project is a subproject of The Native Americans portal and the American Revolutionary War portal .====Summary=="That even was for us the greatest blow that could have been dealt us, unless it had been our total destruction." --Chiefs of the Iroquois, Shawnee, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw and Loup Nations to Francisco Cruzat, governor of Saint Loui...
Herrainpäivät ja Valtiopäivät * Wikipedia: Herrainpäivät eli Alsnön kokous 1280 * Wikipedia: Herrainpäivät eli Örebron kokous 1319 * Wikipedia: Herrainpäivät eli Uppsalan kokous 1319 * Wikipedia: Herrainpäivät eli Örebron kokous 1347 * Wikipedia: Herrainpäivät eli Arbogan kokous 1435 * Wikipedia: Herrainpäivät eli Uppsalan kokous 1435 * Wikipedia: Herrainpäivät eli Arbogan kokous 1436
The Powhatan Tribe, Chief Powhatan and Pocahontas This project is to help sort out all of the family members of this family line. There has been much debate as to who the real Pocahontas was, this project it to help find those answers for family members. Due to the fact that many of the family line associated with this family have nothing more then oral histories to go on, this project will tak...
Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid selle valdkonna sportlasi aga ka seostuvaid tegelasi läbi kõigi ajajärkude*
Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid selle valdkonna sportlasi aga ka seostuvaid tegelasi (treenerid, ajakirjanikud, jms.) läbi kõigi ajajärkude. Geni projekt Eesti Korvpall 1916 .a. sügisel hakkas Tallinnas Suur-Kloostri tänaval Nikolai Gümnaasiumi (tänane GAG) uues 1911. aastal avatud võimlas koolipoistele uut mängu tutvustama võimlemisõpetaja August Soodla . Lühikest aega nõuk...
Please add profiles for those who were born in Shiawassee County, Michigan. Official Website The county was created in 1822 and was named for the Shiawassee River. Adjacent Counties Saginaw County Genesee County Livingston County Ingham County Clinton County Gratiot County For a complete list of Townships & Communities, please see Wikipedia .
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Stark County, Illinois. Official Website Stark County was formed in 1839. It was named for General Colonel John Stark (August 28, 1728 – May 8, 1822), who served in the American Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He became widely known as the "Hero of Bennington" for his exemplary service at the Battle of Bennin...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Jefferson County, Indiana. Official Website Jefferson County was formed in 1811. It was named for Thomas Jefferson, principal draftsman of the Northwest Ordinance and President of the United States from 1801 through 1809. Adjacent Counties Carroll County, Kentucky Switzerland County Trimble County, Kentucky Clark County ...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Johnson County, Kansas. Official Website This was part of the large territory of the Osage people, who occupied lands up to present-day Saint Louis, Missouri. After Indian Removal, the United States government reserved much of this area as Indian territory for a reservation for the Shawnee people, who were relocated from east of the...
Pihlajaveden kyläpuun pääsivulle - klikkaa tästä! Karimon uudistalo (RN:o 12) perustettiin vuonna 1790. Erkki Sipinpoika Yltiä tuli torpparina Kaakkomäestä 1780-luvulla. Tila jaettiin pian kahtia Karimon ja Vasaramäen tiloiksi. Karimon talo oli asuttu ainakin vielä 1960-luvulla. Sen jälkeen talo jäi autioksi ja rakennukset purettiin. Projekti kattaa vuoteen 1918 saakka itse Karimon talonh...
Are you a Katz family descendant with an oral tradition of being a Cohen? * Are you a Cohen Match ( Cohen Modal Haplotype - 12 Marker Match ) on FamilyTreeDNA? * Or do you just have Katz ancestors and wish to explore with us how all Katz descendants are related (or not)? * Whatever the case, we welcome anyone who wants to explore his or her Katz Jewish ancestry, and work with us to rebuild the ...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Barton County, Kansas. Official Website Barton County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kansas . As of the 2020 census, the county population was 25,493. Its county seat and most populous city is Great Bend. The county is named in honor of Clara Barton , responsible for the founding of the American Red Cross . Pawnee Rock, ...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Becker County, Minnesota. Official Website Becker County became a county on March 18, 1858. It was named for George Loomis Becker, one of three men elected to Congress when Minnesota became a state. Since Minnesota could only send two, Becker elected to stay behind, and he was promised to have a county named after him. A portion of ...
Francis Surname Meaning English: from the Old French personal name Franceis modern French François from Latin Franciscus originally ‘Frank’ though later used to denote a Frenchman. The personal name owed much of its popularity during the Middle Ages to the fame of Saint Francis of Assisi (1181–1226) whose baptismal name was actually Giovanni but who was nicknamed Francisco because his father wa...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Russell County, Kansas. Official Website Russell County was established in 1867 and was named for Captain Avra P. Russell, Second Kansas Regiment, killed at Prairie Grove, Arkansas, in December, 1862. Adjacent Counties Osborne County Lincoln County Ellsworth County Barton County Ellis County Rush County Cities Bu...
The Minims, officially known as the Order of Minims (Latin: Ordo Minimorum; abbreviated OM), and known in German-speaking countries as the Paulaner Order (German: Paulanerorden), are a Roman Catholic religious order of friars founded by Francis of Paola in fifteenth-century Italy. The order soon spread to France, Germany and Spain, and continues to exist today. Like the other mendicant orders,...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Allen County, Kansas. Official Website Allen County is a county located in southeast portion of the U.S. state of Kansas . It was named in honor of William Allen , a United States senator from Ohio. Adjacent Counties Anderson County Bourbon County Linn County Neosho County
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Osborne County, Kansas. The county was established in 1867 and was named in honor of Captain Vincent B. Osborne, a Civil War soldier who lost a leg in a battle on January 17, 1865, at Joy's Ford on the Arkansas River. Adjacent Counties Jewell County Smith County Mitchell County Lincoln County Russell County Ellis County...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Gove County, Kansas. Official Website In 1868, Gove County was established and named for Granville Llewellyn Gove, member of the 11th Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and son of Moses Gove, a former mayor of Manhattan, Kansas. Adjacent Counties Graham County Lane County Logan County Ness County Scott County Sheridan ...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in the city of Spokane, Washington. Official Website Spokane is located in Spokane County, sits on the Spokane River and is the county seat. Known as the birthplace of Father's Day, Spokane's official nickname is the "Lilac City". A pink, double flower cultivar of the common lilac, known as Syringa vulgaris 'Spokane', is named for the...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Ward County, North Dakota. Official Website The Dakota Territory legislature created the county on April 14, 1885 and was named for Mark Ward, chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Counties during the session. For a complete list of Townships & Communities, please see Wikipedia . Adjacent Counties Renville...
Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in McCook County, South Dakota. Official Website The county was established in 1873, and was organized in 1878. It was named for the former governor of the Dakota Territory and Civil War general Edwin Stanton McCook. Adjacent Counties Lake County Miner County Minnehaha County Hutchinson County Hanson County Turner Corner