Dette prosjektet har som formål å kartlegge Anker-slekten med tilhørende grener. Jobbe for å sikre kvalitet, fjerne dubletter og lage slektstreet mest mulig fullstendig med forfedre og etterkommere. Flott hvis du vil være med å bidra til dette, mvh Marius berg
A list of profiles of people born in or who lived in Bygland, Aust-Agder prior to emigrating the the United States or Canada mainly.
The 542 Engineer Boat and Shore Regiment was trained in Amphibious Operations at Washburn Island off the coast of Cape Cod. They were sent to Fort Ord California, and from there they were sent to Australia to train. in March of 1943 they arrived at Rockhampton, Australia and trained for two months. From there the went to parts of New Guinea, and after that The Philippines. My father, Bernard He...