Historical records matching Thibaud l'Ancien, comte de Blois
Immediate Family
About Thibaud l'Ancien, comte de Blois
Thibaud dit l'Ancien (né en 890 - mort en 943), vicomte de Blois en 906, vicomte de Tours en 908, puis comte de Tours et comte de Blois vers 940.
Il serait de haute extraction franco-bourguignonne et arrivé sur les bords de la Loire inférieure au début du Xe siècle. Il est le fondateur de la dynastie des Thibaldiens.
Il épousa Richilde de Bourges, connue aussi sous le nom de Richilde du Maine (v.890-† ap.942), fille de Hugues (v.862-892), comte de Bourges et de Rothilde (v.871-v.928), fille de Charles le Chauve et de Richilde d'Ardennes. Veuve d'Hugues de Bourges, Rothilde épousa en secondes noces Roger, comte du Maine.
Richilde de Bourges eut pour sœur Rohaut, la première épouse d'Hugues le Grand.
Avec Richilde, Thibaud eut trois enfants :
* Thibaud le Tricheur qui lui succéda dans ses « honneurs »
* Richard (†969), archevêque de Bourges
* une fille peut-être prénommée Adélaïde, mariée en premières noces au duc Alain Barbetote de Bretagne, en secondes noces au comte Foulque II le Bon d'Anjou, mort en 958.
* Pierre Riché, Les Carolingiens, une famille qui fit l'Europe, Hachette, coll. « Pluriel », Paris, 1983 (réimpr. 1997), 490 p. (ISBN 2-01-278851-3)
* Jean-Charles Volkmann, Bien Connaître les généalogies des rois de France (ISBN 2-87747-208-6 )
* Michel Mourre, Le petit Mourre. Dictionnaire d'Histoire universelle (ISBN 978-2-04-732194-2)
* Jean Gouget - Thierry Le Hête, Les comtes de Blois et de Champagne et leur descendance agnatique
THIBAUT [Tetbald] [I] "l'Ancien", son of --- (-[944], bur Tours Saint-Martin). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "Hastingo" sold "civitate Carnoto" to "Turonensi comiti Theobaldo" in 904[13]. Guillaume de Jumièges describes how "le comte Thibaut" bought the town of Chartres from Hasting the Viking[14]. Vicomte de Tours. "Domni Fulconis Andecavorum comitis, Tedbaldi Turonorum vicecomitis" subscribed the charter dated 30 Oct 909 under which the testamentary executors of "domni Gauzuini" donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours[15]. "…Tetbaldi vicecomitis…" subscribed the charter of "Hugo rector abbatiæ sancti Martini" relating to Tours Saint-Martin dated 931[16]. The identity of the husband of Richilde, and father of Thibaut [II] and Richard, is brought together by the charter dated to [944] under which "le comte Thibault père de Thibault" relinquished rights relating to "les terres de Vancé, de Joué, de Martigny et de Berthenay" to Tours Saint-Martin and paid for his future burial in the abbey[17]. m firstly ---. The primary source which confirms this first marriage has not yet been identified. It is likely that the only indication is provided by the charter, dated to [980], under which “Ledgardis comitissa necnon Hugo episcopus et filius meus et item filius meus Odo comes” donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis quondam senioris mei…Richildis quondam sanctimonialis, eiusque filii Richardi episcopi” (referring to “dicti comitis et fratris sui Theobaldi”, in relation to Bishop Richard)[18]. This charter confirms that Richildis was the mother of Richard and that Richard was the brother of Thibaut [II]. However, the absence of a phrase in the text such as “matris sui” linking “Richildis” to “Theobaldi comitis” suggests that she was not the mother of Richard´s brother Thibaut, and that therefore the brothers were born from different marriages of the same father. m secondly RICHILDIS, daughter of ---. Richildis is named as second wife of Thibaut in Europäische Stammtafeln[19] but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. The charter, dated to [980], under which “Ledgardis comitissa necnon Hugo episcopus et filius meus et item filius meus Odo comes” donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis quondam senioris mei…Richildis quondam sanctimonialis, eiusque filii Richardi episcopi” (referring to “dicti comitis et fratris sui Theobaldi”, in relation to Bishop Richard)[20] confirms that Richildis was the mother of Richard and that Richard was the brother of Thibaut. However, it provides no indication of the name of their father and therefore of Richildis´s husband. Comte Thibaut & his first wife had [one possible child]:
a) THIBAUT [II] ([910]-16 Jan [975/77]). "Le comte Thibault père de Thibault" relinquished rights relating to "les terres de Vancé, de Joué, de Martigny et de Berthenay" to Tours Saint-Martin and paid for his future burial in the abbey by charter dated to [944][21]. He succeeded [his father] in [944] as THIBAUT I "le Tricheur" Comte de Blois, Vicomte de Tours.
