Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

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  • European Notables who served in World War One

    Austria==>>>>> Film and theatre * Fritz Lang (Austria)- Acclaimed and highly influential Film Director associated with the German Expressionist movement of the 1920s-30s and who later directed films for Hollywood after becoming a US Citizen in 1939. He is best remembered for his Silent era masterpiece Metropolis (1927), the murder-thriller M (1931) and the Film Noir classic The Big Heat (1953)....

  • The Blue Eyed Six

    The Blue Eyed Six were a group of six men, all of them coincidentally blue-eyed, who were arrested and indicted on first degree murder charges in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, in 1879.[1]The Six were Charles Drews, Frank Stichler, Henry F. Wise, Josiah Hummel, Israel Brandt, and George Zechman. This group of friends and unsavory business associates conspired to murder their neighbor, Joseph Rab...

  • Suv.Vetehinen

    Vetehinen=Sukellusvene Vetehinen oli Suomen laivaston Vetehis-luokan 500 tonnin sukellusvene 1930-luvun alusta jatkosodan päättymiseen, jolloin Suomi joutui Pariisin rauhansopimuksen mukaan luopumaan muun muassa sukellusveneistä. ===Rakentaminen===Alus rakennettiin Crichton-Vulcanin telakalla Turussa alun perin koealukseksi Saksalle, joka ei saanut Versailles’n rauhansopimuksen vuoksi rakentaa ...

  • R-FGC14877 (Y-DNA)

    R-FGC14877 is a subclade of haplogroup R1b-U106 , downstream of the small branch FGC3861/Z8052 .U106 > Z2265 > BY30097 > FGC3861 > FGC14877 R1b-U106 on Eupedia site: haplotrees on Yfull and Ytree sites: FTDNA public haplotree:

  • Famous Quotes

    The insight and experience of others is a valuable source of inspiration and motivation. And learning from successful leaders and entrepreneurs is a fantastic way to grow.Even the world's most successful individuals have experienced their fair share of setbacks and hardships. And there's much to learn from their challenges as well as their success.1. "The greatest glory in living lies not in ne...

  • Henry Trolinger Revolutionary War Soldier

    Henry, born: May 2, 1763 Died: Feb 29, 1844, aged 83, buried at the old Trollinger Family Cemetery, Haw River (Trollinger Ford) North Carolina, USA grave marker SAR Sons of the American Revolution War Service: 1st tour 1780: Search and aquire supplies, whipped and hung Tories. 2nd tour 1780: Indian uprising protection 3rd tour 1781: Battle of the Shallow Ford, shot and whipped Tories. when not ...

  • United States Federal government portal

    United States Federal government portal==This project was established to provide a portal to other projects that cover the elements of the U.S. Federal government both past (e.g., "Continental Congress") and present. government of the United States of America is the federal government of the constitutional republic of fifty states that constitute the United States of America, as well as one cap...

  • Cuntz Families in Marburg, Germany

    A project aimed at creating trees for the earliest Cuntz / Kuntz / Kuntze families in Marburg, Germany.The ideal is that ongoing research might enable one to eventually merge some of these trees into larger ones. 10178 in Marburger Sippenbuch/07/190: Matthias Deiß Cuntz * c. 158010179 in Marburger Sippenbuch/07/190: Jacob Cuntz † before 163110180 in Marburger Sippenbuch/07/191: Hans Cuntz (fath...

  • Pensacola Senators Baseball Team (1960-1962)

    Pensacola Senators Baseball Team (1960-1962):Note: This Project is for all Staff and Players. Senators Jump to navigationJump to search The Pensacola Senators are a defunct minor league baseball team that competed in the Class-D Alabama-Florida League from 1961-1962. The Senators were an affliate of the Washington Senators of Major League Baseball. The league operated from 1936-1939, and then f...

  • Sulitjelma gruber, Nordland, Norge

    Sulitjelma Gruber i Fauske kommune, Nordland, Norge ble startet 1887 og nedlagt 1991 ===Direktører hos Sulitjelma Gruber: * Friederich Adam Vatter, direktør 1890-1892* Olaf Aabel Corneliussen, direktør 1892-1897* Julius Emil Knudsen, direktør 1897-1908 (født 1856 i Drammen) * Holm Egeberk Holmsen, direktør 1908-1912 (født ca 1868 i Kongsberg)* Andreas Quale, direktør 1912-1941 (født 1875 i Måls...

