Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

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  • The clergy of the Diocese of Simbirsk

    Расписание городских и сельских приходов и причтов Симбирской епархии Список населенных мест Симбирской губернии. [1913]. - Симбирск, 1913. Баженов, Николай Иванович Статистическое описание Соборов, монастырей, приходских и домовых церквей 1900 Общая тема: 1 благочинный округ Симбирского уезда Симбирск Свято-Троицкий собор Вознесенский собор Александро-Невская церковь при зем...

  • Department of Public Works and Highways

    The Department of Public Works and Highways is the executive department of the Philippine government solely vested with the Mandate to “be the State's engineering and construction arm” and, as such, it is “tasked to carry out the policy” of the State to “maintain an engineering and construction arm and continuously develop its technology, for the purposes of ensuring the safety of all infrastru...

  • Częstochowa Ghetto

    The Częstochowa Ghetto was a Jewish ghetto set up by Nazi Germany in the city of Częstochowa in south-central Poland, for the purpose of persecution and exploitation of local Jews during the German occupation of Poland. The approximate number of people confined to the ghetto at its beginning was around 40,000 and at its peak – right before mass deportations – 48,000. In late 1942 most ghetto in...

  • Emigrants from the Dutch province of Zeeland

    Emigrants from Zeeland==Over time people from the province of Zeeland left for South Africa, Indonesia, Suriname, North America and Brazil, to establish colonies, settlements, cities or communities . An important motive was trade : mainly countries where the VOC or WIC traded were popular with Zeelanders . Soldiers, merchants , landowners and administrators took their families to various trade ...

  • Zeemanscollege Mij. tot Nut der Zeevaart ⎈ Veendam

    Zeemanscollege Maatschappij tot Nut der Zeevaart ⎈ Veendam . . . bronnen ‧ documentatie ‧ informatie Marhisdata voor genealogische gegevens ...aanvulling welkom! . . ——A—— Willem Engelz. ATZEMA ‧ 1823-1887 ‧ ⚑ D6/125:1862-1867 ——B—— Bartelt Janz. BAKKER ‧ 1797-1854 ‧ ⚑ Y6/144:1851-54 D.J. BAKKER ‧ x ‧ ⚑ 16:1895-99 Geert Geertz. BAKKER ‧ c.1787-1870 ‧ ⚑ S2/43:1827-...

  • Christmas Authors

    A collection of authors of Christmas novels, famous stories, and carols.=Authors and Novels=* Agatha Christie : Hercule Poirot's Christmas * Angela Thirkell : Hercule Poirot's Christmas * Charles Dickens : A Christmas Carol , The Cricket on the Hearth , The Haunted Man and The Ghost's Bargain * C. S. Lewis : The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe * John Grisham : Skipping Christmas * Kingsley Ami...

  • Koperslagers in de familie

    KOPER-slagers ~ translations welcome !Hebt u ook koperslagers in uw familie en vindt u het leuk na te gaan hoe dat ambacht zich van vader op zoon, van meester op gesel heeft ontwikkeld en waar grote meesters zich bevonden? Voeg uw profielen toe, nadat u wel het beroep in het profiel heeft ingevuld en wie weet vindt u de leermeesters terug die hen wegwijs maakten in dit boeiende vak.==enkele pro...

  • Kylä Paakkola, Äyräpää / Muolaa

    Paakkola oli Suomelle kuuluessaan osa Äyräpään kuntaa. Se sijaitsi Äyräpään pohjoisosassa Vuoksen etelärannalla Heinjoen ja Vuoksenrannan kuntien vastaisella rajalla. Paakkolan naapurikyliä Äyräpään alueella olivat idässä Vuosalmi, etelässä Pölläkkälä, Kaukila ja Rahkola. Ennen Äyräpään kunnan muodostamista vuonna 1925 Paakkola kuului Muolaan kuntaan.Suomelle kuuluessaan Paakkolan kylä käsitti ...

  • Kosciusko County, Indiana

    Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Kosciusko County, Indiana. Official Website The Indiana State Legislature passed an omnibus county bill[5] on 7 February 1835 that authorized the creation of thirteen counties in northeast Indiana, including Kosciusko. The county government was organized beginning in 1836. It was named for the Polish general Tadeusz Kościuszko who s...

  • Lake Forest College

    Wikipedia =Lake Forest College is a four-year coeducational private liberal arts college in Lake Forest, Illinois, on Chicago's North Shore. Founded in 1857 as Lind University by Presbyterian ministers, the college has been coeducational since 1876 and an undergraduate-focused liberal arts institution since 1903. Lake Forest enrolls approximately 1,600 students representing 47 states and 81 cou...

  • Kylä Passila, Muolaa

    Peikola oli kylä Muolaan kunnan itäosassa. Peikolan kylän yhteyteen luettiin yleensä myös Passilan kylä. Kylä sijaitsi Kirkkojärven itäpuolella noin kilometrin verran Muolaan kirkonkylästä Kirkkorannasta itään. Peikolan naapurikyliä olivat pohjoisessa Peippola, idässä Punnus ja Sokiala, etelässä Telkkälä sekä lännessä Kirkkojärven toisella puolella kirkonkylä Kirkkoranta, Turulila ja Kannila. N...

