Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Salem County, New Jersey. Official Website European settlement began with English colonists in the seventeenth century, who were settling both sides of the Delaware River. They established a colonial court in the area in 1681, but Salem County was first formally organized within West Jersey on May 17, 1694, from the Salem Tenth. Pit...
Related: Witchcraft Wicca Hey everyone, I've run across ancestors who were accused of "witchcraft," have you? If so, join this project and add the profile. Public discussion: Not in my family, but on the "most popular" list: Kaika Lane The Rain Queens of South Africa Maselewane Modjaji, Rain Queen I Masalandbo Modjaji, Rain Queen II Khetoane Modjadji, Rain Queen III
Projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Uudenkirkon Lempiälän kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille. ==Uudenkirkon kyläprojektit== Anterola | Anttanala | Elinälä (Jukkola) | Haapala | Halila | Halola | Himottula (Puumola ) | Hälkölä (Kurppa) | Hännilä | Iivattala (Toni) | Ino | Jaakkovala | Jorola | Jäppilä | Järmilä (Pusa) | Kaipiala (Lampaala) | Kalliola | Kaukjärvi | Kauppola | Keppola | Kir...
Het verlies van de s.s Beursplein ‧ 26 feb 1941 Het vrachtschip Beursplein ---kapitein A. FEIJES--- is in konvooi OB 290 opgenomen, na haar vertrek op 24 februari 1941 uit Gourock (Schotland). Het schip vaart in ballast, met bestemming New York (USA). Op de Atlantische Oceaan wordt het konvooi op 26 februari aangevallen door de Duitse onderzeeboot U-47 (Kapitän leutnant Günther Prien) en FW-20...
Please add profiles for those who were born, lived or died in Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania. Official Website The county was created on February 21, 1810 and is named for the Susquehanna River. After the Civil War, coal started to be mined. Following this, railways and roads were built into the county allowing for more people to come. At one point the county had nearly 50,000 people. Coal...
For people who have tested and are assigned the maternal haplogroup U5b2 or who are believed to have had that maternal haplogroup based on descendants tested. Defining Mutations U5 has polymorphisms in the locations of 3197 9477 13617 16192 16270 U5b has polymorphisms in 150 7768 14182 U5b2 has polymorphisms in 1721 and 13637 Origin Among the oldest mtDNA haplogroups foun...
The IEEE Medal of Honor is the highest recognition of the American Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). It has been awarded since 1917, and is given to an individual for an exceptional contribution or an extraordinary career in the IEEE fields of interest. The award consists of a gold medal, a bronze replica, a certificate, and an honorarium. The medal was created by the I...
The American Academy of Arts and Sciences , frequently known as the American Academy , is one of the oldest and most prestigious honorary societies and a leading center for policy research in the United States. Election to the Academy is considered one of the nation's highest honors since its founding during the American Revolution by John Adams, John Hancock, James Bowdoin, and other scholar-p...
The Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng) is the United Kingdom's national academy of engineering. The Academy was founded in June 1976 as the Fellowship of Engineering with support from Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who became the first senior fellow and remained so until his death. The Fellowship was incorporated and granted a royal charter on 17 May 1983 and became the Royal Academy of E...
Stejně jako v Čechách, i na Moravě se svobodníci, zde nazývaní svobodní dvořáci, v prvních písemných pramenech objevují už jako slábnoucí skupina obyvatel, která se odkazuje svými právy na starou tradici, a povinností je vázaná pouze králi či knížeti a vojně. I zde nalézáme silný tlak okolního vrchnostenského zřízení na potlačení těchto reziduí minulosti, což se vinou špatného právního zakotven...
Грандиозное с полуподвалами трёхэтажное здание Епархиального женского училища на Владимирской улице (ныне Педуниверситет, ул. Свободы, 46) занимает почти квартал. Это почтенное учебное заведение указом Святого Синода 31 марта 1876 года – из приюта для бедных девиц «духовного» происхождения, существовавшего в Рязани с 1853 года – преобразовано было в Епархиальное женское училище. Основное здание...
