The purpose of this project is to collect all of the Geni profiles of those who were involved with the Brooklyn Americans for there one and only season of 1941-1942. They were shut down by the NHL and Red Dutton because of the War and the lack of available talent. It was the intention of Dutton to resume the team's operations after the war had ended, but the NHL cancelled the franchise once the...
Egyházi anyakönyvi adatok
Historien om Evensen's Bakeri & Conditori AS startet helt tilbake i 1895. Even Evensen kom som ung (19 år gammel) innflytter fra Gjøvik og etablerte seg raskt som baker for Knauserud Handel på Tjura, som var kommunesenter på den tiden. Etter et snaut tiår, etablerte han seg som uavhengig bakermester på Kirkenær (1904), i tilknytning til Kirkenær stasjon. Gården fikk navnet Evensen-gården og b...
The AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum is an offshoot of the American Motorcyclist Association that recognizes individuals who have contributed to motorcycle sport, motorcycle construction, or motorcycling in general. It displays motorcycles, riding gear, and memorabilia. The museum is located in Pickerington, Ohio, United States.
My great grandparents came from Ekaterinaslav, Ukraine -- does anyone have access to documents from this city, or have relatives from here? Thanks!
The journeys of George Hansen and Anna Kragh. From Denmark to America
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Vynohrad, Ukraine, also known as Vinograd, Winograd, Winogród. Gesher Galicia - Vynohrad
Spring 1939 - Spring 1940