From England (primarily) to New England (primarily in the 17th century) Looking back from my own generation on my paternal side: The Ziegler (German) and van Beuren (primarily English) ancestry Includes listings of women's maiden surnames Here is a note to describe this project's applicability>> For it to apply to you, you have to be descended from both of the following individuals: Archbold ...
Olete teretulnud kõik need kes soovivad oma lähedased seoses selle rahupaigaga ära märkida ja projekti lisada. 'Projekt "Tartu Uus-Jaani kalmistu" koondab neid, kes on aegade jooksul seal oma rahu leidnud. Asukoht: Puiestee tänava ääres, Vana-Peetri kalmistust linna pool (asutatud 1890)* liituda on võimalik nupu "Tegevused" alt valides "Liitu projektiga" Selle peale saadetakse projekti koostööp...
The Pequot War was an armed conflict between 1634–1638 between the Pequot tribe against an alliance of the Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, and Saybrook colonies who were aided by their Native American allies (the Narragansett and Mohegan tribes). Hundreds were killed; hundreds more were captured and sold into slavery to the West Indies. Other survivors were dispersed. At the end of the war, about ...
During the westward expansion of pioneers in the 17th through 19th centuries, thousands of European and African settlers were captured by American Indians. Indians waging war against settlers and other tribes often killed adult men and took women and children captive. These captives were adopted and integrated into tribal society. Their presence helped strengthen the tribe.Settlers in pioneer a...
This project collects information Of Jewish Families in Gateshead, United Kingdom== Gateshead =Gateshead is a town in Tyne and Wear, England, on the southern bank of the River Tyne opposite Newcastle upon Tyne. Gateshead and Newcastle are joined by seven bridges across the Tyne, including the Gateshead Millennium Bridge. The town is known for its architecture, including the Sage Gateshead, the ...
This cemetery, established 1797, is located on 1400 Highway 161 N, Clover, York County, South Carolina. Find a Grave
The town of Greer is split between the counties of Spartanburg and Greenville. The Burnsview Baptist Church and it's burial ground lie within the Spartanburg County side, on 9690 Reidville Road. Find a Grave
Dette projekt er til samarbejde omkring Lyngby sogn og profiler forbundet med sognet. Du er velkommen til at forbedre og tilføje til teksten på for eksempel dansk eller engelsk. This project is for cooperation around Lyngby sogn and profiles associated with it. Feel free to improve and add to the text in for example Danish or English. Lyngby sogn Lyngby sogn lå tidligere i Hellum herred, Aal...
People Connected to Fife Historic County of Scotland Image right - Fife within Scotland in 1890 See also Fife or Fifeshire Main Page Fife/Fifeshire - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards Historic Houses of Fife
Obituary - New South Wales Portal - A sub project of Obituary Portal Obituaries are an excellent way to find information, or confirm facts about a persons life, relationships, occupation and ethnic background. Eventually this will become a portal for minor projects that will be sorted by year of death. If you find a person on the tree, or add someone that has his/her obituary here, please co...
Dette projekt er til samarbejde omkring Solbjerg sogn og profiler forbundet med sognet. Du er velkommen til at forbedre og tilføje til teksten på for eksempel dansk eller engelsk. This project is for cooperation around Solbjerg sogn and profiles associated with it. Feel free to improve and add to the text in for example Danish or English. Solbjerg sogn Solbjerg sogn lå tidligere i Hellum her...
Dette projekt er til samarbejde omkring Haslund sogn og profiler forbundet med sognet. Du er velkommen til at forbedre og tilføje til teksten på for eksempel dansk eller engelsk. This project is for cooperation around Haslund sogn and profiles associated with it. Feel free to improve and add to the text in for example Danish or English. Haslund sogn Haslund sogn lå tidligere i Galten herred,...
Dette projekt er til samarbejde omkring Gammel Haderslev sogn og profiler forbundet med sognet. Du er velkommen til at forbedre og tilføje til teksten på for eksempel dansk eller engelsk. This project is for cooperation around Gammel Haderslev sogn and profiles associated with it. Feel free to improve and add to the text in for example Danish or English. Gammel Haderslev sogn Gammel Hadersle...
Dette projekt er til samarbejde omkring Øsby sogn og profiler forbundet med sognet. Du er velkommen til at forbedre og tilføje til teksten på for eksempel dansk eller engelsk. This project is for cooperation around Øsby sogn and profiles associated with it. Feel free to improve and add to the text in for example Danish or English. Øsby sogn Øsby sogn lå tidligere i Haderslev herred, Hadersle...
Dette projekt er til samarbejde omkring Give sogn og profiler forbundet med sognet. Du er velkommen til at forbedre og tilføje til teksten på for eksempel dansk eller engelsk. This project is for cooperation around Give sogn and profiles associated with it. Feel free to improve and add to the text in for example Danish or English. Kristrup sogn Give sogn lå tidligere i Nørvang herred, Vejle ...
Dette projekt er til samarbejde omkring Felsted sogn og profiler forbundet med sognet. Du er velkommen til at forbedre og tilføje til teksten på for eksempel dansk eller engelsk. This project is for cooperation around Felsted sogn and profiles associated with it. Feel free to improve and add to the text in for example Danish or English. Felsted sogn Felsted sogn lå tidligere i Lundtoft herre...
Dette projekt er til samarbejde omkring Sønder Hygum sogn og profiler forbundet med sognet. Du er velkommen til at forbedre og tilføje til teksten på for eksempel dansk eller engelsk. This project is for cooperation around Sønder Hygum sogn and profiles associated with it. Feel free to improve and add to the text in for example Danish or English. Kristrup sogn Sønder Hygum sogn lå tidligere ...
Welcome to the New South Wales, Australia Portal on Geni This is a sub-project of the Australian Portal This New South Wales Portal has been created to: Link together existing New South Wales, Australia projects Encourage new New South Wales, Australia projects to be created Encourage collaboration between New South Wales-based Geni users, and Geni users worldwide who have New South...
Dette projekt er til samarbejde omkring Hvejsel sogn og profiler forbundet med sognet. Du er velkommen til at forbedre og tilføje til teksten på for eksempel dansk eller engelsk. This project is for cooperation around Hvejsel sogn and profiles associated with it. Feel free to improve and add to the text in for example Danish or English. Hvejsel sogn Hvejsel sogn lå tidligere i Nørvang herred...
Kristjan Raua preemia (ka Kristjan Raua kunstipreemia ja Kristjan Raua aastapreemia) on Eesti vanim ja auväärseim kunstipreemia, mida annavad alates 1973. aastast välja Eesti Kunstnike Liit ja Tallinna linnavalitsus. Tallinna linn rahastab preemiat alates 1994. aastast. Kõik kavalerid siia Isikud 1973-2024: Ado Eigi Ado Lill Aet Ollisaar Ahti Seppet Aili Vahtrapuu Aili Vint Aime Kuu...
Familias Rodriguez
Parke Family Tree
Descendants of Benjamin Frank Massey (29-Nov-1832 to 02-Feb-1903) Including Charles Lee Massey (1887-1940) John Frank Massey (19-Apr-1909 to 15-Jul-1966) Wanda Mae Jones (Massey) (14-Nov-1931 to 15-Feb-2018) Jo Ella Kircher (Jones) (03-Mar-19?? to Present)Massey Family Memorials: