Dickson or, as is common in England, Dixon, is a patronymic surname, traditionally Scottish and thought to have originated upon the birth of the son of Richard Keith, son of Hervey de Keith, Earl Marischal of Scotland, and Margaret, daughter of the 3rd Lord of Douglas. Includes variants such as: Dicksen, Dixen, Dickerson, Dickinson, Dickenson, Dickens. etc.
The Malayalam Cinema , is the Indian film industry based in both Trivandrum and Kochi, Kerala, India, dedicated to the production of motion pictures in the Malayalam language. >Malayalam cinema is known for its realistic portrayal of relevant subjects in films with less commercial elements. Malayalam cinema has pioneered various technical, thematic and production techniques among films in India...
HørbylundHørbylund omtales i kilder allerede i starten af 1300-tallet.Hørbylund blev lige som mange andre herregårde i Vendsyssel udstykket i forbindelse med "godsslagtningerne" omkring 1800.Hørbylunds hovedbygning er opført i anden halvdel af det 19. århundrede.Dele af Hørbylunds avlsanlæg er opført omkring 1860.EjerhistorieHørbylund blev ejet af Peder Nielsen i starten af 1300-tallet. Den næs...
Tässä projektissa etsitään nykyisen Lempään kylän alueella asuneita sukuja ja sukujuuria. Tämä on rinnakkaisprojekti Tammijärven sukupuulle. Yhteistyökumppaniksi projektiin pääset kohdasta Toiminnot > Liity yhteistyökumppaniksi. Kun olet mukana, voit liittää ylläpitämiäsi Geni-profiileita Luhangan Lempään kylä -projektiin. Projektista voi keskustella projektin keskusteluissa ja profiileista k...
Ecuadorian politicians are people who are professionally involved in politics in Ecuador. The politics of Ecuador are multi-party. The central government polity is a quadrennially elected presidential, unicameral representative democracy. The President of Ecuador is head of state and head of the army on a multi-party system, and leads a cabinet with further executive power. Legislative power ...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Roudnice nad Labem (Raudnitz an der Elbe) in Bohemia, Czech Republic. Roudnice nad Labem is a town on the left bank of the Elbe River. It has a population of approximately 13 500 and covers an area of 16,67 km². The town is situated near the site of Říp, notable for its connection with the legend of Praotec Čech. Source:...
Tähän projektiin voi liittää profiilit Tyrväällä Lantulan, Ekojärven ja Kivijärven seudulla asuneista henkilöistä. Maaseudun Sanomat 11.4.1922: Uusi sahayhtiö Tyrväälle. Yhtiöjärjestykselleen on anonut valtioneuvoston vahvistusta Lantulan Saha Oy , joka kotipaikkanaan Tyrvään pitäjä, aikoo harjoittaa sahausta ja puunjalostusta etupäässä paikkakuntalaisten omaa tarvetta varten. Kylät Eko , H...
Building the family tree for Robert & Sarah PEEBLES.
Wikipedia Wabash College is a small, private, liberal arts college for men, located in Crawfordsville, Indiana, United States. Founded in 1832 by several Dartmouth College graduates and Midwestern leaders, Wabash is ranked in the top tier of national liberal arts colleges by U.S. News & World Report. The trustees have consistently rejected calls to institute coeducation, leaving Wabash one of...
A brain hemorrhage is a type of stroke that occurs in or around the brain. It's caused by an artery in the brain bursting and causing localized bleeding in the surrounding tissues. It is frequently uncontrolled bleeding in the brain. This bleeding kills brain cells. Brain hemorrhage is often labeled according to precisely where it occurs in the brain. In general, bleeding anywhere inside of ...
De landelijke organisatie Luctor et Emergo - in april 1943 omgedoopt in Fiat Libertas - hield zich met twee activiteiten bezig. Naast het verzamelen en doorgeven van inlichtingen op ambtelijk, economisch, politiek en militair terrein, werd veel tijd en energie gestoken in de hulpverlening aan joden, Englandgangers en geallieerde vliegeniers. Beide bezigheden liepen vanwege het groot aantal verb...
