Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Ábrol genealógico en grande

    ¡Venga tu Reino!Querida familia:Les invito a unirse a este esfuerzo de construir juntos nuestro árbol genealógico. Cada uno puede ir llenando la información del propio perfil. Gracias por todo. Con cariño, César.

  • NLD ‧ 2008 ‧ Summer Olympics

    Netherlands ‧ 2008 ‧ Summer OlympicsDeelnemers Olympische Spelen 2008 - Beijng-CHINA===Medailles* • • • ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆ ➇ ➈ ➉ • =====GOUD - 7x* ♀ hockey team • • • • • • •* paardensport-dressuur : • Anky van GRUNSVEN ‧ ‧ * ♀ roeien lichte dubbel-2 • Marit van Eupen ‧ ‧ ⌘ ‧ • Kirsten van der Kolk ‧ ‧ ⌘ ‧ * ♀ waterpolo team • • • • • • • • • * ♀ wielenrennen-punten-koers • Maria...

  • Kylä Liusvaara, Ilomantsi - aliprojekti Tarinat

    Kylä Liusvaara, Ilomantsi -projektin pääsivulle Kirjoittakaa tarinoita lisää!= Tarinoita =

  • Zaalberg, Leiden, the Netherlands

    Sinds onze Polen reis hebben we uitgevonden dat Saalberg inderdaad bestaat, zowel als berg en als dorp. Het heet sinds 1947 Zachelmie en heeft een rijke geschiedenis. Bij het Staatsarchief (Archiwum) in Jelenia Gora (Hirschberg) was de dochter van de voormalige Staatsarchivar ( Anna Borys- ) heel behulpzaam bij het uitzoeken van oude boeken die we konden bekijken. We hebben in ...

  • Jakovlevid Petserimaalt

    Kahekümnenda sajandi teisel kümnendil asus Läänemaale elama Jvan Jakovlev koos oma abikaasa Darja Ivanovaga. Nagu tol ajal ikka, oli ka selles peres palju lapsi. Möödunud sajandi kolmandal kümnendil oli meie maal kombeks eestistada võõra kõlaga ees ja perekonnanimed. Nii said Jakovlevide lapsed uued nimed ja pudenesid laiali mööda erinevaid Eestimaa nurkasid. Projekti eesmärk on luua ettekujutu...

  • RUSSELL's 21st B'day

    This event will take place on 10th December 2011. Finally our son will be reaching a milestone in his life and we can analyse the wonderful journey that has taken place in his young life. We also will be welcoming family & friends from Fiji, New Zealand and around Australia.16Oct2011- CostCo with Jenny Rounds(my classmate) & Michael,shopping for B'day celebrations.....PaperPlates/Cups/Cutlery/T...

  • Graven van Leuven (Counts of Louvain)

    - Getrouwd met / Married to : Gerberge de Basse Lorraine * 1015-1038 : Hendrik I van Leuven (zoon van vorige/son of previous) * 1038-1041 : Otto van Leuven (zoon van vorige/son of previous)

  • 13th Virginia Infantry - Company B (CSA), US Civil War Project

    Company B=Company B (1st) Culpepper Minutemen: CAPT. C T CRITTENDEN – Mustered out on 17 January, 1862.Company B (2nd) Crittenden's Company: CAPT. C T CRITTENDEN – Assigned to the regiment on 15 March, 1862.The purpose of this project is to document all the profiles of the men who served in this unit. Point Of Contact For This Page: Donald Colvin

  • Belgium ‧ ‪2012 ‧ Summer Paralympics

    -under construction!=Belgium ‧ ‪2012 ‧ Summer Paralympics==DEELNEMERS===atletiekMarieke Vervoort Atletiek 100 m 200 m Klasse T52 Debutant Gino De Keersmaeker Atletiek discuswerpen Klasse T42 6de Spelen Frederic van den Heede Atletiek Klasse F46 2de Spelen===Pieter Verlinden Boccia BC3 Debutant Pieter Cilissen Boccia BC3 2de Spelen Kirsten De Laender Boccia BC3 Debutant===Youssef Bihi Goalball H...

  • Kumanudi Family

    Породица Кумануди / Kumanudi Family=Кумануди су српска породица грчког порекла из које потичу Константин Кумануди , министар финансија и председник београдске општине, Андрија Кумануди , директор Народне банке, проф. др Стефанос Куманудис и др.Породица Кумануди је грчког порекла. У Србију су дошли из Једрена 1829, а пореклом су из Трапезунта. Славу нису славили. Славили су имендане, које славе ...

  • San Roman

    SAN ROMÁN, (SPAIN -TEXAS) José San Román (1822–ca.1895)., merchant, banker, and broker in the contraband cotton trade of the Civil War, son of Joaquín María de San Román, was born at Valle de Arcentales, Bilbao, Spain, in 1822. He came to America in the late 1830s and settled in New Orleans, where he was apprenticed to the English merchandise firm Thorn M. Grath Company. In 1846 San Román moved...