  • Père Lachaise Cemetery, Paris

    Le cimetière du Père-Lachaise doit son nom à François d'Aix de La Chaize , plus connu comme le père Lachaise qui, en ce lieu, possédait une maison de campagne en dehors des murs de Paris (du 17ème siècle). Cimetière du Père-Lachaise NL: Aanvullen-meewerken-corrigeren? Welkom! Graag met profiel-&-document-link of via discussie-bijdragen en voor wie wil samenwerken: uitbreiding van pagina-d...


    Disambiguating all the different men of the same or similar name who is Name Saml Webber Home in 1830 (City, County, State) Lawrence, Illinois Free White Persons - Males - Under 5 3 Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39 1 Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29 1 Free White Persons - Under 20 3 Free White Persons - 20 thru 49 2 Total Free White Persons 5 Total - All Persons (Free White, Sl...

  • Fortune 1000 CEOs

    Doug McMillon , Walmart#Darren Woods, Exxon Mobil# Tim Cook , Apple# Warren Buffett , Berkshire Hathaway#John Hammergren, McKesson#Stephen J. Hemsley, UnitedHealth Group#Larry Merlo, CVS Health# Mary Barra , General Motors#Mark Fields, Ford Motor#Randall L. Stephenson, AT&T# Jeffrey R. Immelt , General Electric#Steven H Collis, AmerisourceBergen#Lowell McAdam, Verizon#John S. Watson, Chevron#W....

  • Notable Orators

    Notable Orators An orator, or oratis , is a public speaker. An orator may also be called an oratorian — literally, "one who orates". In ancient Rome, the art of speaking in public (Ars Oratoria) was a professional competence especially cultivated by politicians and lawyers. As the Greeks were still seen as the masters in this field, as in philosophy and most sciences, the leading Roman familie...

  • Kylä: Jormua, Kajaani

    Projekti aloitettu 21.8.2018 Projektin kansikuva: Kari Roivainen 2018Voit liittyä projektiin -> toiminnot -> liity projektiin. Voit lisätä projektiin Jormualla syntyneitä, asuneita tai kuolleita henkilöitä, henkilön profiilissa -> toiminnot -> lisää projektiin. Allaolevat tilat ovat isojaon jälkeisessä järjestyksessä, Kajaanin maaseurakunnan rippikirja v.1901 - 1910. SSHY - Kajaani tietokanna...

  • Lumijoki, Kirkonkylä, talo Pottala No 11, a (Pelkonen, eronnut Pottala No 18) asukkaat

    Kaikki paikkakunnalla asuneiden henkilöiden historiasta kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita liittymään projektiin yhteistyöntekijöiksi Projekti käsittää Lumijoen kirkonkylän alueella talon Pottala No 11, a (Pelkonen, eronnut Pottala No 18) asukkaat . Lumijoki, Kirkonkylä ja Ylipää - Talonhaltijaluettelo Projektissa on luettelo Lumijoen kirkonkylän alueella v. 1939 saakka olevien talonhaltijo...

  • Wagenaar

    Wagenaar /Wagner/Wegenar surname origin in South Africa Zacharias Wagenaer (also known as Wagener, Wagenaar and Wagner) (10 May 1614 – 12 October 1668) was a German-born Dutch clerk, illustrator, merchant, member of the Court of Justice, opperhoofd of Deshima and the only German governor of the Dutch Cape Colony. In 35 years he traveled over four continents. 1. Anthonij Wagner, SV/PROG 2. ...

  • Geographers and Cartographers

    Geographers and Cartographers ===...including Land SurveyorsNames with Bold links are to Geni profiles or projects. Other links take you to external biographical web pages. Geographers ...are scholars whose area of study is geography, the study of Earth's natural environment and human society. Geographers study how the natural environment contributes to the human society and how the human socie...

  • Astronomy

    ASTRONOMIE - Kosmologie - Sterren-kijkers bronnen documentatie informatie ...aanvulling welkom! alpha-betisch —A— Marc AARONSON ‧ 1950-1987 ‧ continent: North-America Cleveland ABBE ‧ 1838-1916 ‧ Charles Greeley ABBOT ‧ 1872-1973 ‧ George Ogden ABELL ‧ 1927-1983 ‧ Amerikaans Antonio ABETTI ‧ 1846-1928 ‧ Italiaans natuur- en sterrenkundige, observeerde een Ve...

  • Forbes list, The World's Billionaires

    Forbes es una revista especializada en el mundo de los negocios y las finanzas, publicada en Estados Unidos. Fundada en 1917 por B. C. Forbes, cada año publica listas que despiertan gran interés en el ámbito de los negocios como Forbes 500. Su sede central se encuentra en la Quinta Avenida de Nueva York. Desde 1986, cada año Forbes publica su lista de las personas más ricas del mundo («The Worl...

  • CHOILLOT actes famille (VITALI)

    fichiers pdf des actes de naissance, mariage et deces de la famille choillot et alliés

  • Magdalene College, Cambridge

    [ ] Magdalene College (/ˈmɔːdlɪn/ mawd-lin) is a constituent college of the University of Cambridge, England. The college was founded in 1428 as a Benedictine hostel, in time coming to be known as Buckingham College, before being refounded in 1542 as the College of St Mary Magdalene. Magdalene College has some of the grandest benefactors including Britain's premier noble the Duke of Norfolk, th...

8326-8350 of 74368 projects