- see below.
Comte Thibaut & his second wife had two children:
b) RICHARD (-969). “Ledgardis comitissa necnon Hugo episcopus et filius meus et item filius meus Odo comes” donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis quondam senioris mei…Richildis quondam sanctimonialis, eiusque filii Richardi episcopi” (referring to “dicti comitis et fratris sui Theobaldi”, in relation to Bishop Richard), by charter dated to [980][22]. This confirms that Richildis was the mother of Richard and that Richard was the brother of Thibaut. However, the absence of a phrase in the text such as “matris sui” linking “Richildis” to “Theobaldi comitis” suggests that she was not the mother of Richard´s brother Thibaut, and that therefore the brothers were born from different marriages of the same father. Archbishop of Bourges 956/57.
c) daughter . The Chronicle of Nantes records the marriage of "Alanus dux" and "Theobaldum comitem Blesensem…sorore sua"[23]. Given the date of her marriage, and assuming that the estimated birth date of her brother Thibaut [II] is correct as shown above, it is probable that this daughter was born from her father's supposed second marriage. The Chronicle of Nantes records the marriage of "Theobaldus comes Blesensis…sororem suam relictam Alani Barbætortæ ducis" and "Fulconi comiti Andegavensi"[24]. m firstly (before [949/51]%29 [as his second wife,] ALAIN II Duke of Brittany, son of MATHEDOI [Matuedo] Comte de Poher & his wife --- de Bretagne (in Brittany [before 919]-952). m secondly (after 952) as his second wife, FOULQUES II Comte d'Anjou, son of FOULQUES I "le Roux" Comte d'Anjou & his wife Roscille de "Loches" ([920]-11 Nov 958).
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CENTRAL%20FRANCE.htm#ThibautIdied975):
THIBAUT [Tetbald] [I] "l'Ancien", son of --- (-[944], bur Tours Saint-Martin). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "Hastingo" sold "civitate Carnoto" to "Turonensi comiti Theobaldo" in 904[13]. Guillaume de Jumièges describes how "le comte Thibaut" bought the town of Chartres from Hasting the Viking[14]. Vicomte de Tours. "Domni Fulconis Andecavorum comitis, Tedbaldi Turonorum vicecomitis" subscribed the charter dated 30 Oct 909 under which the testamentary executors of "domni Gauzuini" donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours[15]. "…Tetbaldi vicecomitis…" subscribed the charter of "Hugo rector abbatiæ sancti Martini" relating to Tours Saint-Martin dated 931[16]. The identity of the husband of Richilde, and father of Thibaut [II] and Richard, is brought together by the charter dated to [944] under which "le comte Thibault père de Thibault" relinquished rights relating to "les terres de Vancé, de Joué, de Martigny et de Berthenay" to Tours Saint-Martin and paid for his future burial in the abbey[17]. m firstly ---. The primary source which confirms this first marriage has not yet been identified. It is likely that the only indication is provided by the charter, dated to [980], under which “Ledgardis comitissa necnon Hugo episcopus et filius meus et item filius meus Odo comes” donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis quondam senioris mei…Richildis quondam sanctimonialis, eiusque filii Richardi episcopi” (referring to “dicti comitis et fratris sui Theobaldi”, in relation to Bishop Richard)[18]. This charter confirms that Richildis was the mother of Richard and that Richard was the brother of Thibaut [II]. However, the absence of a phrase in the text such as “matris sui” linking “Richildis” to “Theobaldi comitis” suggests that she was not the mother of Richard´s brother Thibaut, and that therefore the brothers were born from different marriages of the same father. m secondly