Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Golf, Anyone?

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia=Golf=Golf is a precision club and ball sport, in which competing players (or golfers) use many types of clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a golf course using the fewest number of strokes. Golf is defined, in the rules of golf, as "playing a ball with a club from the teeing ground into the hole by a stroke or successive strokes in accordance with ...

  • Siirtolaiset paikkakunnalta Kurikka

    Suomesta on lähdetty siirtolaisiksi eri puolille maailmaa, Amerikkaan, Ruotsiin, Norjaan, Venäjälle ja Neuvostoliittoon sekä muihin kaukaisiin maihin. Voit lisätä projektiin Kurikasta lähteneet siirtolaiset ja myös ne, jotka ovat myöhemmin jostain syystä palanneet takaisin. Kurikan projektit Paikkakunta Kurikka, Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Suomi Paikkakunta Kurikka, Etelä-Pohjanmaa, Suomi Siirtolai...

  • Friedrich-August-Kreuz

    The Friedrich-August Cross was a German decoration of the First World War. It was set up on 24 September 1914 by Frederick Augustus II, Grand Duke of Oldenburg, with two classes, for (to quote its citation) "all persons of military or civilian status, who have shown outstanding service during the war itself".

  • War Merit Cross (Brunswick)

    The Brunswick War Merit Cross (German: Braunschweigisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz) also known as the Ernst-Augustkreuz, was a military decoration of the Duchy of Brunswick. The Cross was established 23 October 1914 by Ernest Augustus, Duke of Brunswick. The cross was awarded to all ranks for distinction in war. On 20 March 1918, a first class of the Cross was created in pinback form, with the exis...

  • Pirates in Petticoats

    Overview from: Female Pirates - Women Who Took to the High Seas As referents to persons, places, or things, nouns give us rich pictures. In the case of pirate, we see the Jolly Roger, black boots, and one-armed, one-eyed scallywags taking a swig off a bottle of rum before belching out, "Yo ho ho!" and launching into an R-rated sea chanty. But the term female pirate does not fit into this com...

  • House of Capet

    Coat of Arms This project is dedicated to The Capetian dynasty a subsequent branch of The Robertians , and its direct descendants. I'm sure there are A LOT of them, so if you would like to contribute, please message me. The Capetian dynasty (/kəˈpiːʃən/; French: Capétiens), also known as the House of France, is a dynasty of Frankish origin, and a branch of the Robertians. It is among th...

  • Kylä Sammaljoki ja Rautaniemi,Tyrvää, Satakunta, Sastamala, Pirkanmaa

    Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja liittää profiilit Tyrvään Sammaljoella ja Rautaniemessä asuneista henkilöistä. Sammaljoki on kylä ja entinen rukoushuonekunta Sastamalan kaupungin eteläosassa Lounais-Pirkanmaalla. Kylä sijaitsee kaupungin etelärajalla rajoittuen Punkalaitumen ja Urjalan kuntiin. Sammaljoen naapurikylät ovat Vammalan alueella idässä Rautaniemi, pohjoisessa Kaltsila, Ekojärvi ja...

  • Birchtown, Nova Scotia

    Black Settlement Community for Blacks who Supported the Crown during the Revolution In which: an attempt is made to match transport lists in the Book of Negroes to the founders of the Settlement former slaveholders are matched with these Blacks Blacks freed by the terms of Peace ~• identified matches Silas, of Bucks County, Pennsylvania ; Schooner Sally bound for Port Roseway...

  • Suomen talonpoikaissäädyn valtiopäiväedustajat säätyvaltiopäivillä

    Luettelo Suomen talonpoikien edustajista valtiopäivillä alkaen 1600-luvulta aina 1900-luvulle. äädyllä oli oikeus valita edustajansa valtiopäiville. Kunkin tuomiokunnan edustaja valittiin talollisten ja muiden maanomistajien keskuudesta valitsijamiesmenettelyssä. Ruotsin suurvalta-aikana niin kutsuttujen voittomaiden talollisilla ei ollut kuitenkaan edustusoikeutta: muun muassa Käkisalmen lääni...

  • Loyalist Refugees of the American Revolution

    A few Loyalists left the British colonies during the American Revolution then tens of thousands were deported after peace was concluded after the American Revolution (1783) Most did not remain in the locales to which they were sent. Histories are available detailing the numbers moved and how they swelled the temporary boom towns such as Shelburne, Nova Scotia. Populations of such regions plung...

  • Warburg Family

    The Warburg family is a prominent German and American banking family of German Jewish and originally Venetian Jewish descent noted for their varied accomplishments in biochemistry, botany, political activism, economics, investment banking, law, physics, classical music, art history, pharmacology, physiology, finance, private equity, and philanthropy. They are thought to have originated as the ...

  • Slave Uprisings in Black History (US)

    Early Black History to the Civil War Slave Uprisings in Black History Slave Rebellion The struggle's of Black People (the New Afrikan Nation) in North Amerika: Black People's History and How the United States of America won its Independence from Britain (and the British empire). "Every organized rebellion, even when thwarted by the whites and their offspring, struck fear into the white...

