This cemetery is located on County Highway 50 East and Cemetery Road, Bingham, Fayette County, Illinois. Find a Grave
This cemetery, established in 1831, is located on 7102 Burg Road, Fillmore, Montgomery County, Illinois. It's also known as Fillmore Cemetery . Find a Grave
This cemetery is located on NY-79, Hector, Schuyler County, New York. Find a Grave Roots Web
This cemetery is located on River Street, Madison, Lake County, Ohio. Find a Grave Billion Graves US Gen Web
Kávéház (MAGYAR=HUNGARIAN Coffee=Kávé,Kávéház Corner=sarok) *" Hey, what's this coffee corner project all about?" - "Mi ez a Hungarian Coffee Corner Project? Mit tudnek en hozni ehez?" Coffee is a place where we can have a chat... or more. About anything. It would be nice if you and others would exchange thoughts there too. Preferably about Hungary and Hungarians but we know that thing...
[]Projektiin kootaan kainuulaisten sukujen mtDNA-äitilinjojen vanhimpien tunnettujen kainuulaisten kantaäitien henkilöprofiilit. Liitä profiili projektiin ja lisää se myös tämän sivun luetteloon. Projektiin lisätään vain yksi edustaja kustakin perinteisen sukututkimuksen äitilinjasta. Projektista voidaan poistaa jo lisätty kantaäiti, jos tulee tietoa vielä vanhemmasta "äidistä"! Kainuun kanta...
Researching your Reed / Read / Reade / Reede / Reid family? Join forces by collaborating and bring your profiles over (must be set to public). There are many distinct lines for this common surname and sometimes it's just as important to know who we aren't. Earliest proven ancestor Capt. John Reed Nathaniel Reed Dr. Philip Reade, Sr. William "of Weymouth" Reade William Reed, of Wobu...
Ang Eng * Ang Chan *Ang Mey*Ang Duong* Norodom * Sisowath * Sisowath Monivong *Norodom Sihanouk* Norodom Suramarit * Norodom Sihanouk * Norodom Sihamoni
Purpose To gain a better appreciation of the early families of Northampton Township, Bucks Co., PA To discover inter-family ties (please add profiles) Get your bearings with this circa 1830 map that has a few of the old place names. Early Settlement and Population ~• a short summary: Part One Part Two Settlers included: 1682 Thomas Walmsley William Buckman , Arthur Coo...
Suomen kartanot Tähän projektiin on tarkoitus koota Suomen ja luovutettujen alueiden kartanoihin liittyviä Geni-projekteja. Projekti aloitettu 6.6.2021 Huom. Älä liitä Geni-profiileja tähän projektiin! Suomalainen kiinteistöjärjestelmä ei tunne tarkkaa määritelmää kartanolle. Suomessa kartanoihin on luettu: Säterit Kuninkaan omistamat kruununkartanot Säätyläisten suurtilat Kartanoiksi ...
Tämä projekti on Suojärven Moisseinvaara kylän kyläprojekti. Projekti sisältää kylän asutusluetteloita, tarinoita ja valokuvia, linkkeineen sukupuuhun. Kyläprojekti kehittyy ja täydentyy jatkuvasti.* Moisseinvaaran kyläkartta * Moisseinvaaran asutusluettelo * Tarinoita suomeksi ja karjalaksi * Moisseinvaaralaisia sukuja * Moisseinvaaraan liittyviä kuvia, artikkeleita, asiakirjoja ja videoita
This project is the village project for Karatsalmi village in Suojärvi. The project includes population lists, stories and photos, with links to the family tree. The village project evolves continuosly.* Village map for Karatsalmi village * Population lists for Karatsalmi village * Stories in Karelian, Russian, Finnish and English * Families from Karatsalmi village * Stories, articles, document...
Liverpool to New Orleans 11 Mar 1852 - 10 May 1852 Voyage Information Ship Name Italy Vessel Type Ship Departure 11 Mar 1852 from Liverpool Arrival 10 May 1852 at New Orleans Source Customs (FHL #200,170) (source abbreviations) Church Leader Ole U.C. Munster
British and Irish Genealogical Reference Centre If you have any contributions or suggestions etc. to make please join the project and add the information, looking carefully at the structure of the project and adding the information in the most relevant position, using the formatting that is in place. Alternatively message me or start a discussion linked to this project with your ideas. The ...
Projekti aloitettu 4.2.2022 Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Maanmittaushallituksen paikkatieto Inkula Viljakkalan kyläprojektit Harhala I Hiiroinen I Inkula I Karhe I Koivisto I Mahnala I Sarkkila I Sontu I Särkkä I Viljakkala (kirkonkylä)
BeSHT - The Baal Shem Tov , הבעל שם טוב - הבעש"ט Source JewishGen 1 Source JewishGen 2 List of Hasidic Dynasties Wikipedia Timeline List of Hasidic Leaders Wikipedia Hasidism Yivo Maps Geni Research Links Please feel free to join this project. The initial aim is to find links to the profiles of the venerable scholars listed and then add them to appropriate Geni Projects...
Rabbi Moshe Sofer-Schreiber, ''Hatam Sofer'' , (German: Moses Schreiber), also known by his main work Chatam (in Yiddish: "Chasam") Sofer, (trans. Seal of the Scribe), (1762 - 1839), was one of the leading rabbis of European Jewry in the first half of the nineteenth century his influence is still felt today. He is also the patriarch of the Sofer family of rabbis.He declined many offers for the ...
It used to be found information that Prates are descendants of van Praet. According to that, Jàcome van Praet moved from Belgium (Antwerp) to Portugal. Probably because he was from a cadet branch. The King and the Portuguese Court received him very well. It´s said that generations after the family changed the surname to a Portuguese version (Prates) and then António Prates became Senhor de Póv...
The Order of the Dragon (Latin: Societas Draconistarum, literally "Society of the Dragonists") was a monarchical chivalric order for selected nobility, founded in 1408 by Sigismund von Luxembourg who was King of Hungary (from 1387 to 1437) at the time and later became Holy Roman Emperor (from 1433 to1437). It was fashioned after the military orders of the Crusades, requiring its initiates to de...
Suomesta on lähdetty siirtolaisiksi eri puolille maailmaa, Amerikkaan, Ruotsiin, Norjaan, Venäjälle ja Neuvostoliittoon sekä muihin kaukaisiin maihin. Voit lisätä projektiin Kuortaneelta lähteneet siirtolaiset ja myös ne, jotka ovat myöhemmin jostain syystä palanneet takaisin. Kuortaneen projektit *Paikkakunta Kuortane, Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Suomi Paikkakunta Kuortane, Etelä-Pohjanmaa *Siirtolaiset...