  • Scheepers Commando -Anglo Boer War

    18 January 1902 ==Commandant Gideon Scheepers, Boer scout and commanding officer during the Second Anglo-Boer War (South African War) was executed by a firing squad beside an open grave in the veld near Graaff-Reinet. He was captured in October 1901 by a British column and found guilty by a British military court on charges of murder, arson and demolishing of trains. Scheepers admitted during h...

  • Golden Ages - Migrations 1568-1648 (Dutch Revolt)

    Work in Progress - Per August 28, 2011=====.=1568-1648======(Tentative period)=====.==History======Start====* 1566: ' Beeldenstorm ' ('Iconoclastic Fury'), start of the Dutch Revolt * 1568: Battles of Rheindalen and Heiligerlee , beginning of the Eighty Years' War.====End====* 1648: Treaty of Münster , end of the Eighty Years' War.

  • United States Chiefs of Mission to the Netherlands since 1781

    John Adams (1) 1781- 1788* William Livingstone * John Rutledge * William Short 1792* John Quincy Adams (2) 1794 - 1797* William Vans Murray 1797 - 1801* William Eustis 1814 - 1818* Alexander H. Everett 1818 - 1824* Christopher Hughes 1825 - 1830* William Pitt Preble 1829 - 1831* Auguste Davezac 1831 - 1839* Harmanus Bleecker 1839 - 1842* Christopher Hughes 1842 - 1845* Auguste Davezac 1845 - 18...

  • Christening records, for Graham in Ireland, (1653 to 1745)

    Back to Graham Name Study, Ireland, UK Below is a "Text" Excel file saved in .csv (Comma Separated Variable) format. Sorted on Name. If you copy it to your computer and import to a spread sheet you can sort on any field.full_name,gender,birth_date,chr_date,Mo,Yr,Place,Chr-Birth_place,County,,death_date,father_full_name,mother_full_name,children_full_names,,C70108-1 Andrew Graham,M,,30,Nov,1738,...

  • Kylä Päivilä, Valkjärvi

    Tämä projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Valkjärven Päivilän kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille.Tämä projekti on keskeneräinen ja sitä päivitetään koko ajan.Projekti perustettu 7.11.2019 / Mirja Mappes

  • Ik maakte merk van m'n naam

    Genealogische oorsprong van merknamen=Eenvoudig principe in dit project... Is er een bekende merknaam waarvan de naam duidelijk verwijst naar een familie, dan is het merk hier op z'n plaats. Alle huis-, tuin- en keukennamen welkom. Wie wil en kan zoekt het uit. Graag mooie genealogische constructies! Wie weet weet bent u wel verwant met een merknaam?.____________________________________________...

  • New Zealand Settler Ships - Chile 1861

    Arrived from London December 7, 1861. Passenger List

  • Triple A Collective

    The A stands for improving A ctive collabor A tion.==Make new connections in a more sociable environment.Bring together the like-minded, not only based upon genealogical interests. “We unite to expand the social horizon on Geni” On our Plazas we aim to bring users together in different settings, other than what you may be used to.The Plazas are meeting points where Geni members with similar i...

  • Kylä Pöppölä, Valkjärvi

    Tämä projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Valkjärven Pöppölän kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille.Tämä projekti on keskeneräinen ja sitä päivitetään koko ajan.Projekti perustettu 7.11.2019 / Mirja Mappes

  • The Profanation at Saint Denis (1793)

    La Profanation de Saint-Denis (1793)======WORK IN PROGRESS=====.After the French Revolution (1789), and during Robespierre's Reign of Terror (1793-1794), the French National Convention ordains the exhumation and destruction of all royal tombs. In October 1793, the profanation of the tombs at the Basilica of Saint Denis is executed. This basilica has been the necropolis for the kings and queens ...

  • Workshop "Gallery of the Golden Age"

    (work in progress)======In preparation of an upcoming exhibition at the Amsterdam Hermitage Museum==.______________________________________________________________________________________________1. " De anatomische les van Dr. Deijman "* Artist : Rembrandt* The anatomy lesson of Dr. Deijman * Painting showing : Jan Deijman , Jores Fonteijn, Gijsbert Calkoen,... ↓ 2. " De osteologieles van Dr. S...

  • Stedelijk Museum ‧ Amsterdam

    Stedelijk Museum ‧ Amsterdam ===collection

46301-46325 of 72358 projects