Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Dynastic Name Progenitors

    A fun project to identify and illustrate the earliest origins of the most illustrious dynastic names=========If you don't agree with the selections or information provided, please discuss!=====.==Bourbon==* Progenitor : Aimon I, sire de Bourbon - born c900-905, died after January 954* Parents : Adhémar de Souvigny x Ermengarde* Dynasties : Bourbon, Orléans* Descendants : Kings of Navarra, Franc...

  • Neely Family - 1907 - William Miles Neely

    WILLIAM MILES NEELY ‘Miles’ or ‘Red’ May 13, 1907 - May 18,1987; 80 years old "I can do what has to be done" 'By Mary Frances Neely King William Miles Neely was born in Nolan County, Texas, near the town of Wastella (which had been named for his older sister Wastella). Blessed with his mother's flaming red hair and eight living older brothers, he began life needing to prove himself. As a self d...

  • County Cavan, Ireland - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards

    Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards of County Cavan=====Republic of Ireland Image Right - Kirkmore Churchyard, County Cavan The aim of this project is to gather together information regarding cemeteries and graveyards in the county which either have available transcriptions or have been photographed and transcribed. Please update the project by adding links to any available m...

  • Jondalen

    Presentasjon av garden Jondalen (studentoppgave av Aslaug Jegleim): Løpenr 545a, gnr. 48 bnr. 23 Høgt og fritt oppe i åskanten, 750 m.o.h. med utsyn over store delar av Øygardo og Grønliane finn me fjellgarden Jondalen. Mot vest har ein godt utsyn over Hemsedalsfjella,"Storehødn" og "Veslehødn" med det karakteristiske "brudesløret", eit elveleie på 5-7 elvar som renn ved sida av kvarandre ned f...

  • Rosalia "Rose" Aprile Rosaria A Jensen

    Some family trees and profiles are not accurate and Birth was 1889. Death was not in Cleveland and she married Christopher Espinosa in Iowa, lived in Omaha, NB and buries in Iowa with him.Please contact me to correct your family tree

  • Huntingdonshire - Main Page

    Huntingdonshire == Historic County of England.===Related Projects>=====] People Connected to Huntingdonshire >=====Huntingdonshire Famous People >===== Huntingdonshire Genealogical Resources >===== Historical Huntingdonshire >===== Historic Buildings of Huntingdonshire >===== Huntingdonshire Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries & Graveyards

  • Raknes - Aner og etterkommere av Thor Raknes

    The Raknes Project schjø!Prosjektet ombefatter Thor Raknes, NN og Synnøve Jørgine JohansenHei, og velkommen ombord! Jeg og Jørgen har kommet ett godt stykke på våre fars sider nå, og en god del på den felles slekten, Raknes. Hjelp oss å fullføre etterkommerne, altså dere, og gjerne litt med forfedrene våre også! Har ikke dukket opp særlig med kjendiser, men via Aurheim har vi en link til Petter...

  • Kosanovići

    Rodoslovno stablo i istrazivanja obitelji Kosanovic iz Dreznik grada Istraživanje svojih predaka u mojem slučaju bilo je motivirano usmenom predajom o značaju i važnosti obitelji Kosanović za Drežnik grad . Osnovni problem u cijelom istraživanju predstavljao je nedostatak matičnih knjiga. Matične knjige župe Drežnik grad prije 1900 godine izgubljene su u domovinskom ratu. Za razdoblje nakon 190...


    This new geni is about the VANDRANGI family. Belongs to Ponduru, Vandrangi village in Srikakulam district.


    The intent of the Project is to list Gaind family from Pasrur that probably originated in Ghandharva, now in Afghanistan.

  • Karapandzic Family

    Карапанџић / Karapandzic=Карапанџићи су били нахијски кнезови, „баш-кнезови“ у неготинској крајини са седиштем у Неготину. Поред наследних кнезова их породице Карапанџић, који су имали берат, био је још један кнез у неготинској крајини, који је биран, а седиште му је било у Кладову. Крајина је имала привилегије које су се звале „влашки статус“.Карапанџићи су били бератлијски нахијски кнезови (д...

  • British Army - Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment)

    ===== Images - Left - Memorial to men of the regiment killed or fatally wounded on the North West Frontier of India in 1863. (Click for full size), by Kim Traynor - Own work, Wiki Commons . Badges from left - 71st (Highland Light Infantry) Regiment of Foot and 74th (Highlanders) Regiment of Foot (Adapted from eBay by CJB); Highland Light Infantry (City of Glasgow Regiment) by BuzzWeiser196 - Ow...

  • Sakaba Family

    nigeria, kebbi state,zuru L.G,rikoto village. speak native language c'lela.

