Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Kattendijk: Huguenot Ship to the Cape

    The Kattendijk arrives 5 April 1699 * Ship’s type: Spiegelretourschip * Construction: Built in 1694 for the Chamber of Zeeland at the VOC ship yard in Middelburg.* Term: In use by the VOC from 1694 until it was wrecked at Straat Soenda in April 1709.* Length: 145 feet* Breadth: 35 feet* Depth: 14,75 feet* Loading capacity: 759 tons* Crew: 175-250 men* Flag: Chamber of Zeeland =Voyage to the Cap...

  • VOC Opperhoofden in Arakan

    VOC Chief Factors in Arakan=..._____________________________________________________==Historical Context== (Under construction) ==Chief Factors==* 1608-1610 : Pieter Willemsz. Elbing* 1610-1614 : Jacob Dirksz. Kortenhoef* 1612-1614 : Jan Claes Lobbessen* 1614-1615 : Andries Criek* 1615-1616 : Jan Gaeff* 1616-1617 : Jan Thijsz. Ens* 1617-1619 : Andriaan Van der Meer* 1619-1620 : Pieter Reijersz....

  • Jewish New Year Music & Meditation

    Kol Nidre , Perry Como * Avinu Malkeinu , Barbara Streisand * Kol Nidrei Jazz Singer scene by Neil Diamond Hallelujah - If it be Your Will - Who By Fire - Hineini, Hineini, - Leonard Cohen

  • Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich - Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria - Ordre du Mérite Autriche - Почётный знак «За заслуги перед Австрийской Республикой» - Austria Vabariigi Teeneteorden

    Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um die Republik Österreich Decoration of Honour for Services to the Republic of Austria Ordre du Mérite Autriche Почётный знак «За заслуги перед Австрийской Республикой» Austria Vabariigi Teeneteorden

  • Governors of Makassar

    Gouverneurs van Makassar=..._____________________________________________________==Historisch perspectief (Historical Context) == (Under construction) ==Governors==**** 1694-1697 : Mattheus Schenkenberg ***** 1783 : B. Reike**

  • Karin Ollikkalan tyttäret - mtDNA

    Projektin tarkoituksena on koota kaikki Lapissa Ylitornion Marjosaaressa syntyneen Karin Erikintytär Ollikkalan äitilinjaiset jälkeläiset, jotka siis ovat perineet hänen mtDNAnsa ja periyttäneet sitä edelleen tyttärilleen. Pojatkin toki ovat saman haplon saaneet, mutta heistä se ei ole jatkunut seuraavaan polveen, siksi pojat saavat jäädä projektin ulkopuolelle.Karin ja neljässä seuraavassa pol...

  • Festival de Cannes 2014

    Directors and Jury=====The official selection of movies and their directors, and the members of the jury, for the 67th Festival de Cannes - May 14-25, 2014, in Cannes, France - and the winners. Festival web site... ====_____________________________________________________==Official Selection==* Director: Olivier Assayas - Film: Sils Maria * Director: Bertrand Bonello - Film: Saint Laurent * Dir...

  • Mom's Family

    IntroductionTracing my roots back to the Azores. My mom is from Feteiras do Sul, São Miguel.==Resources - Portuguese Parish Records for > Açores > São Miguel > Ponta Delgada > Feteiras Azores World GenWeb Project > Finding your Roots Find A Grave: Virtual Cemetery

  • Online Helpers

    What is this project all about?=Wanted merges=# Ariane # Maria del Carmen Cerruti # Maria del Carmen Carricart # Jorge Horacio Cerruti =Clutter and mess=

  • Kylä Syskyjärvi, Impilahti - aliprojekti Asutusluettelo

    Kylä Syskyjärvi, Impilahti -projektin pääsivulle = Impilahden Syskyjärven kylän asukkaita =Tälle sivulle kerätään Syskyjärven kylän asukasluetteloita eri lähteistä. Ideana on, että sivulle tulevat nimet ovat kuten alkuperäislähteessä, ja kustakin nimestä on linkki sukupuuhun. Aiempia ja myöhempiä ajanjaksoja tulossa pikkuhiljaa. Niitä saa myös lisätä (esim. ottamalla "urakaksi" jonkin tietyn lä...

  • Orkney - Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards

    Monumental Inscriptions, Cemeteries and Graveyards of Orkney == Historical County of Scotland Image right - Sandwick Cemetery, Orkney The aim of this project is to gather together information regarding cemeteries and graveyards in the county which either have available transcriptions or have been photographed and transcribed. Please update the project by adding links to any available monumental...

