This project aims to transcribe the main list (containing information such as the name of a residence, whether it be a farm or a croft - as well as each of their respective gårdsnummer and bruksnummer ) - for specifically census district 1 of the 1900 census for Ørland : Storfosen og Krogvog (but the project will mainly just focus on the locality of Storfosna (or Storfosen as it was known as ba...
This genealogy project has two goals: To transcribe the portion of the 1875 for P1621 Ørland which deals with the island of Storfosen (present-day island of Storfosna in the municipality of Ørland, Trøndelag County, Norway). Add their Geni profiles to the project; be them residents of the island, visitors, or people who resided on the island but was listed as 'temporarily absent' (when th...
This genealogy project has two goals: To transcribe the portion of the 1865 for Ørland which deals with the island of Storfosen (present-day island of Storfosna in the municipality of Ørland, Trøndelag County, Norway). Add their Geni profiles to the project; be them residents of the island, visitors, or people who resided on the island but was listed as 'temporarily absent' (when the cens...
Wikipedia Roosevelt University is a coeducational, private university with campuses in Chicago, Illinois and Schaumburg, Illinois. Founded in 1945, the university is named in honor of both former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. The university's curriculum is based on principles of social justice. The university enrolls around 7,000 students between its und...
Wandering Jew: A look at Livorno Jerusalem Post* Jewish Livorno Now History of the Jews in Livorno (Liorne or Liorna in Ladino), Italy has been documented as far back as 1583, as immigrants from the expulsions from Spain and Portugal settled in the city. The Jewish community of Livorno, although the youngest among the historic Jewish communities of Italy, was for some time the foremost because ...
Wikipedia The University of Phoenix (UOPX) is an American for-profit institution of higher learning, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, United States. The university has an open-enrollment admission policy, requiring a high-school diploma, GED, or its equivalent as its criterion for admissions. The university confers degrees in over 100 degree programs at the associate, bachelor's, master's, ...
S/S Oberon==S/S Oberon oli Suomen Höyrylaiva Osakeyhtiön omistama matkustajahöyrylaiva joka liikennöi Helsinki/Hanko – Kööpenhamina – Hull -linjalla.Alus rakennettiin vuonna 1925 S. A. des Chantier & Ateliers de St. Nazairen (Penhoët) telakalla St. Nazairessa Ranskassa ja viimeisteltiin luovutuskuntoon Earle's Shipbuildingin telakalla Hullissa. Aluksen pituus oli 92,33 metriä, leveys 13,40 metr...
Tämä projekti on Viipurin pitäjän, myöhemmin Viipurin maalaiskunnan Uskilan kylän kyläprojekti. Perustettu 5.9.2019 / Toni NäppiYmpärillä maalaiskunnan kylät Tirhiä , Alasäiniö , Hämäläinen ja Viipurin kaupungin Liimatta Tilat: 1. Uskila 2. Suurniitty Projekteihin liittyminen: kullakin projektisivulla klikkaa Toiminnot > Liity projektiin.
The Lancashire Witch was one of the many vessels built at Quebec. She was a full-rigged ship of 1574 tons, and was eleven years off the stocks when she commenced trading to New Zealand. She was owned by Firnie and Co., of Liverpool, and in 1863 was chartered by the Shaw, Savill Co. The Lancashire Witch made her first passage to Lyttelton in 1863, and the 420 immigrants who embarked at London ex...
Wikipedia ==Haverford College=Haverford College is a private, coeducational liberal arts college located in Haverford, Pennsylvania, United States, a suburb of Philadelphia. All students of the College are undergraduates, and nearly all reside on campus.The college was founded in 1833 by area members of the Orthodox Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) to en...
Projekti aloitettu 27.9.2023. -rakenteilla Raahen-DNA-projektiin halutaan kerätä Raahessa asuneiden esivanhempien DNA tietoja. Raahen-DNA-projektiin voi liittää profiilin, jossa on DNA-tiedot isälinjan Y-DNA äitilinjan mtDNA Serkkutesti (FF) eli ns. autosomaalitesti, kokonaisperimätesti. Genissä näkyy at-tunnus Autosomal DNA Knowledge share -Geni Projekti Y-DNA Geni Index -Geni ...
The United States Secretary of Homeland Security is the head of the United States Department of Homeland Security, the federal department tasked with ensuring public safety in the United States. The secretary is a member of the Cabinet of the United States. The position was created by the Homeland Security Act following the attacks of September 11, 2001. (Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0) Secretaries...