This is a village project of Hartikkala in old locality Lappee (now part of the Lappeenranta). Purpose of the project is to collect all the people profiles born, lived or died in this village.Join also larger projects and surrounding locality projects: == Suomi ja Karjala ===== Karjala ===* Lappeenranta * Lauritsala * Nuijamaa * Ylämaa * Joutseno * Vahviala
Division of LandThe schedule, though prepared before April, 1841, is found in the record-book amid the records of 1643. The schedule furnishes important aid in determining who were proprietors of the town in the first years of its history.While the division of lands was in progress, the name of the plantation was changed, by order of a general court held on the first day of September, 1640, fro...
This project is to identify early settlers and notable people of the region now called "Southern Maryland" click for map Please add your profiles: must be set to public. Feel free to enrich them by "tagging" with photos & documents from the media repository . click to view Project collaborators, please update the project page, add resources, documents, and photos ... and invite more collabo...
Cervical cancer is a cancer arising from the cervix. It is due to the abnormal growth of cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Early on, typically no symptoms are seen. Later symptoms may include abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, or pain during sexual intercourse. While bleeding after sex may not be serious, it may also indicate the presence of cervic...
This project aims to identify founders, notable teachers and students of Jagiellonian University from 1364 to the present day. If in your family tree you have an individual who was a notable professor, administrator or student of a high professional achievement (later in life), whose education was associated with Jagiellonian University, please add them to this project. It would be great if wit...
This project aims to organize genealogical data on people who were born, lived or died in Victorias, Negros Occidental, Philippines. Find more projects at the Philippine Portal . Wikipedia
Dit genealogisch onderzoeksproject verzamelt de genealogische en historische gegevens van de mensen die actief betrokken zijn geweest bij het verzet in de provincie Noord-Holland ten tijde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. In de legenda onderaan de pagina treft u de geraadpleegde bronnen. Een goed startpunt voor verder onderzoek zou het Neerlandsch Verzetsmonument kunnen zijn voor de nodige extra b...
This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. The county was formed in 1836 from parts of Lewis, Kanawha, and Nicholas counties and named for Carter Braxton , a Virginia statesman and signer of the Declaration of Independence. Important salt works were locate...
This project is a table of contents for all projects relating to this County of West Virginia. Please feel free to add profiles of anyone who was born, lived or died in this county. The county was formed in 1816 from Harrison County. Cemeteries Cemeteries of West Virginia Links WV History On View
The House and Merit Order of Duke Peter Frederick Louis (German: Haus und Verdienstorden von Herzog Peter Friedrich Ludwig) or proper German Oldenburg House and Merit Order of Duke Peter Frederick Louis (German: Oldenburgische Haus- und Verdienstorden des Herzogs Peter Friedrich Ludwig) was a civil and military order of the Grand Duchy of Oldenburg, a member state of the German Empire. The orde...
The Saxe-Ernestine House Order (German: Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden) was an order of merit instituted by Duke Friedrich of Saxe-Altenburg, Duke Ernst I of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and Duke Bernhard II of Saxe-Meiningen on 25 December 1833 as a joint award of the Saxon duchies.
Progenitors See the parent Sicily Project for an explanation and criteria of the progenitors list. Atria Atria, Anna Maria Zinnanti Zinnanti, Giuseppe
Projekti aloitettu 2.12.2024. Valitset Toiminnot > Liity projektiin. Kun liittymispyyntösi on hyväksytty, voit liittää profiileja tähän projektiin. Vuoden 1955 Tuntematon sotilas -elokuva, Wikipedia -Tuntematon sotilas on Edvin Laineen ohjaama suomalainen sotaelokuva, joka sai ensi-iltansa joulukuussa 1955. Elokuva perustuu vuotta aiemmin ilmestyneeseen Väinö Linnan romaaniin Tuntematon so...
Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Uudenkirkon Himottulan eli Puumolan kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille. ==Uudenkirkon kyläprojektit== Anterola | Anttanala | Elinälä (Jukkola) | Haapala | Halila | Halola | Himottula (Puumola ) | Hälkölä (Kurppa) | Hännilä | Iivattala (Toni) | Ino | Jaakkovala | Jorola | Jäppilä | Järmilä (Pusa) | Kaipiala (Lampaala) | Kalliola | Kaukjärvi | Kauppola |...