  • 44th North Carolina Infantry (CSA), US Civil War

    Regiment: 44th Infantry Regiment North Carolina * Date of Organization: 28 Mar 1862 * Muster Date: 9 Apr 1865 * Regiment State: North Carolina * Regiment Type: Infantry * Regiment Number: 44th* Number of Companies in Infantry: 10Last updated June 24th, 2007 by Jenny History of the 44th North CarolinaHistorical Sketch Of. [From the Wilmington, N. C., Star, March 12, 1897.]This brief record of th...

  • Lincolnshire - Main Page

    This is the Umbrella Project Page for Lincolnshire, England.===Related Projects>* People Connected to Lincolnshire >* Lincolnshire Famous People >* Lincolnshire Genealogical Resources >* Historical Lincolnshire >* Historic Buildings of Lincolnshire >* Lincolnshire Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries & Graveyards >* Mayors of Boston, Lincolnshire

  • RMS Lusitania Deck Crew

    RMS Lusitania Deck Crew==This a sub project of the RMS Lusitania project , the crew list below is currently used as a worksheet while we are in the process of adding profiles. Here you can check if the profile you would like to add is added already Profiles currently on Geni : Please add profiles with a link if they can be found on GeniInformation about the Lusitania deck crew can be found here...

  • The Children's Friend Society - Ships to South Africa - Fama

    The Children's Friend Society Ships - South Africa=See Main Project Page - The Children's Friend Society ===To participate in any project===- you do need to first be a collaborator - so please join the project using the request link under "actions" at the top right of the page. Visit Geni Wikitext, Unicode and images which gives a great deal of assistance. See the discussion Project Help: How t...

  • Grace Episcopal Church Columbarium,Ponca City, Kay County, Oklahoma, 74601 USA

    Grace Episcopal Church Columbarium,Ponca City, Kay County, Oklahoma, 74601 USA: Surname Index 6/3/2021

  • Ancient Planters: John Burras/Burris/Burroughs

    A project for following this Ancient Planter and his descendants.=Background=Information from: The Families of LOU DRAPER & CHARLIE MARTIN of Johnson and Henry Counties, Missouri" by James M McMillen, Arlington, Texas. Published in .pdf format 13 January 2010.THE BURRUS NAME is spelled in a number of different ways in early Virginia; as was usual for the times, it depended on whoever wrote the ...

  • Kylä Liusvaara, Ilomantsi - aliprojekti Asutusluettelo

    Kylä Liusvaara, Ilomantsi -projektin pääsivulle = Ilomantsin Liusvaaran kylän asukkaita =Tälle sivulle kerätään Liusvaaran kylän asukasluetteloita eri lähteistä. Ideana on, että sivulle tulevat nimet ovat kuten alkuperäislähteessä, ja kustakin nimestä on linkki sukupuuhun. Aiempia ja myöhempiä ajanjaksoja tulossa pikkuhiljaa. Niitä saa myös lisätä (esim. ottamalla "urakaksi" jonkin tietyn lähde...

  • Interesting Genealogical Controversies and Great Writers

    Let's see where we can go with this project. In the past week, I stumbled upon two great writers -- Walt Whitman and Elizabeth Barrett Browning -- whose genealogies are interesting and controversial. The great American poet, Walt Whitman, claims to be a descendant of Joseph Whitman, son of Reverend Zachariah Whitman, a founder of Milford, Connecticut.A recent book about Elizabeth Barrett Browni...

  • Brasil COM Memória

    A ídéia é tentar ligar até onde for possível as descendências de nós brasileiros. Até descobrirmos que não temos mais registros... :-) Portanto, somos um povo miscigenado e de cultura muito rica por causa disto.Se outras pessoas toparem o projeto, a gente vai melhorando.Saudações!Robson Araujo

  • Jewish Families from Bassum, Germany

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the town of Bassum, Germany. JewishGen-Bassum Bassum is a town in the district of Diepholz, Lower Saxony, Germany. It is situated approximately 35 km northeast of Diepholz, and 25 km south of Bremen.From the International Jewish Cemetery Project:"BASSUM: 27211 Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) (Gerz, Peters). DISTRICT: Diepholz. LOCATION ...

  • Heiferman

    This is a project for Heifermans and people related to Heifermans to collaborate. I know of 11 separate Heiferman families and most are from an area of what is now Ukraine. Feel free to contact me through Geni or Thanks, Ken

  • Grieken vinden in de Benelux

    -2011-06-04-jMu- This project has a specific aim to find parents for children with GREEK parents that are related to Greek that abandoned their own country. It might be temporarely, so please don't change it.===GRIEKEN vinden in de Benelux=Find Greek in the Benelux===via DANS-groepen* Utrecht Griekse vereniging ANAGENNISI -* Amsterdam Griekse gemeenschap - * Gorinchem Federatie GRIEKSE Gemeensc...

  • Rimmalapudi Family

    Let's build the family genealogy of Rimmalapudi family. I started with my family and added members I know till my great grandfather.

58026-58050 of 74739 projects