The Russian Civil War was a multi-party civil war in the former Russian Empire sparked by the overthrowing of the social-democratic Russian Provisional Government in the October Revolution, as many factions vied to determine Russia's political future. Wikipedia
Gislomin kylä Gislom on kylä entisen Pernajan kunnan alueella, Loviisan kaupungin pohjoispuolella. Projekti Projektin tavoitteena on koota yhteen Gislomin kylässä syntyneet, asuneet, kuolleet tai muuten vaikuttaneet henkilöt. Toivomus olisi, että liitetystä profiilista jotenkin selviää henkilön yhteys kylään silloinkin kun kyse ei ole syntymä- tai kuolinpaikasta. Alle täydentyy lista kylän t...
The cemetery is located on 163 North Cary Street, Brockton, Plymouth County, Massachusetts. Find a Grave Billion Graves
At the current time this study is focused on the Prather's of Maryland and North Carolina. United States Federal Census results for Prather in Maryland 1790 census 1800 census Prince-George's County 1810 census 1820 census soon! 1850 census b. (1760-1800) Maryland, U.S., Wills and Probate Records,1635-1777
This subportal is part of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Portal and the Cemeteries, Memorials & Graveyards Portal . Within the 351 towns and cities that make up the Commonwealth of Massachusetts , there are approximately 1,301 cemeteries. These range from small, private family burying grounds with only a few graves to large public cemeteries covering hundreds of acres with hundreds ...
Project start 10.6.2018. Under construction Narva I Tallinn-Reval I Tartto I Riga I Daugavpils I Historical affiliations Terra Mariana (condominium of Archbishops of Riga and Livonian Order) 1201–1561 Imperial Free City 1561–1582 Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth 1582–1629 Swedish Empire 1629–1721 Russian Empire 1721–1917 German Empire 1917–1918
Burgemeesters van DELFT . . . . . chronologisch ––––15e eeuw–––– 1454 : Jan Pietersz. van BUIJTEN ‧ ‧ 1469-1475 : Jan Hendriksz. van GROENEWEGEN ‧ ‧ 1490-1501 : Harper van FOREEST ‧ 1472-1501 ‧ ––––16e eeuw–––– 15-? : Michiel POULSS ‧ x ‧ 15-? : Jan van UITENBROECK ‧ 1502-1505 : Claes Andriesz. PERSIJN ‧ ‧ 1504-1506 : Sasbout Dirksz. SASBOUT ‧ 1455-1508 ‧ 1517+'21+'27...
HISTORY AND BACKGROUND==Leipzig is a city in Saxony, Germany, and has historically been a centre for Jews. Jews are first mentioned in Leipzig at the end of the 12th century; an organized community with a synagogue and a school existed from the second quarter of the 13th century. Its central location attracted Jewish traders from all over Europe to the Trade Fair. The fair regulations of Leipzi...
There is not a cemetery named Mathis or Canon Mathis in Waller County. Canon Mathis Cemetery, AKA Mathis Cemetery, is actually in Harris Co, TX, but only a few hundred feet from the Waller County line. Find a Grave
The Police Service Award (1938) was a service award for all police officers after completing 8, 18 or 25 years of service. It was established by Adolf Hitler by decree on January 30, 1938. The legal basis can be found in the Reichsgesetzblatt of January 30, 1938 (No. 8, pages 55, 56)
The Golden Party Badge (German: Goldenes Parteiabzeichen) was an award authorised by Adolf Hitler in a decree in October 1933. It was a special award given to all Nazi Party members who had, as of 9 November 1933, registered numbers from 1 to 100,000 and had unbroken Party membership. The recipient's party number was inscribed on the reverse of the badge. Only 20,487 men and 1,795 women were aw...
Brunswick Rally Badge, also known as the Badge of the SA Rally at Brunswick 1931 (Das Abzeichen vom SA - Treffen in Braunschweig 1931), was the third badge recognised as a national award of the Nazi Party (NSDAP). Through the regulations of 6 November 1936, a special Party Honour Badge commemorating the SA Assembly in Braunschweig on 17-18 October 1931 was created.
The Military Karl-Friedrich Merit Order (German: Militär Karl-Friedrich-Verdienstorden) was a military order of merit of the Grand Duchy of Baden. Established 5 October 1805 by Charles Frederick, Elector and later Grand Duke of Baden, the order recognized outstanding military merit amongst military officers. In 1807, medals associated with the order were added as the highest awards for bravery ...