Awarded by the Ontario Government to members of the Ontario Provincial Police for 20 years service.The qualifications are:# The Provincial Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal was awarded to those members of the Force who were of irreproachable character, and who had served in the Force not less than 20 years, the last 10 of which was with good conduct and satisfactory service.# Medal awa...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the village of Lojovice (Lojowitz) in Bohemia, Czech Republic.
Lets create it together
Researching the French ancestors of the Mathou family who were in South West Limousin / Correze
Rodzina Joskowicz(Yoskovitsh) wychowywala sie w duchu chasydskim i zwiazana byla z dworem cadykow z Ger(Gory Kalwaria).Wsrod Joskowicz bylo duzo Rabbinow.Jeden ze znanych byl Rabbi Pinchas Menachem Joskowicz (1924-2010) urodzony w Zdunska Wola.W roku 1988, na mocy porozumienia wladz PRL i Israela, zostal mianowany Naczelnym Rabinem Polski.Urzad ten pelnil do roku 1999, a nastepnie zrzekl sie st...
Tracing the Lines of the Eckleberry family from Ohio