RICHILDIS, daughter of ---. Richildis is named as second wife of Thibaut in Europäische Stammtafeln[19] but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. The charter, dated to [980], under which “Ledgardis comitissa necnon Hugo episcopus et filius meus et item filius meus Odo comes” donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis quondam senioris mei…Richildis quondam sanctimonialis, eiusque filii Richardi episcopi” (referring to “dicti comitis et fratris sui Theobaldi”, in relation to Bishop Richard)[20] confirms that Richildis was the mother of Richard and that Richard was the brother of Thibaut. However, it provides no indication of the name of their father and therefore of Richildis´s husband. Comte Thibaut & his first wife had [one possible child]:
a) THIBAUT [II] ([910]-16 Jan [975/77]). "Le comte Thibault père de Thibault" relinquished rights relating to "les terres de Vancé, de Joué, de Martigny et de Berthenay" to Tours Saint-Martin and paid for his future burial in the abbey by charter dated to [944][21]. He succeeded [his father] in [944] as THIBAUT I "le Tricheur" Comte de Blois, Vicomte de Tours.
- see below.
Comte Thibaut & his second wife had two children:
b) RICHARD (-969). “Ledgardis comitissa necnon Hugo episcopus et filius meus et item filius meus Odo comes” donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis quondam senioris mei…Richildis quondam sanctimonialis, eiusque filii Richardi episcopi” (referring to “dicti comitis et fratris sui Theobaldi”, in relation to Bishop Richard), by charter dated to [980][22]. This confirms that Richildis was the mother of Richard and that Richard was the brother of Thibaut. However, the absence of a phrase in the text such as “matris sui” linking “Richildis” to “Theobaldi comitis” suggests that she was not the mother of Richard´s brother Thibaut, and that therefore the brothers were born from different marriages of the same father. Archbishop of Bourges 956/57.
c) daughter . The Chronicle of Nantes records the marriage of "Alanus dux" and "Theobaldum comitem Blesensem…sorore sua"[23]. Given the date of her marriage, and assuming that the estimated birth date of her brother Thibaut [II] is correct as shown above, it is probable that this daughter was born from her father's supposed second marriage. The Chronicle of Nantes records the marriage of "Theobaldus comes Blesensis…sororem suam relictam Alani Barbætortæ ducis" and "Fulconi comiti Andegavensi"[24]. m firstly (before [949/51]%29 [as his second wife,] ALAIN II Duke of Brittany, son of MATHEDOI [Matuedo] Comte de Poher & his wife --- de Bretagne (in Brittany [before 919]-952). m secondly (after 952) as his second wife, FOULQUES II Comte d'Anjou, son of FOULQUES I "le Roux" Comte d'Anjou & his wife Roscille de "Loches" ([920]-11 Nov 958).
Theobald - Vicomte of Troyes
B: abt 0885 Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, Orleanais/Centre, France
Theobald De TOURS
Born: ABT 854 -
Marr: -
Died: -
Other Spouses:
Born: ABT 858 -
Died: -
Other Spouses:
Theobald I, Count Of CHAMPAGNE
Born: ABT 913 - Of, Blois, , France
Died: 16 JAN 978 -
Theobald de Blois1
b. circa 880, d. 904
Theobald de Blois was born circa 880. He married Richilde de Bourges, daughter of comte de Bourges Hugh de Bourges, before 900. Theobald de Blois died in 904.
Richilde de Bourges b. before 892
* Gerlotte de Blois+ b. c 9002,3
* N. N. de Blois+ b. c 903?4
* Thibaut I "le Tricheur", comte de Blois+ b. b 904, d. 16 Jan 975
1. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 340-36.
2. [S209] Somerset Herald J.R. Planché, Planché, J.R..
3. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 295-37.
4. [S1073] Bernard S. Bachrach, Bachrach, pg. 267.