  • VOC Directors in Bengal

    VOC Directeurs in Bengalen=..._____________________________________________________==Historical Context== (Under construction) ==Directors==* 1655-1658 : Pieter Sterthemius * 1658-1663 : Mattheus van den Broucke* 1663-1665 : Rogier van Heyningen* 1665-1669 : (vacant) * 1669-1673 : Constantijn Ranst de jonge * 1673-1676 : François de Haze * 1677-1678 : Willem Volger* 1678-1680 : Jacob Verburgh* ...

  • R-BY18949 (Y-DNA)

    R-BY18949 is a subclade of haplogroup R1b-U106 , downstream of the small branch FGC3861/Z8052 .U106 > Z2265 > BY30097 > FGC3861 > Z8053 > S1855 > FGC17465 > FGC17460 > BY11544 > BY18942 > BY18949 R1b-U106 on Eupedia site: haplotrees on Yfull and Ytree sites: FTDNA public haplotree:

  • descendants of Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeu

    Voltaire claimed that Skanderbeu's Albanian revolt against the Ottomans had saved Italy and Western Europe. He has descendants in Italy, whose male lines are fairly easy to chart (which I have done) but whose female lines need much more expertise in Italian noble families than I possess. Through a grand-daughter he also has descendants in the Austro-Hungarian, Belgian, Luxembourg, Prussian, and...

  • Princeton University's First Football Players

    Genealogies of the 24 known members from Princeton's 1869 football team, which played the first intercollegiate football games (against Rutgers).List of members here: about the first football game here: Charles Scudder Barrett George S. Billmeyer Homer Davenport Boughner William Henley Frazier Buck Francis Clayton Burt William Cox Chambers Charles Winters Darst

  • Kylä Suontaka, Valkjärvi

    Tämä projekti on tarkoitettu kaikkien Valkjärven Suontaan kylässä asuneiden henkilöiden profiileille.Tämä projekti on keskeneräinen ja sitä päivitetään koko ajan.Projekti perustettu 8.11.2019 / Mirja Mappes

  • La Convention Nationale (1792-1795)

    The French National Convention=La Convention est le nom donné à l'Assemblée constituante qui gouverna la France du 21 septembre 1792 au 26 octobre 1795 lors de la Révolution française.=====The "Convention" is the legislative body that ruled France from 21 September 1792 til 26 October 1795, during the French Revolution.=====_______________________________________________________________________...

  • 3rd Regiment, Arkansas State Troops (CSA), US Civil War

    The 3rd Infantry, Arkansas State Troops (1861) was an Arkansas State infantry regiment that served during the American Civil War. The regiment was designated as the 2nd Infantry, Arkansas State Troops, by the State Military Board, but it was named the 3rd Arkansas by Brigadier General Nicholas Bartlett Pearce, Commander, 1st Division, Provisional Army of Arkansas.[1] The regiment is generally r...

  • Collège Lionel-Groulx

    Le Collège Lionel-Groulx est un collège d'enseignement général et professionnel situé à Sainte-Thérèse , dans la région administrative des Laurentides plus précisément dans la municipalité régionale de comté de Thérèse-De Blainville dans la province du Québec au Canada. Ce collège compte environ 5 200 étudiants en formation régulière et environ 2 000 en formation continue.Le Collège a été insti...

  • Curator Profile Exchange: Italian

    Fellow curators, please use this project to deposit any Master Profiles (MP) and some basic profiles who have a connections or relationships to Italy. who you no longer wish to curate. When assuming the role of curator of a profile, please do so with the intention of maintaining and improving them. Please be sure to remove profiles from the project when you assume curating responsibilities. Man...

  • Families of Busto Arsizio

    This project aims to collect genealogical and historical data about families of Busto Arsizio (Italy).Questo progetto mira a creare una raccolata di informazioni genealogiche e storiche a proposito delle famiglie di Busto Arsizio (Italia).

  • Irboska veretöö - Vabadussõjas Eesti reetnud ametiühingutegelased

    Irboska veretöö oli Eesti töölisliikumise 25 inimese hukkamine 3. septembril 1919 Irboskas. "Samuti kinnitati kongressil resolutsioon, milles nõuti Eesti Vabariigi valitsuselt rahu sõlmimist Vene Sotsialistliku Föderatiivse Nõukogude Vabariigiga." Sisuliselt kuulutas kongress end solidaarseks vaenlasega, kes Eesti Vabariigile 1918. aasta novembri lõpus oli tunginud kallale. "Vastuseks arreteeri...

46276-46300 of 72358 projects