  • TITSELAAR ❧ family ‧ genealogy

    TITSELAAR ❧ family ‧ genealogyALIAS* TITSELAAR* TITSELAER* ======Begraven in Nederland - NLD* Frans TITSELAAR 1904 1961 57 SMEETS NAS 761393 2840 Sittard * Jeanne TITSELAAR 1903 1997 94 T 758633 1650 Sittard ======Gedoopt in Nederland*======Ge-emigreerd uit Nederland*

  • Imigrantes portugueses ao Brasil/portugueses imigrantes

    João Lopes da Costa Guimarães, nasceu a 20 de Dezembro de 1824, na freguesia de São Pedro de Azurém, Guimarães, Portugal. faleceu a 11-05-1903, em São Mamede de Cepães Fafe, Portugal.. Filho de António José Lopes, natural de São Romão de Mesão Frio, Guimarães, e de Susana Rosa Maria da Costa, natural de São Pedro de Azurém, Guimarães. residentes na Madre-Deus Guimarães. Imigrou para o Brasil, R...

  • Rinvoll Family

    Rinvollprosjektet er et klassisk slektsforskningsprosjekt. Dvs. samle mest mulig data om familie og slekt så langt tilbake i tid som mulig.Det som er registrert fra Stampeslekta er i hovedsak hentet fra: Stampeboken en bok om slekten til snekkermestrene Peter Holmer, Hans Rasch og Hans Stamp som kom fra Hertugdømmet Slesvig til Bergstaden Kongsberg på 1700-tallet Av: Knut O. Ronold År: 2005

  • Matrozen in de familie

    Matrozen in de familie==Opleidings-instituten in Nederland ===voor de MARINE===voor de KOOPVAARDIJ===in Noord-Holland====den HELDER===in Zuid-Holland====ROTTERDAM===in etc.

  • Great Migration: Passengers of the Elizabeth and Dorcas, 1634

    No passenger list has been found for 1634 Elizabeth Dorcas. But from excerpts we know that Edward Bosworth and his family were aboard.* From the Diary of Samuel Sewall (Vol. 3, page 396):>Edward Bosworth, the Father, being ready to dye ask’d to be carried upon Deck, that he might see Canaan. When he had seen the Land he resigned his Soul and dyed: was carried ashoar and buried at Boston.==Voyag...

  • Ramerupt-Montdidier Lineage

    It has long been assumed that Hildouin I was the husband of Hersinde and the father of Hildouin II and Manasses, Bishop of Troyes. However, Charles Cawley, in his Medieval Lands database, cites a transcription (see Tardif, 1866--available online) of the document "Donation faites par Philippe I, a l'Abbaye de Saint-Germain de Pres, du village de Bagneux, en echange de celui de Combs" dated 1061,...

  • O. Chandumenon Relatives Tracker

    =OPEN | PUBLIC This project aims to find O. Chandumenon's Relatives. OPEN | PUBLIC=

  • 3rd Arkansas Field Battery (CSA), US Civil War

    The 3rd Arkansas Field Battery (1860–1865) was a Confederate Army artillery battery from Pulaski County, Arkansas, during the American Civil War. The battery is also known as the Totten Light Artillery, Woodruff's Battery, the Weaver Light Artillery, and Marshall's Battery, but most commonly as the Pulaski Light Artillery .The Pulaski Light Artillery was organized at Little Rock, Pulaski County...

  • The Mazarinettes

    Mazarinettes were the seven nieces of Cardinal Jules Mazarin, the Chief Minister of France during the youth of King Louis XIV. He brought them, together with three of his nephews, from Italy to France in the years 1647 and 1653. Afterwards, he arranged advantageous marriages for them to powerful and influential French and Italian princes. To overcome aristocratic resistance to the matches, the ...

  • Apelidos REBOIA e RACHA oriundos de Portugal ( Baixo Alentejo )

    Passado mais de 3 décadas de ter emigrado por razões óbvias, um dia por curiosidade entrei no motor de procura da internet "GOOGLE" e digitei o nome REBOIA para ver se encontrava algum material sobre esta familia cujo nome é "raro" em Portugal, e daí vem esta ideia de editar uma árvore genealógica. Ficaria grato a todos que me podessem ajudar com dados especificos sobre esta famila. Com as esti...

  • Harvard School Class of 1984

    Craig Abrams* Paul Andrew Aigner* Lorenz Bernardeau Altenburg * Eric William Altschule * Eric Paul Ameer* Barton Samuel Aronson * Keith Alan Ash* John Baird* Randy Baker* Sasha Edward Barbour* Jonathan Hague Bauman * Bryan Albert Behar * Anthony Evan Bell * Jean Pierre Benatar * David Leonard Bernstein* Bruce B. Birkett, II* Jarvis Andrew Bowers* John Brinsley

  • Salvation Army Ögrim family

    Familjemedlemmar som utbildats till och arbetat som frälsningsarmeofficerare i sverige och england.(English: Family members who were trained and worked as Salvation Army officers in Sweden and England.)

58076-58100 of 74724 projects