Theobald de Blois married Richilde de Bourges, daughter of comte de Bourges Hugh de Bourges, before 900.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p315.htm#i7561 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Theobald de Blois married Richilde de Bourges, daughter of comte de Bourges Hugh de Bourges, before 900.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p315.htm#i7561 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Thibaut of TOURS Viscount of Tours 1, 2 was born 885 in Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France. He died 942 in Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France. Thibaut married Richilde de MAINE on 911 in Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France.
Richilde de MAINE [Parents] 1, 2 was born 893 in , Maine, France. She married Thibaut of TOURS Viscount of Tours on 911 in Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France.
They had the following children:
M i Thibaut I "le Tricheur" of BLOIS Count of Blois was born 912 and died 16 Jan 978.
Theobald de Tours - was born before 0854, lived in Blois, France.
Theobald married Richende de Bourges. Richende was born in 0858, lived in Blois, France. .
Children: (Quick Family Chart)
i. Count Theobald I "le Tricheur" de Blois was born about 0913, lived in Blois, France and died on 16 Jan 0978 .
Vicomte de Blois et de Tours
From Geni profile ...
- Added by: "Skip" Bremer on June 11, 2007
- Managed by: Margaret, (C) and 144 others
- Curated by: Anne M Berge http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thibaud_l%27Ancien
Thibaud dit l'Ancien (né en 890 - mort en 943), vicomte de Blois en 906, vicomte de Tours en 908, puis comte de Tours et comte de Blois vers 940.
Il serait de haute extraction franco-bourguignonne et arrivé sur les bords de la Loire inférieure au début du Xe siècle. Il est le fondateur de la dynastie des Thibaldiens.
Il épousa Richilde de Bourges, connue aussi sous le nom de Richilde du Maine (v.890-† ap.942), fille de Hugues (v.862-892), comte de Bourges et de Rothilde (v.871-v.928), fille de Charles le Chauve et de Richilde d'Ardennes. Veuve d'Hugues de Bourges, Rothilde épousa en secondes noces Roger, comte du Maine.
Richilde de Bourges eut pour sœur Rohaut, la première épouse d'Hugues le Grand.
Avec Richilde, Thibaud eut trois enfants :
- Thibaud le Tricheur qui lui succéda dans ses « honneurs »
- Richard (†969), archevêque de Bourges
- une fille peut-être prénommée Adélaïde, mariée en premières noces au duc Alain Barbetote de Bretagne, en secondes noces au comte Foulque II le Bon d'Anjou, mort en 958.
- Pierre Riché, Les Carolingiens, une famille qui fit l'Europe, Hachette, coll. « Pluriel », Paris, 1983 (réimpr. 1997), 490 p. (ISBN 2-01-278851-3)
- Jean-Charles Volkmann, Bien Connaître les généalogies des rois de France (ISBN 2-87747-208-6 )
- Michel Mourre, Le petit Mourre. Dictionnaire d'Histoire universelle (ISBN 978-2-04-732194-2)
- Jean Gouget - Thierry Le Hête, Les comtes de Blois et de Champagne et leur descendance agnatique
THIBAUT [Tetbald] [I] "l'Ancien", son of --- (-[944], bur Tours Saint-Martin). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "Hastingo" sold "civitate Carnoto" to "Turonensi comiti Theobaldo" in 904[13]. Guillaume de Jumièges describes how "le comte Thibaut" bought the town of Chartres from Hasting the Viking[14]. Vicomte de Tours. "Domni Fulconis Andecavorum comitis, Tedbaldi Turonorum vicecomitis" subscribed the charter dated 30 Oct 909 under which the testamentary executors of "domni Gauzuini" donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours[15]. "…Tetbaldi vicecomitis…" subscribed the charter of "Hugo rector abbatiæ sancti Martini" relating to Tours Saint-Martin dated 931[16]. The identity of the husband of Richilde, and father of Thibaut [II] and Richard, is brought together by the charter dated to [944] under which "le comte