  • Kingdom of Cochin & The Cochin Royal Family.

    Kingdom of Cochin കൊച്ചി was a late medieval Hindu kingdom and later Princely State on the Malabar Coast, South India. Once controlling much of the territory between Ponnani and Kochi in Malabar, the Cochin kingdom shrank to its minimal extent as a result of invasions by the Zamorin of Calicut. * Kingdom of Cochin * Cochin Royal Family * History of Kochi >There is no historically written eviden...

  • Hayen Family Branch

    This project is dedicated to the Hayen family surname and any subsequent profiles there in.

  • Order of the White Elephant

    Order of the White Elephant: The Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant (Thai: เครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์อันเป็นที่เชิดชูยิ่งช้างเผือก; RTGS: Khrueang Ratcha-itsariyaphon An Pen Thi Choetchu Ying Chang Phueak) is an order of Thailand. It was established in 1861 by King Rama IV of the Kingdom of Siam. Along with the Order of the Crown of Thailand, it is regularly awarded to any government offic...

  • Jewish Physicists

    This project was focus on the contributions that Jews and peoples of the Jewish descent in the field of physics.

  • Bergtheil Settlers

    THE BERGTHEIL SETTLERS: 1848A group of German settlers came to Natal in March 1848 on the ship Beta, under a private scheme arranged by Jonas Bergtheil. This was the first organized initiative to bring settlers to Natal, pre-dating the Byrne scheme.Bergtheil himself was born in Bavaria in 1819 and had travelled at the youthful age of 15 to the Cape, where members of his family were then living....

  • Waldecke (Boschfontein) Cemetery - Hermannsburg KZN South Africa

    The Boschfontein Cemetery is found on the farm Waldecke and was used as a family cemetery before the Eschede Lutheran Church was established and is now being used as a family cemetery of the Köhne Family yet again. A recent addition to the cemetery is the small chapel which accommodates the internment/ memorial wall. The Cemetery, under the watchful eye of Ewald Köhne, is in excellent condition...

  • Punaarmee Eesti kütiväed Venemaa kodusõjas ja Eesti Vabadussõjas

    Siia projekti võib lisada kõiki neid eestlasi, kes võitlesid Venemaa kodusõjas kui ka Eesti Vabadussõjas punaste poolel. Punaste poolel võidelnud eestlaste üksusi nimetati Eesti kütivägedeks ning nendes oli ühtekokku ligikaudu 10 000 meest. Muidugi võitles eestlasi ka teistes Punaarmee väeosades (enamasti olid need Venemaa eestlased) ja projekti võib ka neid lisada.EKP liikmed, kellest osa Puna...

  • Västerfärnebo socken, Västmanland

    Västerfärnebo socken i Västmanland ingick i Vagnsbro härad, ingår sedan 1971 i Sala kommun och motsvarar från 2016 Västerfärnebo distrikt.Socknens areal är 309,23 kvadratkilometer, varav 297,36 land. År 2000 fanns här 2 295 invånare. I socknen ligger tätorterna Salbohed och Västerfärnebo, med sockenkyrkan, samt orterna Rosshyttan och Bjurfors. Administrativ historik Västerfärnebo socken har me...

  • Kuuda Seminari lõpetajad (Eesti)

    " Kuuda õpetajate seminar oli Märjamaa kihelkonnas Tolli mõisas Kuudal asunud pedagoogikaõppeasutus, mis tegutses aastail 1854–1887. Kuuda õpetajate seminar - Wikipedia Nimekiri Kuuda Seminar ja tema kaswandikud : kogukene Eesti hariduse ajaloo andmeid / kokku kogunud ja korraldanud Mihkel Neumann I Kuuda Seminar ja tema kaswandikud : kogukene Eesti hariduse ajaloo andmeid / kokku kog...

  • Ōmaka Cemetery, Blenheim, Marlborough, South Island, New Zealand

    Ōmaka Cemetery consists of three individual cemeteries: New Cemetery (No.1 Lawn), Old Catholic (No.2 Lawn) and No.3 Lawn which is the newest part of the cemetery. This historic cemetery, with graves dating back to European settlement in the Wairau Basin, has predominantly burial memorials (ie; very few ash memorials) spread throughout the various divisions, which include Catholic, Paupers', RSA...

  • Grand Ducal Lithuanian Army Officers

    This project aims to identify officers of the Grand Ducal Lithuanian Army . If in your family tree you have an individual who was an officers, whose military career was associated with the Army of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, please add them to this project. It would be great if within profile description there would be a brief biography added. Within opened profile page use the 'Actions' button...

  • Village Liikola, Kanneljärvi and Uusikirkko

    Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Liikolan kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille. Liikola kuului vuoteen 1925 asti Uudenkirkon pitäjään ja sen jälkeen omaksi kunnakseen erotettuun Kanneljärveen. ==Kanneljärven kyläprojektit== Harju | Hämeenkylä | Hötsölä | Jokela | Kanneljärvi kirkonkylä | Kuuterselkä | Liikola | Mustamäki asema | Sykiälä

7576-7600 of 74361 projects