Il y a beaucoup de mystère autour de la vie de cette femme. Comment s’est-elle retrouvée baptisée et mariée à Pierre Arteau? Pourquoi sa fille a-t-elle fait la demande pour connaître son nom de fille après sa mort? Quelle est l’histoire de cette famille...?
It looks as if FGC-11784 is equivalent to FGC-11780.
Todos los Alvarez del pino vivos con Fnacebook y nuestros ancestros
R1a-M420 > M459 > M198 > M417 > Z645 > Z283 > Z282 > Z280 > Z92 > Y4459 > YP617 > YP573 > YP569 > YP575 > Y11268 > YP6504 > BY30750
From - "Migration from Yorkshire to Nova Scotia occurred between 1772 and 1775 and involved an approximate one thousand migrants from mainly Yorkshire, England arriving in Nova Scotia to settle the colony some years following the expulsion of its Acadian population."
Plymouth to Wellington - Arrived November 6th, 1895.Passenger List:
Arrived in Lyttelton 3rd of July, 1874.Passenger List found at: