Robert de Ros of Wark

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Robert de Ros of Wark

Birthplace: Wark Castle, Wark-on-Tweed near Cornhill, Northumberland, England (United Kingdom)
Death: 1296 (19-28)
Immediate Family:

Son of Robert de Ros, Lord of Wark and Margaret de Brus, Heiress of Kendal
Husband of Lora de Baliol
Father of Margaret de Ros and Isabel de Ros
Brother of William de Ros, of Downham

Managed by: Private User
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About Robert de Ros of Wark


Robert de Ros of Wark was born in about 1272. He is said to have been born at Wark Castle in Northumberland, England. Magna Carta Ancestry

On 25 September 1298 Robert de Ros of Wark was forfeited by Edward I, King of England, probably because he joined William Wallace and took part with him in the Battle of Stirling Bridge. [Geoffrey W. S. Barrow, Robert Bruce and the Community of the Realm of Scotland, page. 102] William de Ros, the brother of Robert de Ros, was part of the garrison that held Stirling Castle for Edward I, King of England. When it fell to the Scots, Wallace spared the life of Robert de Ros for the sake of his brother but imprisoned him in irons in Dumbarton Castle. [Geoffrey W. S. Barrow, Robert Bruce and the Community of the Realm of Scotland, note 10 on page. 344]


Robert de Ros of Wark died before 30 January 130, when her granddaughters Margaret and Isabel de Ros, daughters of Robert de Ros, were recognized as the next heirs in blood to their deceased grandmother, Margaret de Ros. Inquisitiones Post Mortem According to Douglas Richardson, he died in or soon after 1296. Magna Carta Ancestry

Evidence from the National Records of England


427. Margaret de Ros. Writ, 30 Jan. 35. Edw. I (1307). Westmorland. Inq. made at Appleby on Thursday before St. Gregory 35 Edw. I. Kendal. A moiety of the barony of Kendal, except the vale of Kentmer, held at one time of the king in chief by service of a knight's fee; out of which moiety of the barony she enfeoffed: - Roger de Lancastre of the vale of Ridale to hold of the king in chief by service of one quarter knight's fee, whereof he has the king's charter; William de Ros, her son, of the castle of Kirkeby in Kendal with a fourth part of the town of Kirkeby and with the hamlets of Hoton, Haye, Scalthaytrige, Stirkeland Randolf, and Grenrige, with 45 acres land of the demesne of Helsington, and the tenures of William son of Adam and Henry de Wytfalhevd in Hogayl, with the mills of the castle (?) (de castro), Hoton, Grenrige, Styrkland Randolfe and Dillaker, and a moiety of the mills of Patten Grarige and Respton, to hold of him and the heirs of his body, with remainder to Marmaduke de Thweng and his heirs, of the the king in chief by service of a miety of three parts of a knight's fee, whereof the said William has the king's charter of confirmation, and a fine was levied between him and the said Margaret, so that she had no fee or free tenement therein, Marmaduke Thweng of the manor of Helsington, except 45 acres of demesne, a fourth part of the town of Kyrkeby in Kendal with the hamlets of Hogayl and Stavelay except the tenures of William son of Adam and Henry de Wytfalhefud in Hogayl, a moiety of the hamlets of Crosthayth, Gresmer and Langden, and the mill of Helsington with a moiety of the mills of Crosthayth, Respton, Gresmer and Langden, to hold to him and the heirs of his body, with remainder to William de Ros and his heirs, of the king in chief by service of a moiety of three parts of a kinight's fee, whereof the said Marmaduke has the king's charter of confirmation, and a fine was levied between him and the said Margaret, so that she had no fee or free tenement therein. Margaret and Isabel, daughters of Robert de Ros of Werk, aged 15 and 12 respectively, are her next heirs in blood. C. Edw. I. File 126. (3.) Calendar of Inquisitiones Post Mortem and Other Anologous Documents Preserved in the Public Records Office, Vol. Iv. Edward I. (HMSO., London, 1912), inquisition number 427 on pp. 284-85


Edward II. 5 March 1310-11: 199. The K. to W. bishop of Worcester, the chancellor. As John de Knockes the husband of Isabella daughter and one of the heirs of the late Robert de Ros of Werke, has asked his wife's purparty of her father's lands both in England and Scotland, and the K. hears that William son of Sir William de Ros of Hamelake is in possession of the manor of Werke, he commands that the sherrif of Northumberland be instructed to summon William to appear before the K. on the morrow of next Ascension Day, to shew cause whu he should not resign the lands to the claimants under conditions granted by the late K. to Sir John Comyn and his adherents. Berwick-on-Tweed [Privy Seals (Tower), 4 Edw. II. File 5.] Calendar of Documents Relating to Scotland Preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, Vol. III, A.D. 1307-1357, pp. 39-40


