Monte Calvario Cemetery is located in Tuscon, Arizona. Find a Grave
Die Konfirmanden von 1967 in Barskamp
Wallingford was established on October 10, 1667, when the Connecticut General Assembly authorized the "making of a village on the east river" to 38 planters and freemen. The “long highway” located on the ridge of the hill above the sandy plain along the Quinnipiac River is the present Main Street in Wallingford. On May 12, 1670, Wallingford was incorporated and about 126 people settled in the t...
I am currently pursuing a theory as to whether Margaretha Steenkamp, wife of Floris Smit/Smith could be the mother of Hendrina Smit/Smith...Does anyone on here, whose direct mitochondrial line leads back to Margaretha, taken a mitochondrial DNA test?...It could help solve the puzzle (or at least eliminate the possibility) that she is the mother of Hendrina...
Siia projekti soovime Genist kokku koguda tuntumaid selle valdkonna sportlasi aga ka seostuvaid tegelasi (treenerid, ajakirjanikud, jms.) läbi kõigi ajajärkude.
Missouri State Veterans Cemetery-Higginsville is located in Higginsville, Missouri. Find a Grave
Missouri State Veterans Cemetery-Jacksonville is located in Jacksonville, Missouri. Find a Grave
Missouri State Veterans Cemetery-Bloomfield is located in Bloomfield, Missouri. Find a Grave
Missouri State Veterans Cemetery-Fort Leonard Wood is located in Waynesville, Missouri. Find a Grave
Molokai Veterans Cemetery is located in Hoolehua, Hawaii. Find a Grave
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Kassel (Hessen), Germany also known as Cassel [Ger, until 1926]. JewishGen-Kassel (Hessen)
This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from Grigoriopol.
Från Kokkola i Finland härstammade Erik Andersson Norman död 28 december 1752 i Gudmundrå. Gift med Kerstin Hansdotter född 1703. Död: 30 maj 1786 i Habborn, Gudmundrå. Deras son Erik Eriksson född 21 juni 1750 i Habborn, Gudmundrå. Död: 03 februari 1812 i Högsta. Gift med Anna Nilsdotter född 5 maj 1753 i Mjösjö, Nordingrå. Död: 1 januari 1835 i Strömnäs, Gudmundrå. Sonen: Elof Högströ...
Mississippi Veterans Memorial Cemetery is located in Newton, Mississippi. Find a Grave
Guam Veterans Cemetery is located in Piti, Guam. Find a Grave
This project is for people from Cosby,Andrew County,Missouri