Thibault père de Thibault" relinquished rights relating to "les terres de Vancé, de Joué, de Martigny et de Berthenay" to Tours Saint-Martin and paid for his future burial in the abbey[17]. m firstly ---. The primary source which confirms this first marriage has not yet been identified. It is likely that the only indication is provided by the charter, dated to [980], under which “Ledgardis comitissa necnon Hugo episcopus et filius meus et item filius meus Odo comes” donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis quondam senioris mei…Richildis quondam sanctimonialis, eiusque filii Richardi episcopi” (referring to “dicti comitis et fratris sui Theobaldi”, in relation to Bishop Richard)[18]. This charter confirms that Richildis was the mother of Richard and that Richard was the brother of Thibaut [II]. However, the absence of a phrase in the text such as “matris sui” linking “Richildis” to “Theobaldi comitis” suggests that she was not the mother of Richard´s brother Thibaut, and that therefore the brothers were born from different marriages of the same father. m secondly RICHILDIS, daughter of ---. Richildis is named as second wife of Thibaut in Europäische Stammtafeln[19] but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. The charter, dated to [980], under which “Ledgardis comitissa necnon Hugo episcopus et filius meus et item filius meus Odo comes” donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis quondam senioris mei…Richildis quondam sanctimonialis, eiusque filii Richardi episcopi” (referring to “dicti comitis et fratris sui Theobaldi”, in relation to Bishop Richard)[20] confirms that Richildis was the mother of Richard and that Richard was the brother of Thibaut. However, it provides no indication of the name of their father and therefore of Richildis´s husband. Comte Thibaut & his first wife had [one possible child]:
a) THIBAUT [II] ([910]-16 Jan [975/77]). "Le comte Thibault père de Thibault" relinquished rights relating to "les terres de Vancé, de Joué, de Martigny et de Berthenay" to Tours Saint-Martin and paid for his future burial in the abbey by charter dated to [944][21]. He succeeded [his father] in [944] as THIBAUT I "le Tricheur" Comte de Blois, Vicomte de Tours.
- see below.
Comte Thibaut & his second wife had two children:
b) RICHARD (-969). “Ledgardis comitissa necnon Hugo episcopus et filius meus et item filius meus Odo comes” donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis quondam senioris mei…Richildis quondam sanctimonialis, eiusque filii Richardi episcopi” (referring to “dicti comitis et fratris sui Theobaldi”, in relation to Bishop Richard), by charter dated to [980][22]. This confirms that Richildis was the mother of Richard and that Richard was the brother of Thibaut. However, the absence of a phrase in the text such as “matris sui” linking “Richildis” to “Theobaldi comitis” suggests that she was not the mother of Richard´s brother Thibaut, and that therefore the brothers were born from different marriages of the same father. Archbishop of Bourges 956/57.
c) daughter . The Chronicle of Nantes records the marriage of "Alanus dux" and "Theobaldum comitem Blesensem…sorore sua"[23]. Given the date of her marriage, and assuming that the estimated birth date of her brother Thibaut [II] is correct as shown above, it is probable that this daughter was born from her father's supposed second marriage. The Chronicle of Nantes records the marriage of "Theobaldus comes Blesensis…sororem suam relictam Alani Barbætortæ ducis" and "Fulconi comiti Andegavensi"[24]. m firstly (before [949/51]%29 [as his second wife,] ALAIN II Duke of Brittany, son of MATHEDOI [Matuedo] Comte de Poher & his wife --- de Bretagne (in Brittany [before 919]-952). m secondly (after 952) as his second wife, FOULQUES II Comte d'Anjou, son of FOULQUES I "le Roux" Comte d'Anjou & his wife Roscille de "Loches" ([920]-11 Nov 958).