6 Edward II 30 July 1312: 282. The K. refering to the conditions on which his late father received John Comyn of Badenagh and his Scottish adherents to his peace - that the late Robert de Ros of Werk was among these, and John Salvayn and John de Knoches, the husbands of Margaret the first born and Isabella the younger (postnata) daughters and heirs of the said Robert, have represented that their wives were under age and entitled to the conditions of the peace with Comyn, and were born and baptized in Scotland, as proved before the Chancellor of Scotland by its laws and customs, and have offered their homage - commands the escheator ultra Trent to give John Salvayn, whose homage he has taken, and Margaret his wife, seisin of their property, being one half of Robert's lands, retaining the other half of John de Knoches and his wife till further instructions. London [Close, 6. Edward II. m. 29.] Ibidem, p. 56


28 September 6 Edward II (1312): 396. Robert de Ros of Werk, a Scotch rebel, deceased. Writ of extent and partition, on petition of John Salveyn and John de Knoches and Margaret and Isabel their wives, daughters and heirs of the said Robert, that his lands, etc., may be rendered to them in accedance with the late King Edward's grant to John Comyn of Badenoch and other men of Scotland who were at war against him, the said Margaret and Isabel having been born in Scotland, and having proved their ages before William de Bevercotes, the King's Chancellor of Scotland, 28 Sept. 6 Edw. II.

Northumberland. Inq. Thursday after St. Scholastica, 6 Edw. II. Belcestre and Flaynemelore in Tyndale. The manors (full extent given), including a right of pasture (herbagium) called Le Haukstrothre, and shielings (scalinge) called Lynchele, Todholes, and Ramcshawes, were held by Margaret mother of the said Robert, on the day of his joining the King's enemies, viz. - part by way of dower and part in lieu of her third part of the lands of Le Senewhare in Scotland, and ought now to revert to the said Margaret and Isabel, whereupon John de Aleinscheiles, the sub-escheator, came to give seisin of the said manor of Belestre to the attorney of John Salvayn and Margaret his wife, as their pourparty of the said manors, but Thomas son of Eustace the forester of Belestre, with others unknown, held the capital messuage by force so that he could not execute his office.

Northumberland. Inq. taken at Morpeth on Thursday after St. Hilary, 6 Edw. II. John de Aleinscheiles, sub-escheator, having made extent and partitian of the lands, etc., of the said Robert and assigned pourparty to John Salvayn, came near the castle of Werk to deliver him seisin in the king's name, and there Simon le Warenner of Werk, and others (specified), by the counsel of Richard del Fermorie of Werk, arrested him on the king's high way, violently led him towards the Twede, and took from him all the king's writs, with extent, partition, and otherwarrants, and letters found upon him and his clerk, and returned to the castle of Werke, so that he cannot and dares not execute the king's mandate further. C. Edw. II. File 29 (9.) Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem, number 396 on page 218


20 February 1314: Canterbury. To John de Evre, escheator beyond the Trent. Order to make partition of the lands of Robert de Ros of Wark, deceased, a Scotch rebel of late king, in two parts in presence of his heirs, if they choose to attend, and to cause John Salvayn and Margaret his wife, the eldest daughter of the said Robert, to have seisin of her puparty as her esnecy, retaining in the king's hands the puparty of John de Knoches and Isabella his wife, the youngest daughter of the said Robert, the said Margaret and Isabella, who were born and baptized in Scotland, having proved their age before William de Bevercotes, chancellor of Scotland, and the king having taken homage for Margaret's pupartity, as it appears to the king that Margaret and Isabella were under age when the late king granted whilst in Scotland, to John Comyn of Badenauh, for himself and his men of Scotland who had been at war with the late king, that their lives and limbs should be saved, that they should be quit of imprisonment, and that they should not be disinherited, and that their heirs then under age should enjoy the same conditions. Calendar of the Close Rolls Preserved in the Public Records Office, Edward II. A.D. 1313-1318, p. 40


Robert de Ros of Wark married Laura de Baliol, daughter of Alexander Baliol of Cavers and Isabella de Douvres.



ROBERT DE ROS, son and heir of Robert de Ros by Margaret de Brus. He was a minor at the time of his father's death in 1274 but he was allowed to take possession of Wark in May 1274, until the King's return to England. In June 1294 he was summoned to the Council about the affairs of Gascony, and for service there. Summoned to Parliament 24 June and 1 October 1295, by writs addressed Roberto de Ros de Werk, whereby he is held to have become LORD ROS OF WARK. Early in that year he appears to have done service in Wales under the Earl of Lincoln. In March 1295/6, he went over to the Scots, and routed his brother William, who had been furnished by the King with troops for the defence of Wark. The King himself then occupied the castle (17-28 March), before a successful campaign in Scotland. Robert fled to his castle of Sanquhar, and finally into hiding, dying soon after in poverty. His lands were declared forfeit for treason, and any peerage conceived to have been created by the summons of 1 October 1295 became extinct. He married Laura (a) and died s.p.m. in or soon after 1296. [Complete Peerage XI:121-2] (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]


  1. Magna Carta Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, Second Edition (2011), page 296
  2. rootsweb]
  3. [Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom, by G. E Cokayne, Sutton Publishing Ltd, 2000 Page: XI: 121-2]

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Robert de Ros of Wark's Timeline

Wark Castle, Wark-on-Tweed near Cornhill, Northumberland, England (United Kingdom)
January 31, 1291
Kingdom of Scotland (not yet part of the United Kingdom)
January 31, 1294
Age 24