The United States secretary of defense is the head of the United States Department of Defense, the executive department of the U.S. Armed Forces, and is a high-ranking member of the federal cabinet. The secretary of defense's position of command and authority over the military is second only to that of the president of the United States, who is the commander-in-chief. This position corresponds ...
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill=The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (also known as UNC, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, or simply Carolina) is a coeducational public research university located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States. North Carolina has been consistently listed among the highest ranked universities in the United States and is one of the original...
Siia koguks kokku kõik eestlased ja teised eestimaalased (aga ka Eesti juurtega isikud mujalt) kes Teise Maailmasõja ajal Saksa, Soome, Itaalia vangilaagritesse sattusid. Nii isikud kes vangistati Eestis Saksa okupatsiooni ajal kui ka need Nõukogude poolel võidelnud kes Saksa, Soome, Itaalia poolele vangi langesid.
The White House chief of staff is the head of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, a cabinet position in the federal government of the United States. The chief of staff is a political appointee of the president of the United States who does not require Senate confirmation, and who serves at the pleasure of the President. While not a legally required role, all presidents ...
The census was copied from the article 'Popis stanovništva otoka Hvara iz 1673. g. [The census of the island of Hvar from 1673 by Nevenka Bezić-Božanić]. HVAR (LESINA) ALFIERI Luka 6. ANGELINI Gabrijel 6, Jelena 4. - modern " Anđelović" ANTIGO Ivan 3. - more modern versions of this surname are "Starijanić" and "Antiquario" BALETTA karmerlengo 3. BARBARIĆ Jerolim 4, Kata 2.
Kunstiühing Pallas on aastatel 1918–1940 ja 1943–1944 tegutsenud, 1988. aastal taasasutatud kunstiühing Tartus (1988. aastast kuni 1999. aastani kandis see nime Tartu Kunstiühing).Pallas oli algselt kunstnike ja kirjanike, hiljem peamiselt kujutavate kunstnike ühing. Ühingu eesmärk oli tutvustada ja levitada kunsti (algul ka kirjandust). Kunstiühingu Pallas asutajad olid Konrad Mägi , Aleksande...
United States Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC or, obsolete, USACGSC) at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, is a graduate school for United States Army and sister service officers, interagency representatives, and international military officers. The college was established in 1881 by William Tecumseh Sherman as the School of Application for Infantry and Cavalry, (later simply the Infantry a...
The United States Army Signal Corps (USASC) develops, tests, provides, and manages communications and information systems support for the command and control of combined arms forces. It was established in 1860, the brainchild of United States Army Major Albert J. Myer, and has had an important role from the American Civil War through to the current day. Over its history, it had the initial resp...
Hailuoto Projektiin voi liittää täällä vaikuttaneiden pappien, kirkkoherrojen, ylimääräisten pappien, kappalaisten, suntion, kanttoreiden profiileja sekä valokuvia ja dokumentteja. Hailuodon projektit Paikkakunta Hailuoto, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Suomi Paikkakunta Hailuoto, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Suomi Siirtolaiset paikkakunnalta Hailuoto Siirtolaiset paikkakunnalta Hailuoto Papit Hailuoto, Pohj...
Wikipedia =Henderson State University, founded in 1890 as Arkadelphia Methodist College, is a four-year public liberal arts university located in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, United States. It is Arkansas's only member of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges. Henderson's curricula based on the belief that a liberal arts education is essential for all undergraduates; Henderson utilizes a progra...
Tavoitteena koota yhteen Pölläkän kylän asukkaat, tilat ja historia Pölläkkä on yksi Heinäveden itäosan kylistä. Sen nimi tulee Pölläkkäjärvestä (Suuri-Pölläkkä ja Pieni-Pölläkkä). Pölläkkään ainakin suunniteltiin lomakylää vuonna 1972: Heinäveden kartta, Pölläkkä kunnan eteläpäässä: Pölläkän kylä sijaitsee Savonrannan ja Enonkosken kunnan rajakylänä. Sapusta johtavan tien varrella joka k...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Norfolk County, Massachusetts was created on March 26, 1793, by legislation signed by Governor John Hancock. Most of the towns were originally part of Suffolk County, Massachusetts. The towns of Dorchester and Roxbury were part of Norfolk County when it was created but, as Boston annexed each town, th...