Foundation for Medieval Genealogy (http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CENTRAL%20FRANCE.htm#ThibautIdied975):
THIBAUT [Tetbald] [I] "l'Ancien", son of --- (-[944], bur Tours Saint-Martin). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records that "Hastingo" sold "civitate Carnoto" to "Turonensi comiti Theobaldo" in 904[13]. Guillaume de Jumièges describes how "le comte Thibaut" bought the town of Chartres from Hasting the Viking[14]. Vicomte de Tours. "Domni Fulconis Andecavorum comitis, Tedbaldi Turonorum vicecomitis" subscribed the charter dated 30 Oct 909 under which the testamentary executors of "domni Gauzuini" donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours[15]. "…Tetbaldi vicecomitis…" subscribed the charter of "Hugo rector abbatiæ sancti Martini" relating to Tours Saint-Martin dated 931[16]. The identity of the husband of Richilde, and father of Thibaut [II] and Richard, is brought together by the charter dated to [944] under which "le comte Thibault père de Thibault" relinquished rights relating to "les terres de Vancé, de Joué, de Martigny et de Berthenay" to Tours Saint-Martin and paid for his future burial in the abbey[17]. m firstly ---. The primary source which confirms this first marriage has not yet been identified. It is likely that the only indication is provided by the charter, dated to [980], under which “Ledgardis comitissa necnon Hugo episcopus et filius meus et item filius meus Odo comes” donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis quondam senioris mei…Richildis quondam sanctimonialis, eiusque filii Richardi episcopi” (referring to “dicti comitis et fratris sui Theobaldi”, in relation to Bishop Richard)[18]. This charter confirms that Richildis was the mother of Richard and that Richard was the brother of Thibaut [II]. However, the absence of a phrase in the text such as “matris sui” linking “Richildis” to “Theobaldi comitis” suggests that she was not the mother of Richard´s brother Thibaut, and that therefore the brothers were born from different marriages of the same father. m secondly RICHILDIS, daughter of ---. Richildis is named as second wife of Thibaut in Europäische Stammtafeln[19] but the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. The charter, dated to [980], under which “Ledgardis comitissa necnon Hugo episcopus et filius meus et item filius meus Odo comes” donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis quondam senioris mei…Richildis quondam sanctimonialis, eiusque filii Richardi episcopi” (referring to “dicti comitis et fratris sui Theobaldi”, in relation to Bishop Richard)[20] confirms that Richildis was the mother of Richard and that Richard was the brother of Thibaut. However, it provides no indication of the name of their father and therefore of Richildis´s husband. Comte Thibaut & his first wife had [one possible child]:
a) THIBAUT [II] ([910]-16 Jan [975/77]). "Le comte Thibault père de Thibault" relinquished rights relating to "les terres de Vancé, de Joué, de Martigny et de Berthenay" to Tours Saint-Martin and paid for his future burial in the abbey by charter dated to [944][21]. He succeeded [his father] in [944] as THIBAUT I "le Tricheur" Comte de Blois, Vicomte de Tours.
- see below.
Comte Thibaut & his second wife had two children:
b) RICHARD (-969). “Ledgardis comitissa necnon Hugo episcopus et filius meus et item filius meus Odo comes” donated property to Saint-Martin de Tours, for the souls of “Theobaldi comitis quondam senioris mei…Richildis quondam sanctimonialis, eiusque filii Richardi episcopi” (referring to “dicti comitis et fratris sui Theobaldi”, in relation to Bishop Richard), by charter dated to [980][22]. This confirms that Richildis was the mother of Richard and that Richard was the brother of Thibaut. However, the absence of a phrase in the text such as “matris sui” linking “Richildis” to “Theobaldi comitis” suggests that she was not the mother of Richard´s brother Thibaut, and that therefore the brothers were born from different marriages of the same father. Archbishop of Bourges 956/57.
c) daughter . The Chronicle of Nantes records the marriage of "Alanus dux" and "Theobaldum comitem Blesensem…sorore sua"[23]. Given the date of her marriage, and assuming that the estimated birth date of her brother Thibaut [II] is correct as shown above, it is probable that this daughter was born from her father's supposed second marriage. The Chronicle of Nantes records the marriage of "Theobaldus comes Blesensis…sororem suam relictam Alani Barbætortæ ducis" and "Fulconi comiti Andegavensi"[24]. m firstly (before [949/51]%29 [as his second wife,] ALAIN II Duke of Brittany, son of MATHEDOI [Matuedo] Comte de Poher & his wife --- de Bretagne (in Brittany [before 919]-952). m secondly (after 952) as his second wife, FOULQUES II Comte d'Anjou, son of FOULQUES I "le Roux" Comte d'Anjou & his wife Roscille de "Loches" ([920]-11 Nov 958).
