Ищу родственников по линии отца. Клёнов Владимир Петрович. Otsin sugulasi-line isa. Klenov Vladimir Petrovitš.
The last battle of the German battleship Bismarck took place in the Atlantic Ocean approximately 300 nmi west of Brest, France, on 26–27 May 1941. Although it was a decisive action between capital ships, it has no generally accepted name.On 24 May, before the final action, Bismarck's fuel tanks were damaged and several machinery compartments, including a boiler room, were flooded in the Battle ...
Dieses Projekt soll alle Personen enthalten, die mal in Soltau (und Umgebung) gelebt haben beziehungsweise dort geboren/gestorben sind. Die erste urkundliche Erwähnung der Siedlung Curtis salta stammt aus dem Jahr 936, als sie in den Besitz des Stifts Quedlinburg überging. In den folgenden Jahrhunderten entstand das Dorf Soltouwe, dem 1388 durch die Herzöge des Fürstentums Lüneburg Stadtrecht...
Vihannin kuntalaisten adressi 18 5/3 99 HM Keisari-suuriruhtinaalle ]] Suuri adressi kerättiin Suomessa ensimmäisenä sortokautena vuonna 1899 vastustamaan Suomen suuriruhtinaan keisari Nikolai II:n 15. helmikuuta 1899 allekirjoittamaa ]
McFarland Cemetery , Ralls County, Missouri, USA https:[//www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2400448/mcfarland-cemetery Find a Grave]5 miles Southwest of Hannibal near old New London Gravel Road. Page 200, Ralls Co, Missouri History Book by Goldena Roland Howard.McFarland Cemetery #87 Township 13 Range 56 Section ? (source: Ralls Co. Historical Society)
This project is for those who are interred in McCordsville Cemetery, McCordsville, Hancock County, Indiana.This cemetery was formerly known as the I.O.O.F. Cemetery. 'Links Find a Grave Billion Graves
Massachusetts State Veterans' Cemetery-Winchendon is located in Winchendon, Massachusetts. Find a Grave
Maui Veterans Cemetery is located in Makawao, Hawaii. Find a Grave
The list of mayors of Washington, D.C. is a reflection of the changing structure of its local government. From 1846 to 1871, three separate municipalities were located within the District of Columbia and each was governed separately: the City of Washington, Georgetown, and unincorporated territory known as Washington County. With the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, the three municipal...
Ana Roje (1909-1991)===Ana Roje + Oskar Harmoš Ana Roje , world renowned dancer, teacher and choreographer, is one of the greatest Croatian artists of all time. Born in Split in 1909, she perfected her art in through her studies in London. Having accomplished a career abroad, she returns to Croatia with her husband Oskar Harmoš. With him, she leads the ballet in Split and afterwards in Zagreb f...
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Velikiye Mosty, Ukraine, also known as Mosty Wielkie, Groß-Mosty, Most Rabati, Gross Mosty, Mohast Rabati, Most Gadol, Mosti Vielkie, Mosty, Mosty Vielkie, Velikie Mosty, Velyki Mosty. Gesher Galicia - Velikiye Mosty
Matamoros, Tamaulipas Mexico =This project is for anyone who was born, lived, or died in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Rodoslovlje obitelji Dominis (de Dominis, de Damine, Demigne, Demine, Demme, Dimine, Dimino, Dumine) s otoka Raba DOMINIS , plemićka obitelj s otoka Raba, koja je prema obiteljskoj predaji potekla od knezova Krčkih nazvanih Frankapani (stariji je grb Dominisa istovjetan s onim knezova Krčkih). Neki pisci (F. A. Galvani) kazuju da su »famiglia romana«, a J. Baraković ih naziva Mikuličić. U dokum...
The Pakleni Islands, the emerald jewels opposite Hvar Town, are a major attraction for sailors, beach and nature lovers. Often they are incorrectly called Hell’s Islands, but the name Pakleni comes from the local word used for a type of resin used in ship building (caulking)Historically they have been sparsely inhabited, however records do exist and date back to the early 15th century. 1420. g....
Lanai Veterans Cemetery is located in Lanai City, Hawaii. Find a Grave
Miejsce wymiany doświadczeń i informacji o Dolinie i okolicach (parafii)
Find a Grave Lake Lowery (aka Lake Laurel) Cemetery is a black cemetery located northeast of Lake Alfred. Take US 17/92 northeast out of Lake Alfred to Experiment Station Rd.; turn left (north) and cross the railroad tracks; turn right (east) onto Old Dixie Hwy./Old Haines City-Lake Alfred Rd.; just before the point where the road turns back southward and crosses railroad tracks, turn left (nor...
Find a Grave Lake Garfield Cemetery (colored) Located in the SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 Section 18, Township 30 S., Range 26 E. East of Bartow on SR 60, turn right on 80-Foot Road. Turn east on Cox Road, then south on Wallace Road. The hidden cemetery is to the east about 1/2 mile from Cox Road. It was surveyed on 28 Dec 2001 by the Imperial Polk Genealogical Society Cemetery Committee. They found only 5...