Theobald - Vicomte of Troyes
B: abt 0885 Blois, Loir-Et-Cher, Orleanais/Centre, France
Theobald De TOURS
Born: ABT 854 -
Marr: -
Died: -
Other Spouses:
Born: ABT 858 -
Died: -
Other Spouses:
Theobald I, Count Of CHAMPAGNE
Born: ABT 913 - Of, Blois, , France
Died: 16 JAN 978 -
Theobald de Blois1
b. circa 880, d. 904
Theobald de Blois was born circa 880. He married Richilde de Bourges, daughter of comte de Bourges Hugh de Bourges, before 900. Theobald de Blois died in 904.
Richilde de Bourges b. before 892
- Gerlotte de Blois+ b. c 9002,3
- N. N. de Blois+ b. c 903?4
- Thibaut I "le Tricheur", comte de Blois+ b. b 904, d. 16 Jan 975
1. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 340-36.
2. [S209] Somerset Herald J.R. Planché, Planché, J.R..
3. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 295-37.
4. [S1073] Bernard S. Bachrach, Bachrach, pg. 267.
Theobald de Blois married Richilde de Bourges, daughter of comte de Bourges Hugh de Bourges, before 900.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p315.htm#i7561 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Theobald de Blois married Richilde de Bourges, daughter of comte de Bourges Hugh de Bourges, before 900.
See "My Lines"
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p315.htm#i7561 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
Thibaut of TOURS Viscount of Tours 1, 2 was born 885 in Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France. He died 942 in Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France. Thibaut married Richilde de MAINE on 911 in Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France.
Richilde de MAINE [Parents] 1, 2 was born 893 in , Maine, France. She married Thibaut of TOURS Viscount of Tours on 911 in Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France.
They had the following children:
M i Thibaut I "le Tricheur" of BLOIS Count of Blois was born 912 and died 16 Jan 978.
Theobald de Tours - was born before 0854, lived in Blois, France.
Theobald married Richende de Bourges. Richende was born in 0858, lived in Blois, France. .
Children: (Quick Family Chart)
i. Count Theobald I "le Tricheur" de Blois was born about 0913, lived in Blois, France and died on 16 Jan 0978 .
Vicomte de Blois et de Tours
Om Thibaud l'Ancien, comte de Blois (Norsk)
Theobald, (Gerlon) (den Gamle) Greve av Blois og Tours
Thibaud den gamle (født i 890 - døde i 943), visegreve av Blois i 906, visegreve av Tours fra 908, deretter greve av Blois og Tours til 940. Theobald kom trolig fra Franco burgundiske adelsmennene og bosatte seg i begynnelsen av 900-tallet i Loire-dalen
Han var gift 2 ganger. Hans første kone er ukjent. De hadde sønnen Theobald I. Det finnen ingen kilde på at hans andre kone Rickhilde var hans mor.
Han giftet seg andre gang med Richilde de Bourges, også kjent under navnet Richilde Maine f. 890 død ca 942, datter av Hugues 862-892, greve av Bourges og Charles og hans kone Rothilde.
Med Richilde hadde Thibaud 2 barn:. Richard død 969, erkebiskop av Bourges og Roscille, gift første gang med Hertug Alain Barbetote av Bretagne, i andre ekteskap greve Foulque II gode av Anjou, døde i 958. En krønike av Alberic de Trois-Fontaines registrerer at "Hastingo" solgt "civitate Carnoto" til "Turonensi comiti Theobaldo" i 904.
Thibaud l'Ancien, comte de Blois's Timeline
890 |
Blois, Loir-et-Cher, Orleanais/Centre, France
904 |
908 |
Blois, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val de Loire, France
910 |
925 |
930 |
Chârtres, Eure-et-Loir, France
943 |
Age 53
Troyes, Aube, Champagne, France
Age 53
Tours Saint-Martin, France
???? |
Theobald I 'The Cheat' of CHARTRES (Count of Chartes)